seriously though............

Like it or not the statement made about many elite level guys not waiting until their late 20s/30s is probably pretty accurate. Atleast from my exposure to high level powerlifting the last few years.
Man oh Man. Mr. Bostin Loyd, what a retard. This dude, is the prime example of someone who was dropped on his head at birth. The saddest part of it all is people are taking his advice based on what? He looks like shit and his brain is on par with his physique.

In the words of Lee Priest, he should put an IV in his arm and fuckin blow in it.
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Like it or not the statement made about many elite level guys not waiting until their late 20s/30s is probably pretty accurate. Atleast from my exposure to high level powerlifting the last few years.

The thing about it is, the top pros DID NOT get to where they are because of drugs. They got to where they are because of genetics, and then added drug to something that was already awesome. They didn't take drugs to make up for something that wasn't.

People like Bostin Loyd should get in trouble for the shit that he does. He is knowingly harming other people. The amount of drugs he has people on is going to cause health issue in the future, and that's a fact.
The thing about it is, the top pros DID NOT get to where they are because of drugs. They got to where they are because of genetics, and then added drug to something that was already awesome. They didn't take drugs to make up for something that wasn't.

People like Bostin Loyd should get in trouble for the shit that he does. He is knowingly harming other people. The amount of drugs he has people on is going to cause health issue in the future, and that's a fact.

I do agree with genetics being the largest factor. Partly the genetic response to the drugs as well.

I would like to say I wasn't condoning Boston loyds recommendations, I see this as a public way for him to get himself in some trouble. Its one thing helping someone who is legally an adult, but a minor I definitely do not agree with.
I do agree with genetics being the largest factor. Partly the genetic response to the drugs as well.

I would like to say I wasn't condoning Boston loyds recommendations, I see this as a public way for him to get himself in some trouble. Its one thing helping someone who is legally an adult, but a minor I definitely do not agree with.

Oh didn't think you were I was just saying. Because that moron thinks it only 10% genetics and the rest is drugs. And ya of course its genetic response to drugs as well, but that falls under genetics.

I hope Bostin Loyd can read all of this, thatd be awesome lol.

Like why on earth would someone follow that guys advice? Seriously, hes a tool and he doesn't even look good. Im not sayin looks equal knowledge, you know what Im getting at. If Im gonna hire a coach is going to be someone who has accomplished some things for himself as well as other. What has Bostin done?.....jack shit.
Well I can't say Ive ever heard of any of his athletes period lol, let alone placing well. But I don't follow BB all that much.

To me the most impressive thing a coach can have is a list of people he has helped succeed, regardless of his own accomplishments. Being able to achieve something yourself doesn't mean you can coach someone else to as well.
Well I can't say Ive ever heard of any of his athletes period lol, let alone placing well. But I don't follow BB all that much.

To me the most impressive thing a coach can have is a list of people he has helped succeed, regardless of his own accomplishments. Being able to achieve something yourself doesn't mean you can coach someone else to as well.

Exactly what Im saying lol

And I agree with the last statement 100%

I wonder what Bostin charges for his advivce. I guarantee people are getting ripped cleaned right off lol. Anything over $1 for a plan of any sort would be getting ripped off.
*HUFF*This *PUFF* fifte-*GASP*-en year old *BURP* kid is going *WHEEZE* to *BURP-GASP* be a forrrr*HUFF*ceeee*PUFF* to reckon..


Fuck that kid, I don't care if pros started at 15 or younger - that's their business and they have DNA that puts them at the top regardless. He's just giving AAS a bad name, and giving kids bad ideas.

Congratulations to him though, he's an e-celebrity in all its glory. :Puke:
Lol I've had people come to me after being "coached" by Boston and some other fool who's name I forget...

Here's the basic protocol: follow my set meal plan (CLEAN gainz brah) and take a shit load of drugs (1g+ test per week, high dose tren, dnp, t3, etc for someone who has NEVER taken any drugs before and is 20...I kid you not).

Boston is also the same dude who claimed its all about drugs and then completely changed his tune to its all about diet after he fucked up a few contests.
You would have to be a complete retard to hire someone to coach you when the dude doesn't even know how to coach himself :)