sesitivity to oil or deca??


New member
My home brew came out perfect but my shots hurt for 4-5 days. I had pain when I used QV Deca and Test but none when I used Test and EQ from Roschmann/Berkley. Im wondering if Im sensitive to the sesame seed oil or the 15% BB I use to thin oil. I only used 3% BA. ANy opinions?? Oh, and Merry Christmas to all!!
I can't remember if it is the QV test enan or cyp, but people tend to get a lot of pain from one and not the other. I can't make any sense out of that. All that I know if that QV makes an inferior product.
It's the QV enanthate that is notorious for pain. Cyp doesn't seem to bother most people.
Stone said:
It's the QV enanthate that is notorious for pain. Cyp doesn't seem to bother most people.
i'm the complete opposite. I made up some Enanthate and Cyp. the cyp just leaves me with hugh lumps and pain for 3-4 days. I made them the same day @ 250 mgs ea.
When I first made the cyp i thought it was the BB giving me the pain until My tren A ended up being painless. I used 15% BB in both the Tren and cyp. So it has to be the Cyp.