Hey 49er ,maybe the tren u are using is bunk too? Or maybe it's your diet u seem to think tren can take care of a shit ass diet?
It's been stated before and multiple times, your goals happen in the kitchen, u goto the gym and pump, rest to grow, now if your diet is subpar or awful u can pump iron all day long and get nowhere, fuck man u think u would know this the amount of shit u talk, as I said before u learn from.your mistakes, I goto the gym with the bb approach, do I even remotely try to lift crazy heavy nomore, fuck no, I have changed my style quite abit and obviously has showed, I even threw my ego away on my dieting approach and got 3j, something maybe u should consider once again TREN MAN
My god your retarded ive said several times i been too puss too diet like already stated your doimg something wrongnand have women genetics lol.... my tren is top notch i already said many times why im not leasn so try something else
Bro, my gains show, why cause I don't bulk all year round man
Your bulk just means u like to eat like a fat kid
Sad that tren doesn't help a shitty diet which people should look at 49er's pics and come to conclusion with a piss poor diet even the big dog tren can't help a shitty diet, thanks for revealing what is now known 49er
What u want to see a fat picture of me before I slowly started my chop bro?
Here's a off season fat pic of me, approx 230lbs before I started to lean down