Lean out then we will talk until then u are no competition for me
Lol i will i wanna see your next excuse dillusional turd
Lean out then we will talk until then u are no competition for me
dam 13 pages of bull shit. what are u rats even fighting about lmao
Who the fuck you calling a rat bitch??
You guys are boring me talking about your pretty figures and symmetry. Let's hear what your raws are. Bench, Deadlift and Squats for a total. BustaRhymes will be the first to tell you that your lifts are what really matters. That or how many homeruns you hit or how many touchdowns you rush for. These are Performance Enhancing Drugs.
I have a pic up on my profile while off cycle. I'm holding good fat too. Run over and roast me so I can join the fun!
You guys are boring me talking about your pretty figures and symmetry. Let's hear what your raws are. Bench, Deadlift and Squats for a total. BustaRhymes will be the first to tell you that your lifts are what really matters. That or how many homeruns you hit or how many touchdowns you rush for. These are Performance Enhancing Drugs.
well, i ended up staying an extra hour in work just to read thru all the posts on this. very entertaining. didnt really help the poor O.P. who was looking for help tho.
as for bustinass, id have thought that someone advocating a protein only keto diet wouldnt keep bringing all that pudding....
protein only keto diet, wtf you on about sunny boy? keto has 120grams of protein max, HIGH fats and no carbs. so where you read protein only diet = nobody knows
Apologizing for the sideways pic... Not very good with computers or iPhone
such a poor argument claiming you win an argument because you have a better body, especially against someone who doesn't post pictures of himself as we're talking about a illegal subject. Completely stupid.
Not to mention, most positions of authority make decisions based upon knowledge not from first hand experience. They talk to people that have experience through their studies, but at the end of the day are known for their judgement.
You don't judge your financial planner by how much money they have made (yet). You don't judge your basketball player's ability by how tall they are. You don't judge your sumo by how much they weigh. You don't judge your doctor by how healthy they look. You don't judge your banker by how much profit they've made.