foun this..
this is the only article i could find about this subject...
Masturbation and consequent orgasm depletes the brain and spinal fluids of acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin and the hormones such as hGH, DHEA, testosterone, thyroxin (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3), neurotransmitters that are responsible for human functioning and very important when it comes to sex. This deficiency melts the brain’s acetylcholine/parasympathetic, dopamine and serotonin nervous functions and your endocrine functions. The damage results in the symptoms of bladder and prostate problems; frequent urination, incontinency, semen leakage, enlarged prostate, etc.
People also experience hair loss and they have no idea why they are losing hair. Even young men come to me and wonder why they are losing hair. The answer lies in the imbalances of the bodies nutrients and hormones that over masturbation produces. Over burning of testosterone into DHT and the excessive DHT binds to the root of hair cells, blocking it from growing and cutting off supplies of nutrients and proteins so that hair will thin and eventually stop growing.
Frequent ejaculation also depletes the body of serotonin which then strikes an imbalance of serotonin and melatonin production (which controls your biological clock and tells you when to sleep and when to get sleepy). Serotonin on the other hand is responsible for fighting stress and anxiety and focusing on concentration…it then gets converted to melatonin for a good night’s sleep to recharge. People who over-masturbate tend to experience lack of concentration, focus, fatigue, and this is a direct result of depleting their bodies of serotonin.
Some of the people I have helped are clueless and don’t understand that pain usually means something is wrong. If ejaculating hurts…stop doing it! Frequent ejaculations deplete your body of prostaglandin E-1 and until the body can produce sufficient amounts of that nutrient, there will be pain and soreness after ejaculating. Allowing the body to recover before ejaculating again is the first step. People also complain of pain in the prostate (which is due to an enlarged prostate that also restricts urine flow and contributes to incontinency) after ejaculation. I tell them that their PSA levels have been elevated too high and won’t return to normal levels until another day or so. This is why the prostate is swollen and should be given time to rest before ejaculating again
The male orgasm is a wondrous thing. Through contractions, semen is released through the urethra. However, what is odd about this is that urine is supposed to travel through this tube. So doesn’t that mean that semen will become contaminated by traveling the same path that urine does? The answer is no because, precum, a lubricating, clear, sticky formula, cleans the urethra before ejaculation. However, what does it mean when precum is present long before a man hits the brink of orgasm?
Semen leakage is a sign of the weakening of the parasympathetic sexual nerve that keeps the ejaculation valve shut and hold the erection. Eventually maintaining of erection can be a problem.
For people with weak parasympathetic sexual nerves, 20-30 minutes of foreplay can drain their bioenergy. Erection is like a light bulb that continuously consumes energy. Once the bioelectric voltage in the parasympathetic nerve runs low, the penis will become limp. Long foreplay requires a powerful testosterone burst that burns continuously to charge the parasympathetic erection circuit. Otherwise, the erection will go limp or a man will ejaculate upon penetration or in a short time after few strokes.
Men who experience weak erections often rely on the tightening of the PC muscles in order to keep the erection alive. This puts added stress on the prostate gland and trains the PC muscles to contract, mimicking a state of orgasm that will open the ejaculation valve prematurely, allowing semen to leak. This contributes to premature ejaculation. Therefore, a firm erection is absolutely necessary when it comes to fighting premature ejaculation and seminal leaking.
However, to hold the erection up and tighten the ejaculation valve, you still need a basic resting potential in the parasympathetic sexual motoring nerve and a continuous burst and burning of testosterone to charge the nerves during sex. Testicular stimulation during intercourse can help the testosterone burst and burning to increase the penile power and combat seminal leakage that often contributes to premature ejaculation not to mention embarrassment in front of a sexual partner.
Health supplements such as Power E for older men or LastLonger III for younger men can improve maintaining erection by giving more natural testosterone as fuel for the parasympathetic sexual nerve. It is also recommended during the intake of Power E or Last Longer III to stop or decrease the frequency of ejaculation allowing ejaculation control valve to build strength.
If ejaculation-control-valve nerve is undercharged, you will feel your prostate become very unconformable and irritated after ejaculating. Both Power E and LastLonger III can give the parasympathetic nerve a full recharge in a short time after ejaculating, so that you don't need a nap or sleep to recharge the prostate's parasympathetic nerve.
By improving the quality of a man’s erection, feeding the tissues and nerves with nutrients and hormones, and strengthening the ejaculate valve, a man can overcome seminal leakage and no doubt conquer other sexual problems associated with leaking precum.
The burning of testosterone by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase produces bioelectric energy (bioenergy) to recharge the nervous system. The burning of testosterone produces Dihydrotestosterone which heats up the body and dilates the tissue when there is sufficient Human Growth Hormone agent, L-arginine, to produce the erection mediator Nitric Oxide (NO) with the NO synthesis enzyme (NO synthase).
The bioenergy is distributed throughout the body via the parasympathetic nervous subsystem and consumed by the sympathetic nervous subsystem to support activities and body functions internally and externally. The bioenergy stored by the parasympathetic sexual nerve in the sex organs becomes sexual energy for powering an erection. The sexual energy is discharged by a special sympathetic function. Erection or engorgement also consumes part of the bioenergy. That is why those who don't have enough sexual energy will lose excitement in a few minutes after engaging in sex.
However, sexual energy can be continuously elevated by a burst of testosterone and 5-alpha reductase during a sexual encounter, but it high depends on the individual's endocrine function powered by the bioelectricity of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and its parasympathetic nervous subsystem (PNS) that controls endocrine glands.