Sex but no love??


My girl and i have been together for a little over a year. We have a child together and everything. We have sex, but i feel like somethins missing.
I love her and im assuming she loves me lol. But when we're in the bedroom, we dont kiss or make-out. Which is fine with me because im not big
on kissing and she says she isnt either. Which is surprising for a female to say. She doesnt look at me during sex either. Maybe she's insecure?
She's younger than me and im a good looking guy, im just wondering if this is normal behavior.
My girl and i have been together for a little over a year. We have a child together and everything. We have sex, but i feel like somethins missing.
I love her and im assuming she loves me lol. But when we're in the bedroom, we dont kiss or make-out. Which is fine with me because im not big
on kissing and she says she isnt either. Which is surprising for a female to say. She doesnt look at me during sex either. Maybe she's insecure?
She's younger than me and im a good looking guy, im just wondering if this is normal behavior.
Brother if something doesn't feel right you best be talking to her.
Don't listen to these guys, it could just be that shes really insecure. I would talk to her about it though. It may or may not be an issue. Women are impossible to figure out but communication is key.
maybe its just her way , but one thing ive learned is to follow your gut. if something feels off, it might be. MIGHT. if your relationship is great in all other sectors , you might be over thinking it. if it really bothers u , just ask her
Sex without love is usually called a booty call or friends with benefits. Bro, it sounds like you're dealing with an FWB relationship. You should talk to her. See if she's either in love with someone else or just don't have the same love for you. Either way, I know it will hurt.
Depends man, the no kissing thing? Me and the wife go through phases. The no looking thing? Thats odd. Take here out to dinner or something then for a walk some place nice. You spend enough alone time with a chick without talking and they will sooner or later spill their guts on how they are feeling. If you bring it up direct she may get more insecure and act funnier. If that doesnt work then go for the direct method.
No kissing? thats weird to me since I feel you can get the most sexual feeling from just kissing alone. With my girlfriend, when we kiss I feel the love more then just some 15min quicky. esp if she really gives me an all out sexy kiss :) Girls usually love to kiss more than you eatting their box. Thats weird that shes not "big" into kissing. But talk with her, like stated above communication is the key to a relationship.
like others have said talk to her and see whats up. Second off I dont want to be downer but maybe its just not meant to be. I know sometimes people have kids and they try to do the right thing, and feel as if they have to stay together when it truely doesnt work. If this is the case sometimes its better to part ways and be on civil terms vs drag it out until one cheats and then mom and dad are always one bad terms.

But really in my opinion being married for almost 7 years now and having serious relationships in the past there are phases a couple will go through. I think most married men and women for that fact will probably tell you that at times you cant even stand the look of the others face, if somebody says they havent had this feeling their probably lying. Really I think about 10% of the time youll have that feeling, 20% of the time you'll feel as if its your honeymoon and the other 70% of the time its probably going to be a steady average feeling. I know some guys at least claim they have crazy porn sex all the time and Im sure some do, but you be with somebody enough and long enough its going to be just that sometime, a peice.
Yep!! And make sure the kid has the same DNA.

I know some of us are saying this joking but it is kind of serious. Personally if I had a kid with somebody I wasnt married to I would be a doing a a DNA check before we went any further. You can buy those kits online and I would just do it without telling, I know this shows major mistrust but it would east my mind. And if you were truthful about it, you would be opening up a huge can of worms.

True story. My dads friend had a kid at like 18. Wasnt with the mom forever. They split up and decided he really wouldnt be in the picture which he was fine with. So he paid his support and some for 14 years on time and whatever else. Well the old lady after 14 years got bold and decided she wanted more of the pie from him, guess the guy did ok for himself and she was just looking for more. Well he said ok, but I want a DNA test first, if its good ill pay what you want. Guess what wasnt his kid, and he stopped sending the checks.
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