Sex while on gear?

You guys better stop talking about sex or else... jk. Appleton yea dude gotta use the ninja focus sometimes to 'cross the finish line' lol
If going for some tough PR's, avoid sex or meat pulling before your workout. The chemicals you release post-orgasm are great for relaxing, but this can be counter productive for tougher workouts.
You guys better stop talking about sex or else... jk. Appleton yea dude gotta use the ninja focus sometimes to 'cross the finish line' lol

when it applies to steroid interaction I am positive its permitted here, its just when its stupid sex talk I am sure its not permitted as sex is EVERYWHERE these days sex is the main reason I am into this lifestyle, sad part is that many get into aas and then cant even get it up anymore when it comes time to hit the big one due to bad cycles. live and learn I guess.
If going for some tough PR's, avoid sex or meat pulling before your workout. The chemicals you release post-orgasm are great for relaxing, but this can be counter productive for tougher workouts.

Maybe that's why my strength was down last night. Spent a good part of the day making whoopee

A month ago I introduced low dose test to my menopausal wife. In a few short weeks it was on like donkey kong. She loves it, and I'm not complaining. No negative sides as of yet. Using mostly decoanate ester
The only context I remember ever hearing sex/jerking off being a bad thing was discussions of natural test levels. Seems like most of that was proven to be BS anyway. If the tren didn't want me to fuck 15x/day, it wouldn't tell me to.

I've heard about test making women go nuts, but does anyone know what kind of effect var has on a women's libido?
when it applies to steroid interaction I am positive its permitted here, its just when its stupid sex talk I am sure its not permitted as sex is EVERYWHERE these days sex is the main reason I am into this lifestyle, sad part is that many get into aas and then cant even get it up anymore when it comes time to hit the big one due to bad cycles. live and learn I guess.

Well thats cause these dummys dont use an ai and are very uninformed, my sex drive has been insane all cycle jesusmy chick was tripiin a bit but when i told her the other night about the gear she was still on the wall cause she dated a guy that was on gear and never wanted to have sex.... what a shmuck, chick is sexy as hell, so he prob had some issues lol
The only context I remember ever hearing sex/jerking off being a bad thing was discussions of natural test levels. Seems like most of that was proven to be BS anyway. If the tren didn't want me to fuck 15x/day, it wouldn't tell me to.

I've heard about test making women go nuts, but does anyone know what kind of effect var has on a women's libido?

I've heard good things about var and the female libido, and then others feel blah. Did nothing for my wife even at 10mg 2x/day. .5 mg psl decoanate test every 2 weeks booyah! Gotta go..I hear her callin me now>