Sexual issues: serious replies only

How long ago did you cut out the tren? On a tren blast when I come off my libido always suffers because Im a fuck machine on tren.

When I come off tho and even if I am on 300mg of test/week my libido suffers. You need to get bloodwork and see what your prolactin and e2 levels are like. Because you might need to either up your AI, might need prami, or it could all just be in your head. You never know..
That's fine and all but you're just deflecting. I made a good point and uh, well, you know I did. My logic wins out. And just to add insult to injury, it's easier to post on a forum than to get bloodwork, boss. I told you exactly what I took, for approximate times, and exactly what my issues are. I suppose it's my error to assume that you would have either the knowledge or wisdom to make a reasonable guess.

I'm sorry, I just don't have time for assholes on the Internet anymore. Thanks for nothing man.

Aww, look. Another RETARD that has absolutely NO business playing with hormones, and he decides he's automatically not only more intelligent than the rest of us - but feels free to call names like a child when challenged.

I absolutely agree with you; you had ZERO reason to post your questions. You should have known how to run hormones properly before inserting that needle in your body.

But, that would require some actual investment of time on your part. Gosh, such a travesty, isn't it? Even worse, you would have to spend some of your allowance to have quantitative data significant enough to suggest a route of action.

Life sure is rough isn't it?

I'm getting a pretty clear picture here; you're just a lazy, illiterate, pompous, ignorant child that is clearly used to getting his way. Shame on me for replying to a thread with a title that obviously screams DOUCHE ALERT, as I gave you exactly what you needed.

Good luck with your dick pal. Perhaps your impressive logical powers of deduction can make the little guy stand up for you. :cool:
That's fine and all but you're just deflecting. I made a good point and uh, well, you know I did. My logic wins out. And just to add insult to injury, it's easier to post on a forum than to get bloodwork, boss. I told you exactly what I took, for approximate times, and exactly what my issues are. I suppose it's my error to assume that you would have either the knowledge or wisdom to make a reasonable guess.

I'm sorry, I just don't have time for ME on the Internet anymore. Thanks for nothing man.

you'll come back now you hear :)
How long ago did you cut out the tren? On a tren blast when I come off my libido always suffers because Im a fuck machine on tren.

When I come off tho and even if I am on 300mg of test/week my libido suffers. You need to get bloodwork and see what your prolactin and e2 levels are like. Because you might need to either up your AI, might need prami, or it could all just be in your head. You never know..

I mean it's probably that isn't it? It's absolutely not psychological haha I have like reduced sensitivity down there. So plan of action would be to try upping the AI, and if issues continue run prami? That makes sense.
I mean it's probably that isn't it? It's absolutely not psychological haha I have like reduced sensitivity down there. So plan of action would be to try upping the AI, and if issues continue run prami? That makes sense.

No!!!!!! Plan of action would be blood work. You could easily make things worse by blindly taking medications.

How old are you?
Bro, you are currently running 200mg of prop every day, and just stopped with the tren at 200mg every day.

That is 1400mg a week!!!

That's like 3 times what most guys would consider a stout tren cycle. And now you're gonna cheap out on blood work?

That's pretty fucked up.

Go back to basics, run 600mg a week of prop and get blood work.
It's hard for me to understand how someone could drop all that coin on prop and tren, plus all the food and be too cheap to see how his body is reacting to the crazy ass cycle you are injecting daily. Has the tren messed with your mental capacity? This is real life, serious shit. Go get your blood work. And quit with the crazy ass 1400mg a week tren cycles.
I mean it's probably that isn't it? It's absolutely not psychological haha I have like reduced sensitivity down there. So plan of action would be to try upping the AI, and if issues continue run prami? That makes sense.

You have been asked for bloodwork results over and over again. Do it.