Shin splints ---------------------


New member
Trying to lose some lard from my stomach but cant run or bounce on my feet. After 3 days of running my shins feel like they are being pushed from inside out and the pain is unimaginable and I cant run through it because it only gets worse. Other workouts get me tired too quick. Are shin splints fixable or do I have to see a doctor to get some special shoes?
Big Fat Sweaty Thank you
Stop running and start walking. I prefer to walk on the treadmill at an inclined angle at a steady speed than torture myself running.
Your shoes must be designed for the type of surface you're running on.
You hammered your shins because you don't run correctly. Instead of putting the toes down first, you put the heel, so that's why you have shin splints.
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Bro, go to the local pool and do pool workouts! Does wonders for getting rid of those unwanted spares. And you get to workout your eyes too with all those broads in bikinis. Lol