short dbol cycle to improve performance


New member
It is not my first cycle. Had very nice and successful 12week sust-cycles. Have a lot of 5mg dbols left and some nolvadex. Now my question: I would like to improve my performance for some weeks during summer and competition time (kind of anaerobe and aerobe performance needed. Dbol quit good. Epo as well, but I don’t like to touch, to few application information around). Do you think this is ok like this:
Week 1 10mg/day
Week 2 20mg/day
Week 3 25mg/day
Week 4 25mg/day
Week 5 25mg/day
Week 6 10mg/day
Week 7 Nolv100mg/day
Week 8 Nolv100mg/day

Or would you say:
- forget it, to much risk for liver
- forget it, will not help much
- Nolv is not enough
- Other comments

thanks, every comment is welcome
Of course, this content is only theoretical. There is no link to reality.