Should I be worried about long lasting deca d*ck if i'm on trt?


New member
So I was going to run Tren but now i'm bouncing back towards deca. Scared of Trens kidney impact (if it's even true)

I've heard stories of deca d*ck lasting years.. I don't care if I have limp d*ck while on cycle but when i'm off I can't have it..

single right now and don't plan on sleeping around. I have a VERY high sex drive.. i'm talking if I don't get off at least once a day I lose my mind. I don't want this to go away.. I don't care if I lose it on cycle but I can't have permanent libido issues from using deca..

i'm on trt so i don't care if I crash my natural lvls as they are already gone. I'm thinking of a test/deca cycle with aromasin.

Should I worry? Or do you think realistically i'd bounce back?
I've ran Deca and NPP (fast acting Deca) a ton of times over the the years, from 200mg for joint issues, to 800mg. I've never once had issues with by dick or libido . control your estrogen from day one, don't let it build up and then effect prolactin as well and you'll be just fine.
Deca itself does not cause deca dick, prolactin does.

on a side note: I'll probably never run Deca again, as Tren is far better and I actually get less sides running Tren . I may do short runs of NPP , but definitely no long 14 week runs of Deca.
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So I was going to run Tren but now i'm bouncing back towards deca. Scared of Trens kidney impact (if it's even true)

I've heard stories of deca d*ck lasting years.. I don't care if I have limp d*ck while on cycle but when i'm off I can't have it..

single right now and don't plan on sleeping around. I have a VERY high sex drive.. i'm talking if I don't get off at least once a day I lose my mind. I don't want this to go away.. I don't care if I lose it on cycle but I can't have permanent libido issues from using deca..

i'm on trt so i don't care if I crash my natural lvls as they are already gone. I'm thinking of a test/deca cycle with aromasin.

Should I worry? Or do you think realistically i'd bounce back?

Bounce back is really a term reserved for return to natty test production however I understand your question. Deca dick s not a quarantee. It s always s a possibility with both E-D and drive that running even test (until you dial it in ) to have either mal function.

I believe ur over analyzing this as people tend to bitch and complain more than sing the praises of a compound , lab . IMO just running multi compounds with no bad sides is noteworthy. Bad alarmist news spreads, good news is taken for granted.

Tren s powerful and little doses to start like 50 tren A on m w f or e o d will let you see within 2-3 weeks if your tolerant first off and if you like it.
I LOVE it but know small doses make a huge difference FOR ME and with time, trial and error you too will know what s the sweet spot on what compounds dose for you.
I do not do deca for 2 reasons. It s very slow to come on line AND it makes my blood thick. I love the joint assistance one derives from it but I need not be stronger or f k n massive.
NPP is an option. It s short estered deca and should deca or 19 nor dick loom you can drop it and it s gone in a week or two. Deca s detectable though not anabolic for 3-6-9 month s after cessation.


Pick your potential prick s poison and take the leap-tren at low doses, npp low dose and report back.
There are prolact, antag s you can introduce to counter 19 nor sides but that s why I do low doses of tren as I take no
No ai s
No ancilliaries at all.
No supplement s at all ever BUT THATS ME. I do not recommend u do anything like me except go low go slow live forever.
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Deca dick s not a quarantee. It s always s a possibility with both E-D and drive that running even test (until you dial it in ) to have either mal function.

Not recommending it but back in the 80's and early 90's information wasn't as readily available as nowadays.

Ran two stand alone nandralone deca cycles made big gaines never had deca dick and was horny and humping every day.
Bounce back is really a term reserved for return to natty test production however I understand your question. Deca dick s not a quarantee. It s always s a possibility with both E-D and drive that running even test (until you dial it in ) to have either mal function.

I do not recommend u do anything like me except go low go slow live forever.

Teut a very good post....

and I understand Deca pretty good I've done plenty of cycles. Back in my day I knew nothing of what I know now. I just thought well that's steroid and what to do ? huh I didn't .

My last cycle Test 500mgs and Deca 600mgs I was to the best of my ability was keeping a close communication with sides cause I know them well. But even though all the others sides weren't any problem but my prolactin got up there . So even with an erection I couldn't cum. I added a bit more to me Adex and had my doc wrote me script .

So I am still having some difficulty however my Prozac raises my Prolactin. Cialis take real good care of my boners ! lol
Ya gotta get more labs IMOP and know your E2 status to keep it under stick control but you will have to find you level for you.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ both great post s and you got almost a century talking to you.

Delayed ejaculation is my 19 nor issue.
Last night my 31 yr old cum bucket of the month was pounded into hamburger and cried Uncle ! Older women love it.

The moral of my rambling s--U got to see what work for you and the ton s of information although bewildering it would seem is so much more than we 3 had. Do anything but be sensible. Have Prami or caber on hand and if u don t need it NOW u may when you go up. When I see young in s starting new stuff w 4 5 6 800 mg s of it your daring mother nature to throw a side effect at you as your body cannot maintain it s ultimate goal HOMEOSTASIS; W HIGH DOSE of gear it s impossible w o help-ie more drugs.
I had both mamarrie s cut out as I was making milk..
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My sex drive and erections have been absolutely insane on my test/deca cycle, especially with this new girl, she thinks i'm superman lol. Dont be scared
My sex drive and erections have been absolutely insane on my test/deca cycle, especially with this new girl, she thinks i'm superman lol. Dont be scared

maybe its the girl causing your high sex drive and erections and not the test/deca cycle. Ive been with enough of hot girls to not need anything to get it up all they have to do is walk into the room and BOING!!!!
Yea for sure man i have always had a high sex drive and she is definately the major reason i was just sharing that my cycle has not effected me negitavely in that department if anything it has been very positive