No dont have any resson to cut
What u think my bodyfat is hovering around?
Up to you, but either way you'll definitely need more gear.
Personally Matt the Test that high ( not bad) will give you a lot of aromatase conversion with the Deca and I think you might be happier with less water n problems to deal with. For Deca I think it should be run at 600mg week for bulking. Keeping the test lower 500-600mgs. You know how to use your AI and you will certainly need to monitor with the Test and Deca combination.
Remember the Tren will not act as an AI, it just won't bloat you as you build hard mass.
So what drop my test down to 500mg/week, deca at 600mg/week and tren at 300mg/week?
I would look pro status on that much gear. You sure its real?
Im sorry but with the looks of that chestne you got going on..something is out of whack.
..maybe drop to a trt dose and learn proper form/nutrition?
The only thing youve gained is gyno
Also, why shave half of your stomach?