should i even be thinking of an AI at this point?


I am banned!
i'm on around 175-180mg test cyp a week, along with 300mg masteron and 700mg tren ace.

i've never touched masteron before but from what i know, you only need minimum AI when you're cycling with test. but what if you're running it with test at a TRT dose like me? i know that when i run test @ 250mg a week, i need .25mg adex every 3-4 days or so..
Blood work will answer your question far better than we can. It's possible that you won't, but many men need an AI on TRT too. ;)
I feel that what you are already using is good.0.25 e3-4 days.As Austinite has said, mast doesn't play a significant role with respect to e2 levels.
i'm on around 175-180mg test cyp a week, along with 300mg masteron and 700mg tren ace.

i've never touched masteron before but from what i know, you only need minimum AI when you're cycling with test. but what if you're running it with test at a TRT dose like me? i know that when i run test @ 250mg a week, i need .25mg adex every 3-4 days or so..

Bye e92. You are a troll!