Should i extend my Test E Cycle ??? feeling the effect sort of late


New member
so here's the deal...

1st cycle of test E @ 500 a week... started feeling real increase of strength around week 8-9... I am in week 11 now and initially had planned to do a 12 week cycle... still have a little bit left on my 3rd vial and a complete 4th.

HCG @ 500 a week, and Aromasin @ 12.5 a day.... So far i have put on @ 26 pounds, and i am @ 216 pounds (YES, i put on some fat as well which is killing me)... all of my cloths have shrunk and i checked 2 weeks ago, i have put on 1 inch on each arms.

Side effects... so far NONE, thank God. Here and there i would get lower back pain, and i wanted to hump anything that walked, still do God damn it.

Since i started to feel the effect real late, should i extend my cycle to 14 or 16 weeks then start PCT or just stay on schedule and cut the cycle at 12 weeks ?
is this your first cycle?

test e tends to kick in from weeks 5 and on, i personally wouldnt extend but thats just my 2 cents
Yeah I would. I usually really count the week when my gear kicks in. Like if I'm on Test E then it kicks in on week 4 then I make an additional log for the weeks it kick it. Since it kicked in 4-8 week would be good, too bad it it didn't kick in earlier for you.

That's why people say EQ is useless if you don't run it for 12 week cause it make take 7-8 weeks to kick in. Lets say it kicked in on week 8, then you would benefit from the effects if it was taken for 4 weeks since the day it kicks in.

Make sense?
i wouldn't extend it Romeo. you say you have put on 26 lbs

do a proper post cycle therapy (pct), eat right, keep lifting, recover and do another cycle 3 months down the road
Yes.. This is my 1st cycle.

so 2 in favor of ending it at 12 weeks... and one person to extend it. If i were to extend it, what do you think is a proper extension ? 2 more weeks? 4 more weeks ?
I would end it of I were you being you don't know how long your body will react to the recovery process yet(how long you take to fully recover). You did put on 26lbs lol, so don't get too greedy. Just wait until next cycle and decide if you want to extend it next cycle or just keep it at 12 weeks and throw in some dbol for a starter.
so people are still in favor of ending it @ 12 weeks.

Does the fact that, i had low Testosterone reading of 314 before starting the cycle, have anything to do with why Test E kicked in pretty late for me ?
so people are still in favor of ending it @ 12 weeks.

Does the fact that, i had low Testosterone reading of 314 before starting the cycle, have anything to do with why Test E kicked in pretty late for me ?

No. If anything you should have seen faster results in the beginning since your body's obviously not used to producing high amounts of test even on the natural spectrum(45-700ng). I myself have a low test level naturally(I'm 18) and sure as hell don't get insane results in strength or size considering my diets in check, so I can't imagine how my body will transform when I start my 10-12 weeks cycle. Just remember though, if your body's not accustomed to producing a naturally large amount of test, the recovery is going to be potentially harder. This is why you stop at 12 weeks. Your body obviously doesn't like producing testosterone so it'll stop producing it for as long as possible if not forever if you get on something like 16 weeks. I'd say 12 is the max for a 1st cycle.
so people are still in favor of ending it @ 12 weeks.

Does the fact that, i had low Testosterone reading of 314 before starting the cycle, have anything to do with why Test E kicked in pretty late for me ?

I doubt people would be in favor of ending it soon if they were on the cycle.

Given your taking the right protocol with a test only cycle at the norm dosage and are taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to keep your testicles to keep producing test. I would extent it, not cause you looking to pack 20 more lbs but to enjoy the delay effect, as well as obtain strength gains.
There is no harm whatsoever with extra 4 weeks on the cycle. Unless other first timers who stack aas on aas on their first cycle, your doing it right without a million sides and not know which aas caused it.

Run that shit and enjoy
@ Dbolsmoothie ... i was thinking the same way.. i am almost 32 years old and given that my natty test is low, i figured that weekly dose of Test E @ 500 would make me walking around feeling invincible... actually the first month i got sick twice (common flew i guess)... had a minor knee injury where i couldn't workout for a week... but other than that, i was feeling normal... my weight was going up, yet i didn't get that God-like feeling that everyone was talking about...come mid of week 8, early 9, that's when i started to feel the aggression in the gym... that's why i am considering adding 2 more weeks.

@ alphamale_devon... looks like i am going to extend it... i see what you are saying, maybe 14 weeks total.
I would end it of I were you being you don't know how long your body will react to the recovery process yet(how long you take to fully recover). You did put on 26lbs lol, so don't get too greedy. Just wait until next cycle and decide if you want to extend it next cycle or just keep it at 12 weeks and throw in some dbol for a starter.

"Don't get greedy" . . . that is some wisdom right there!

You are young and have dozens of cycles ahead of you. post cycle therapy (pct) and assess this cycle from A-Z.

26lbs pounds alone is scary when you consider what your organs are doing to support this new amount of blood pushing and pulling through your heart and kidneys every minute 24-7.

This isn't race man, this is a slow game.
Greed hasn't nothing to do with it, it would be a waste to not get all of the benefits then partial. That's like working hard for a new car then once you get it don't come with the stereo and air conditioner but you have it and their willing to install for free but your friends tell you " no, its nice enough already don't be greedy, there is always next time when youre gonna get a new car".
Go to the store and buy 26lbs of steak. Probably 10-15lbs once you end it with water weight loss and all that. Go buy 10-15lbs of steak. That's what you've put on your body!!!