significant other realizing mass gain... shoot me excuses


New member
So I'm running var and test. Starting to put on some size.
Lifting consistently for 5 yrs and cycled before and she knows.

I can't admit to it because that'd be the end. I've been bragging about new years resolution and I've been dieting and hitting the gym hard.

Today she said she's gunna take a picture to make sure I'm not growing fast.. I replied with no way really you think I look bigger ? He'll yeah. Playing stupid.

Any suggestions?? Lolol thx.
If it is a girlfriend you should lie. If it is your wife, tell the truth -- unless you are heading down the path to divorce .
idk what the problem is, hide ur gear wear big baggy shirts so she doesnt notice and just say ur natty and have good genetics

I suppose that advice makes sense if you wear big baggy clothes to bed, don't shower infront of your partner, don't have sex and are happy lying to them about something that could seriously affect your health. Other than that it makes perfect sense.
I agree with Mega. If your wife isn't down with your lifestyle then you probably aren't that compatable. I'm recently divorced and I'm speaking from my personal experiences had to hide alot over the years and guess what I guess what we weren't really compatable.

Good luck with what ever you decide. I can tell you one thing I've never been more happy.
cant he just say he has good genetics natty? i mean i doubt his bitch wife/gf knows jack shit about bodybuilding

I think your derogatory disposition towards women highlights your key lack of regard for their intelligence and how fucking obvious it is to your intimate partner when you touch AAS.
I agree with Mega. If your wife isn't down with your lifestyle then you probably aren't that compatable. I'm recently divorced and I'm speaking from my personal experiences had to hide alot over the years and guess what I guess what we weren't really compatable.

Good luck with what ever you decide. I can tell you one thing I've never been more happy.

I agree. How old are you and your partner? If been together for a while she knows you aren't natty. So one or two options here as you will continue to grow, diet and cycle pending. 1- tell the truth! 2- tell the truth with a twist, and tell her you were diagnosed with low t and are using! But if this is the life you want "AAS " then she will know eventually. Good luck.
Ahh dem feels when my Wife gets my gear and injects it into me, she does all the drawing and pinning i just have to expose the area i want pinned.
....and it s not just the gain s but the pct will reflect a significant change as well. I do not know your wife.

But if she said what she did, and you blatantly will get it in the end..."what else are you lying about".....
GF. I always use '' test boosters, and some new creatine and glutamine/bcaas/ protein/ diet/ lift hard excuse.''

22/ 20 yrs old. she knows i used, and currently sell... its in front of her face all the time. just one of those things you can't admit.. together 1.5 yr
By: 3J
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

I have had the pleasure of being a mod on a few forums over the years. With that position comes a lot of time spent on the forums. Today I want to brush up on the use of anabolics and their impact on the users relationship with their significant other. It is no secret that the use of anabolics in society comes with a taboo. Anabolic steroid users are considered ***8220;meat heads***8221; who are uneducated and know nothing but the gym. They are also thought to be druggies and people who ***8220;cheat to get ahead.***8221;

Believe it or not, this whole idea of anabolic steroid users first started in the Olympics and then blew up due to accusations of use in the MLB. With that came the shame of use as we know today. But the truth is anabolic users are educated people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle for the most part. So what happens when you have a spouse or significant other who doesn***8217;t know about your anabolic use? Do you keep it from them? Do you tell them straight out?

I have followed a policy of truth with my wife. When I initially met her, I told her nothing about my involvement with anabolics. My reasoning for hiding it was simple, I didn***8217;t know her well enough to tell her I used anabolics. I believe rule #1 in disclosure is the value of disclosing such information to a person. In other words, if the girl is just a fling, treat her that way. She doesn***8217;t need to know your use of anabolics just as she doesn***8217;t need to know your deep dark secrets.

But what happens when you decide you want to take it a step further? The day I decided I wanted to take my relationship further, I decided I needed to disclose my use of anabolics. You see, a policy of truth comes with consequences. You have to be prepared for an onslaught of questions and concerns from your significant other who is likely more uneducated in the topic of steroids than a child. They only know what they hear: steroids are bad for you. When I told my now wife that I had used anabolics in the past she freaked out a little bit. Her worries were about my health. So you have to explain the use of anabolics to your wife like you would a newbie. You have to be honest about the risks and benefits. You have to be able to debate the use to her and validate your use. If you cannot put her mind at ease than you will never win. If you get angry and give her an ultimatum, that might be the last thing you give her.
Is it worth losing your significant other over the use of anabolics? Absolutely not! But, if you do tell her and she absolutely refuses to accept your choices then maybe that person is not the right person for you?

Hiding the use of anabolics from your significant other is never a good idea. In a relationship trust is the most important thing. Once that***8217;s out of the picture your whole world could become a mess. I***8217;ve seen multiple relationships go down the drain because someone***8217;s girlfriend or wife found his anabolics and confronted him. Take the road less traveled in this situation. Talk to your loved one. Tell them you what you want to do. Be kind and be patient with them as they process the information. When I told my wife I wanted to go on HRT, I did so with bloodwork and educational material. She didn***8217;t hesitate to allow me to get medicated once she saw everything. Give your significant other a chance to accept who you are.

Good luck to you all!
Take her to the gym with you and she will see how hard you lift. That helps. If she just sees your size gains but none of the work then she will always wonder.
Yeah i am sure you take allot of other stuff, and say u added a PH or something... thats one way...
other way is how long on your cyccle are you... if you are close to finishing...then the problem wont get out of control if you are towards the beginning the ph way might just be a good way out... good luck brudda
sorry just pisses me off when females get involve in this shit like who cares lol enjoy the body or gtfo dumb girl

And again, you really seem to be a misogynist. Women can be intelligent and beautiful creatures worthy of the same respect you show any man. To truly love a woman you must be able to appreciate that she can be every bit as brilliant as you and enjoy watching her succeed doing what she loves. It sounds as if you're missing the trust and respect part in your relationships and hating on all women for what some woman may have done in your past.

A good place to start would be to stop calling women bitches and dumb girls, as a generalisation.
I agree with Mega. If your wife isn't down with your lifestyle then you probably aren't that compatable. I'm recently divorced and I'm speaking from my personal experiences had to hide alot over the years and guess what I guess what we weren't really compatable.

Good luck with what ever you decide. I can tell you one thing I've never been more happy.

I think this is a comical statement..

My wife and I are best friends, have each others back for everything.. She has never touched a drug or pain pill in her life.. How do you think she would feel about me jucing?
I've been with my gf for 3 years in March. She knows that I'm on TRT, she knows that I'm going to cycle, etc. I talked to her about it before hand, before any of it started. I explained the misconception of AAS use, how it can be abused, how it can be used properly and safely, and also the possible dangers. She's on the ride with me, and her only concern is my health and well being. To be honest. If I spoke to her about it and she was absolutely against it and said she would leave me, or whatever other threat, if I went on TRT, etc., I would probably choose to part ways.

To start with, I already have a mother, no one will control my actions. I will discuss them with you, but that doesn't mean that you have control over me, or get to veto them, just because we are in a relationship.

Second, to know me is to know that I research thoroughly and learn as much as possible before acting. That doesn't mean that I still won't make mistakes, or that I know everything, or everything will always be perfect, it just means the person should know that I don't act impulsively, and rush in half cocked.

Especially regarding TRT, I was doing what I needed to do to make myself better. I continue to monitor all of my hormones including my thyroid which has been slightly hypo my whole life it seems and I didn't know it until now. If you have a problem with me trying to make myself better then there's the door.

That's how I live my life. In this day and age I get this way isn't for everyone. With the continued pussification of society, and the portrayal of men as idiots everywhere in media, many women think they are the smart one that needs to make sure the dumb man doesn't kill himself. Anyone that tries to tell me I'm NOT going to do something (within the boundaries of what's not breaking relationship boundaries, such as being with another woman) will find out that I can, I will, and if they don't like it they can choose to leave.
I think this is a comical statement..

My wife and I are best friends, have each others back for everything.. She has never touched a drug or pain pill in her life.. How do you think she would feel about me jucing?

Just a thought but I respect anyone, man OR woman, more if they level with me instead of finding out on my own that they've been lying to me for years.
If your using anabolics and your wife doesn't suspect anything, she is either stupid, really naive, or your doing something really wrong in your training diet etc