signs of abcess?


New member
i'm tapering down since i broke my hand.i've been tapperring off from 1 ml of denkall t-400 every 4 days to .6ml of it.
the first shot of t-400 in the glute without my e.q and deca to cut the pain was fine.
my second tappering dose is a different story in the quad,i shot it on the outer most part of my quad pretty high up my leg.but i've been feeling alot of pain the last shot was 4 days ago,still hurts;swelling;and a little redness.
what do you guys think?

my girl swears she didnt touch the needle at all.i used only one needle instead of 2 this time because i wasnt piercing 3 vials.i shot after i took a shower,rubbed the area good with alchol.

some more questions; what if it is an abcess what can i do?what do i tell a doc;any other excuse besides i was shootin you know what(logical excuse).where do i go? the ER?
what do they do?how much does something like this cost?
i have a source who sells injection site killer but it would never come on time and i dont know how effective it is.

my advice, if it is red and swelling go to the doc. depending on far along it is, you might need to go to the ER. just tell him you got it using aas. it's not like its the first time he has seen this case before im sure, plus, he cannot call the cops or anything on you. just be careful next time bro.

BUMP for biggie or DangerousGrounds, i know they have had abcesses :)
You could always tell the doc you were taking injectable B-12, I just don't necessarily think you have to say you're on AAS.
no, of course you dont have to, but it is important that your doc know what your taking though, IMO. it might affect his treatment with you. Also, what if he is a bad ass doc who writes scripts :)
graffix; its not warm or hot bro(its been 4 days).just very unusally painful(for me)its like chinamans(ip)shot for me but the swelling is extremley unusual; my left quad was considerably bigger than my right from that injection.i wouldnt say its red but pinkish right now.i done site injection, never came close to this kind swelling accompined by the discolration.
the only thing i can consider is the lack of use to the muscle?possiable?
hope biggie and dangerous can get around to this since they been through this;i'm hoping it's just a scare.

graffix badass docs giving scripts is always cool:D but it is my last concern right now.
biggie thats a very rational excuse (the use of b-12)i tell them i was using it for my appetite?i'm sure the cleaning of an infected area is the same from one to another?

I did 2 cc's of t-400 on-site in bi on one side 2 cc's of the 50cc QC eth jugs. Not much pain at all a little redness and fever 2 days,,I think its not problem long as it don't get worse maybe take an anti-biotic and some anti-inflams or aspirin to reduce pain.
If persists over 5 or 6 days dee a doc I had one waited over 2 weeks and had to have drained was waking up in middle of night drenched and with fever and chills.
It doesn't SOUND like an abcess.
T-400's probably pretty high in BA as well. For some reason, quads give me more of this type of reaction by far than glutes, or even delts, for that matter.
If it's an abcess, look for constant aching, and extreme tenderness to touch over the area, with heat. Also, fevers/sweats as DG said.