site pain


New member
hi all, i have just done my very first jab, i used a 23g to inject 1ml of test enanth( schering) into my right thigh.
and although the injection itself didnt hurt at all the site is sore as hell now, and my thigh feels real heavy, theres no marking/bruising or swelling of any kind and i couldnt aspirate so i know i missed any larger vessels....
how long does this usually last, as im due another shot on monday on the other side.. i wont know which side to limp on lol!!!
if you shoot twice in about the same spot, sometimes it will hurt a little, sometimes no pain at all, i'd guess it just depends on what the needle hits in there.
Ditto as above, except that I get the worst soreness in my quads, consistently. Often, after a few injects, my body seems to get used to it. That makes little scientific sense, but that's been my experience.
If this is a Schering product, perhaps it gives the BA content on the vial?
Quads are weird like that... I've had it be sore for extended periods of time where my leg would almost give out on me... and other times, when I've experienced no pain at all...

I tend to stay away from that region for that reason.

cheers lads, i suppose ill just have to see how long it lasts and if i get used to it or not, i darnt ever inject a arm with it cos if it has the same effect then i will be screwed for work etc.
i looked for a ba content but nothing is printed on the vial, and the box is in mexican i think !! lol
thanks for now