Six weeks to Massive Wheels

what injuries do you have?

apart from brain damage?


atm i have
1. dislocated shoulder (according to the chiro - he keeps popping it in and I keep popping it out...) elbow - same arm
3. fractured left fuk u finger
4. sore knees (chronic - you know I'm a fukkin complainer...)
5.Some erector shit (according to the chiro....back related - not dick-related)

so i am trying to be "good" and not do pulling exercises (lat pulldowns, rows, for example; side lats; no knee pressure (no straight out hacks)

i am taking next week off in Mexico so i will either come back 100% cured or decapitated....;-)

No worries tho - i will be getting into a routine for legs towards the end of the week.

BTW - i notice you love hitting people... u a boxer?
lol. Damn, Dont you wish we were made out of metal?

this might help.

For the knees check out band tke's. they did wonders for my knees. I have no knee issues anymore. Basically it corrects a common imbalance in the knee joint "vmo" that causes an abnormal amount of ware and tare.

Do them in your warm up before every lower body workout, its worth a shot.

YouTube - Terminal Knee Extension (TKE) (

YouTube - Low Box TKE

oh yah, " i love hitting people". I competed in some under ground boxing from the age of 13-17. nothing major. I put that up because im trying to get back on the football field. I fucked up highschool and football was something i always had in the back of my mind. So im playing semi pro right now untill i get into a collage. Im not getting any younger but i am getting faster and stronger so what the hell. Im playing olb by the way. Hench the "I love hitting people"
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Hey shock - those are great links - I'll have to give TKE a try. i always spend at least 15 mins warming up when I do wheels - i figure that's the best insurance against injury.

Good news is that my skinny quads at 24" are the same as they were 1 year ago, but my bf is 2% lower - so some of that must have come from there and been replaced by muscle....slow gains, but at least the right direction!