man on a mission
what injuries do you have?
apart from brain damage?
atm i have
1. dislocated shoulder (according to the chiro - he keeps popping it in and I keep popping it out...)
2.tennis elbow - same arm
3. fractured left fuk u finger
4. sore knees (chronic - you know I'm a fukkin complainer...)
5.Some erector shit (according to the chiro....back related - not dick-related)
so i am trying to be "good" and not do pulling exercises (lat pulldowns, rows, for example; side lats; no knee pressure (no straight out hacks)
i am taking next week off in Mexico so i will either come back 100% cured or decapitated....;-)
No worries tho - i will be getting into a routine for legs towards the end of the week.
BTW - i notice you love hitting people... u a boxer?