Sleeping issues


New member
32 yo
training for 2 years

Im almost 6 weeks in on a test e cycle and everything is going great...Diet is amazing thanks to 3J and gains have been awesome..The one thing Im having trouble with is getting sleep...With 3 kids at home and a wife that works nights theres absolutely no way to get 8 hours but at least 6 would suffice..Does anyone else have this problem while on cycle and if so what helped you get 6 hours straight sleep...I keep waking up all hours of the night and end up getting like 3 or 4 hours sleep...I try to stay away from sleep aids because I know some of them put you in such a deep sleep I wont wake up for work lol
I usually eat a meal or do a potien shake before my body does not wake me up hungry.
Melatonin help, ZMA just give you vivid dreams.

My first cycle of test e i had bad anti e from rui products, i had sleep problems due to estrogen??

But your test only cycle using proper anti e should not be a problem, make sure you keep estrogen levels low.

Im using tren, shit gives you insomnia lol.
I would get tested to see if you have sleep apnea. Increased levels of testosterone can worsen SA symptoms.