sniffing salts?


was reading around and sniffing salts seems like the next big thing i wanna try but im not to sure... what do you guys think? ever sniff salts? how was the feeling? was it good? bad? also where do u get this shit
if i am not mistaken, it helps you breath out, thus forces you to breath in (a lot of people forget this, especially power lifters lol)
it helps wake up you (kinda like a quick preworkout)
usefully for fighters/player who have been knocked out to restore consciousness

not 100% sure on the science between it
My buddy does it when hes power lifting and trying to max out.
He keeps it to once a week, twice max..but he only does it every other week or less. I feel doing it
too often would make you reliant on it in some way. I have yet to try it, but he says its like getting
a fast, hardcore boost. Like someone shot you up with adrenaline and it gives you a big head rush
but still lets you focus in.
He ALWAYS lifts heavier when he does it, the shit works and I have seen many people utilize this method.
Antoine Vaillant has quite a few videos of him going for 1-3 rep lifts on heavy compound exercises where
he takes a whiff or two before hes about to go. You look like a tweaker doing it though
There's a thread in the training section dawg posted about it for the new raw bench record. They're used quite often by athletes and others but I wouldn't recommend using them too much. Maybe only before a meet or a mad attempt. Prolonged exposure is harmful since its basically ammonia that you're huffing!
Oh god not that stuff please!! Never ever again will I touch bath salts. That stuff is bad lol

nose torque is widely popular in the PL world. I use it myself at meets or when I am about to squat 95%

It's a great wake up and for me it provides insta-rage.
I've seen them in first aid kits before :P you can get them on amazon or at walmart though
It's mostly just ammonia, makes you take a fast breath and helps increase heart rate and blood pressure