Turbo3000 said:How many gs of fina was that. What concentration? Just curious.
Exkon said:75mg/ml
I'll be doing 150mg EOD
BiggieSwolls said:I prefer the EOD method as well. Being a pin cushion is not really my thing. I've tried both methods, ED and EOD, and I have never noticed a difference in results.
Turbo3000 said:How many gs of fina was that. What concentration? Just curious.
Heyyo said:LOL, I love the pic bro.
How much did it cost to make your own fina?
Exkon said:Unipharma T3, Perutech Clomid, Spiropent Clen, Test Enanthate and Homebrew Fina is what you see in the picture.
Cycle looks like this
Week 1-10 Test Enanthate 400mg/week
Week 6-12 Homebrew Fina
Week 6-12 Winstrol (winny) Zambons 50mg EOD
Week 7-10 Unipharma T3
Clen and NYC - 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
DRveejay11 said:What's up Excon.....as I told you at MU, I like it!
I DO however like this one even better:
Week 1-10 Test Enanthate 600mg/week
Week 1-12 Homebrew Fina 75 mg/day (or 150 mg/EOD)
Week 6-12 Winstrol (winny) Zambons 50mg ED
1) Screw the T-3
2) Save the Clen for post-cycle
3) Don't for get the post-cycle Clomid????!!!! (just making sure)