Some dude had a stroke and died at my gym today...was active gear user

shit duke your spot on fuck i would have never guessed that it totally makes sense my new job was killing my lower back then a month ago i did deads very light 225 and my back was tight for a few days so i took ten days off and the squats probably did it i know my form was good . So anyway what now I'm going to dr but what am in store for btw i quit that job 2 days a go I've been lying around like a slug pissed will this go away in time and what are you going to do in your situation ?
shit duke your spot on fuck i would have never guessed that it totally makes sense my new job was killing my lower back then a month ago i did deads very light 225 and my back was tight for a few days so i took ten days off and the squats probably did it i know my form was good . So anyway what now I'm going to dr but what am in store for btw i quit that job 2 days a go I've been lying around like a slug pissed will this go away in time and what are you going to do in your situation ?

Right now I'm in rehab mode since I used to take Physical Therapy in college and learned alot of things there in terms of recovery.

I'm about to go to the gym and use a foam roller and roll on my back against the wall..I'm not out of the woods yet and I am using a heating pad and a back brace to keep everything in line.I am taking nsaids (anti-inflammation) and leaning off the Norvo and valium.I hurt my back picking up a chair from left to over my head and walking 150 yards instead of picking it up with my legs and back.If you can....put heat on it or soak in a hot tub and be careful since some ligaments /muscles will be tender and one will not know it.I've heard it takes a month to go away.

What I really want is to use the muscle electrical simulator and let the machine do its job...It's had 2 sponges with electrical wiring to simulate working without the load bearing weight.I just looked and its$42.00 and upward to $5,000 for the little one.Very worth it,I hurt my hamstring while running back in the 90's and recovered in 3 weeks.Right's a foam roller for me while standing and going up and down against the wall.

Electric Muscle Stimulator |

I am no way or shape associated with this machine or company but wanted to show you what I am talking about.I heard even the Mr.Dorian Yates even has one at his home.I gotta get this machine.Under $50 ?! ..dang!
So if anyone is interested in what happened to the dude who had a stroke at my gym, the autopsy report came out.
A guy who I work out with was close friends with him and told me all this
He was 29, African American.
Was on Test only cycle, did not run AI, they found high amounts of estrogen in his system
He officially died from dehydration/heat stroke in the sauna....I guess he had an intense workout and hit the sauna for 20 min after.
They also found cocaine in his system, he was not high during the death but it was in his system.

I guess technically it was not the gear, although it did probably contribute. To all you folks who hit the Sauna, remember to drink plenty of water and go in for 10 min max.
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Pretty safe bet we're all going to die, gear or not. Cycle safely, minimize risks and live the best life you can. Tell people the people you love what they mean to you often <3