some guidance please


New member
Okay this is for anyone who would just like to comment on my cycle im planning on.... My goal is to get leaner and more muscular, not manly:) I want to be 14-15% bf. Im currently 18-19%bf 5 7 150-155lbs I train six days a week doing one muscle each day 6 different exercises 4 reps each. so about 24 sets for muscle. I lift as heavy as possible 12 12 8 8. I also do cardio 4 days a week at 30minutes. I eat very clean. I have a wonderful nutrtionist!!:) I do a three day rotation of high medium and low carb days. i eat 5 meals a day plus whey protein following work out. I do 15g protein in each meal on high days and on med and low day i put it at 20g protein each meal. Please give your in put on what you girls or guys think... thanks so much and god bless

anavar 10mg a day first 4 weeks, then 20mg a day next 4-6 weeks
nolvadex 10mg a day after first 4 weeks, for 4 weeks, then 20mg a
day for next 4 weeks
clen, 10 days on 10 days off,
dose is 40-80mg a day.
Cynomel start at 25mcg
a day after 4 weeks, and keep it there for the next 8 weeks. Maybe
moving to 37.5-50mcg a day for 2-4 weeks in the middle.
personally i would not use nolvadex.
You are not competing... Your bodyfat is not low enough to get the true effects of nolvadex. Nolv is an estrogen suppressor and estrogen rebounds like a bitch, so i highly suggest you not incorporate it in your cycle at this point in time.
T3 you pyramid in a 31-32 day cycle
clen is up to your discretion and how your body tolerates it.
Some use the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off cycle. Some use the 3 days on 2 days off cycle or 2 days on 1 day off etc... off is substituted with an eca stack.
Anavar you need to see how your body tolerates as well. You may not need to go up to 20mgs. I suggest starting at 5mgs for 1 week, then to 10mgs and increase as you see fit...

also on a side note... heavy lifts are not at your 12 or 8 rep range... you may see better muscle gains if you do a 10-8-6-4 range in stead... as well as eating your bodyweight in protein.

Morning cardio is also a fantastic way to get your metabolism moving and burn fat super efficiently...

good luck
thanks SG- Im sorry i may sound dumb but what is (t3 you pyramid in a 31-32 day cycle) Can you explain? please? also as far as lifting, so in your opionion think i should lift heavy like the reps you suggest 10 8 6 4 while on this cycle. also for legs, i dont want them bigger at all just more muscular and leaner. do you still think train heavy on them? thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate it, i want to do everything right to get the best results possible. so any comments are awesome. and if you know of cycles that may be better let me know for your input.. thanks again....
Yo girl...
ok.. i am posting below a basic pyramid for T3.. when i say pyramid, it means increase up, run at max and then decrease down...
This is an AVERAGE example for a woman based on a 5 week, 35 day cycle. I have used my T3 in this fashion with great success!
The idea is to ramp up fast, maintain your max for 2 weeks and have a slower taper down...

each tab is 25 mcg, so some you will have to cut in half for the accurate dosing...

Day1: 12.5 mcg
Day2: 25 mcg
Day3: 25 mcg
Day4: 37.5 mcg
Day5: 50 mcg
Day6: 50 mcg
Day7: 62.5 mcg
Day8: 75 mcg
Day9: 75 mcg
Day10: 75 mcg
Day11: 75 mcg
Day12: 75 mcg
Day13: 75mcg
Day14: 75 mcg
Day15: 75 mcg
Day16: 75 mcg
Day 17: 75 mcg
Day18: 75 mcg
Day19: 75 mcg
Day20: 75 mcg
Day21: 75mcg
Day22: 62.5 mcg
Day23: 62.5 mcg
Day24: 50 mcg
Day25: 50 mcg
Day26: 50 mcg
Day27: 37.5 mcg
Day28: 37.5 mcg
Day 29: 25 mcg
Day30: 25 mcg
Day31: 25 mcg
Day32: 12.5 mcg
Day33: 12.5 mcg
Day34: 12.5 mcg
Day35: 12.5 mcg

as per your heavier training... If your diet is CLEAN! Then yes train heavy with LOW reps.. You will do more damage to your muscle = more growth and tightness... I also tend to calorie watch and cycle when i am dieting down in order to be able to train super heavy and get ripped; because i am not taking in enough protein and calories to bulk me up... Make sense??

Does that clear things up a bit more for you??
let me know
Sorry t.t, I don't mean to highjack your thread sweetie. But I'm a little confused . I did a couple of clen/t3 cycle and I'm about to do another one, so I would also like a little clarification, but I was under the impression that women should not exceed 50mcg with t3? Is it ok for women to go up to 75? Is 50mcg the "safety zone" dosage? Thanks again and it's great to around very knowledgeable ladies!
thans supergirl you are amazing, i appreciate all your help. I will be starting very soon just waiting on my var to come in.. Thanks again so much. also one other thing should i start t3 right when i start cycle of Anavar (var)? and as far as clen. whats the maximum a woman should go to. I plan on doing ten days on ten days off. i usually go to 4 a day. thanks SG
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GG said:
Sorry t.t, I don't mean to highjack your thread sweetie. But I'm a little confused . I did a couple of clen/t3 cycle and I'm about to do another one, so I would also like a little clarification, but I was under the impression that women should not exceed 50mcg with t3? Is it ok for women to go up to 75? Is 50mcg the "safety zone" dosage? Thanks again and it's great to around very knowledgeable ladies!

that is a great question GG!
i wish i could say what a "safety zone" is however there really are not short term studies on T3 just for women to lose weight... I mean there are tones of women that use T3 without a doctors supervision or without an empirical study, but research on a 1 month cycle for weight loss is hard to come by.
So, in speaking from "field" experience; meaning how T3 is used by female bbers, competitors etc, NORMALLY women do not need to exceed 75mcg... however i do know women that do go up to 100mcg. When increasing that high, i do not suggest peaking at 100mcg for more than 3-4 days... that would be your final peak prior to your decline/taper down.

Personally, when i do a T3 cycle, i do go up to 75mcg (my cycle i posted above for TT). I have NEVER experienced a rebound.
In fact, new studies have shown that a T3 cycle of under 2 months does not negatively affect endogenous thyroid production. Basically what that is saying is that when you stop, your thyroid resumes to normal function within 1-2 weeks.
So my advice post T3 cycle is to continue dieting very strictly in the following 2-3 weeks just to assure NO possible rebound! I really do not know about LONG term usage of T3, nor other than those medically prescribed due to thyroid malfunction, know anyone that has exceeded 1-2 months of T3 use.
So i would say short term cycles (roughly 1 month or so) are very effective for weight loss...

Please keep in mind though that the higher in dosage you go with T3, the higher your chances of burning up your muscle. So if you plan to go with higher doses, do use an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) with it... Anavar works well... Others like to use clen for its muscle sparing properties and fat loss acceleration...

did that clear it up for ya? :)

t.t said:
Should i start t3 right when i start cycle of Anavar (var)? and as far as clen. whats the maximum a woman should go to. I plan on doing ten days on ten days off. i usually go to 4 a day. thanks SG

You can start your T3 and var together... that way keeping track of your cycle is easier.. However, some women like to "pre-load" for lack of a better term... meaning the T3 can jump start your metabolism/thyroid and kinda get your body into fat burning mode... Then you bring in the var causing the body to only burn fat and strengthen/preserve the muscle. If you want to get on the T3 right away, i would say start about 1 week prior to your var... Your body will just start getting into gear and then your var will kick in about into the 2nd week of your T3... You should be pretty well heated up by this point if you know what i mean... :)

Clen... girl, it is all about your personal tolerance! Me, i can stand the shit. I get headaches and jitters like crazy... So if you can take 4 a day and still feel ok (no nausea, cramping etc) then go for it...
I remember a certain female fitness competitor friend of mine... she would take up to 6 a day.. she did double sessions of cardio, drank 2 gallons of water a day and had a very good diet (did have carbs too) and she was ripped beyond belief... That was her particular and personal tolerance...
Me, you would of rushed to the hospital with heart palpations lol...

so feel it out... do NOT overdo anything! Your health is much more important then fitting into those tight jeans ;) ya dig?

are you substituting the 10 days off with an eca or any ephedra?

yes in between clen i was going to take tight and ehedrine also green tea extract. I cant take aspirin so i do this??? thanks so much you are the best!!
hey sg with the anavar i was originally going to start 10mg a day for four weeks then go up to 2o mg a day for another 4-6 weeks. in your opionion/experince what do you think. Is that good?> i noticed you said 5 mg a day at first??? and also how do I increase? do i taper down ect....?
t.t said:
hey sg with the anavar i was originally going to start 10mg a day for four weeks then go up to 2o mg a day for another 4-6 weeks. in your opionion/experince what do you think. Is that good?> i noticed you said 5 mg a day at first??? and also how do I increase? do i taper down ect....?
yea, since this is your first cycle of Anavar (var) i would start with 5mgs and work your way up from there. 20mgs is a high dosage for alot of women. Some tolerate it well, others do not. There is an increased risk of sides at 20mgs. You may see the results you want at 10mgs and may not need to increase it to 20mgs... You really just need to feel it out... I have planned out cycles in the past and my body has say "hell no" and i made the appropiate changes..

SO, have enough tablets of Anavar (var) to run it as you have planned, but i would start at the 5mgs for 4-5 days and then to 10mgs for 1-2 weeks and then up to 15mgs for another 1-2 weeks... If you are tolerating it well, and your body is changing, DON'T increase any further... MORE is NOT always better!!!
Change is gradual, so don't expect results overnight... granted change will happen faster with an aas, but be patient! You have the rest of your life in your body, so take care of it now so it will last you the long haul...
damn i'm getting all philosophical in my old age lol...

luv super

supergirl said:
Yo girl...
ok.. i am posting below a basic pyramid for T3.. when i say pyramid, it means increase up, run at max and then decrease down...
This is an AVERAGE example for a woman based on a 5 week, 35 day cycle. I have used my T3 in this fashion with great success!
The idea is to ramp up fast, maintain your max for 2 weeks and have a slower taper down...

each tab is 25 mcg, so some you will have to cut in half for the accurate dosing...

Day1: 12.5 mcg
Day2: 25 mcg
Day3: 25 mcg
Day4: 37.5 mcg
Day5: 50 mcg
Day6: 50 mcg
Day7: 62.5 mcg
Day8: 75 mcg
Day9: 75 mcg
Day10: 75 mcg
Day11: 75 mcg
Day12: 75 mcg
Day13: 75mcg
Day14: 75 mcg
Day15: 75 mcg
Day16: 75 mcg
Day 17: 75 mcg
Day18: 75 mcg
Day19: 75 mcg
Day20: 75 mcg
Day21: 75mcg
Day22: 62.5 mcg
Day23: 62.5 mcg
Day24: 50 mcg
Day25: 50 mcg
Day26: 50 mcg
Day27: 37.5 mcg
Day28: 37.5 mcg
Day 29: 25 mcg
Day30: 25 mcg
Day31: 25 mcg
Day32: 12.5 mcg
Day33: 12.5 mcg
Day34: 12.5 mcg
Day35: 12.5 mcg

as per your heavier training... If your diet is CLEAN! Then yes train heavy with LOW reps.. You will do more damage to your muscle = more growth and tightness... I also tend to calorie watch and cycle when i am dieting down in order to be able to train super heavy and get ripped; because i am not taking in enough protein and calories to bulk me up... Make sense??

Does that clear things up a bit more for you??
let me know

Are these dosages good for men or should a guy be taking more?
