Some Photos...Critique Away


Italian Stallion
I'm 19 yrs. old, 5'4, 189 lbs. 315 max bench (weak) 450 lb deadlift 17.5 in. arms
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Thanx for the compliment LiftTillIDie.
I'll get some leg shots up soon.
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you have a really good base and look good. thought about cutting down? be nice to see you lean to really see where you are at. nice work!
thanx tman and warmachine
I was really gonna cut down for summer and shit...but i guess i still wanna get bigger. I'm pretty short so packing on muscle and getting wider comes easier to me than most others. Last summer I was extremely cut and I looked decent but I can't cope with getting weaker or losing size...getting bigger is my addiction right now.

The new picture I am gonna post is one of me over the summer when I was all tan and stuff, tell me what u guys think.
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fuck it...i don't have a picture of myself how i was over the summer right now...i'm workin on it though.
maruff said:
thanx tman and warmachine
I was really gonna cut down for summer and shit...but i guess i still wanna get bigger. I'm pretty short so packing on muscle and getting wider comes easier to me than most others. Last summer (the natural days) I was extremely cut and I looked decent but I can't cope with getting weaker or losing size...getting bigger is my addiction right now.

I'm with you on this one. Cutting is very overrated imo. Keep packing on the size while you're young and it's easy.
agree on that note. I say bulk the fuck up till your like 22, then by that time you'll have so much mass you can still be huge and ripped and win mr. Olympia. lol.

You looks good regardless of your age or size.

BTW, Dbol first cycle is a bad idea. Next time (and you should wait till your 22, but I doubt your going to, you look like you caught the bug) do a test only cycle.
look good... I'd stay away from gear for the next few years.... You might regret it later in life... You might still grow... Go to a doc and have them check growth plates....