Some steroids do NOT "Shut you down" more than others!!


New member
We all know (or should know!) the negative feedback loop of the male reproduction system. Now I could go into binding affinity of different steroids, anabolic to androgenic ration, ect ect..but I will keep it simple. Your hypothalamus, as far as we are concerned, has one job: sense Test levels. Too low and your hypo says to secrete more, too high and it turns itself off so to speak. This is where our discussion comes in. It really annoys me when people say something like, "This steroid shuts you down hard....use this other one instead". Its all NONSENSE!! While on steroids, assuming you are on a dose that exceeds your body's natural levels, your hypo senses the high test levels and in turn shuts off REGARDLESS OF WHAT TYPE OF STEROID YOU ARE ON. Now you are probably asking yourself, what about the half-life of this or that steroid? What about the length of my cycle? These are excellent questions! The moment you go off cycle your body starts clearing the last of the exogenous steroids. Once the circulating test levels drop below the your body's natural levels your hypo will tell your testicles to start secreting more test. This action can be delayed by the longer half-life steroids as they will continue to be sensed by your hypothalamus until they are cleared. So, longer half-life=longer shutdown. Now on to the length of the cycle. If you are on an INCREDIBLY long cycle...lets just say 25 weeks for discussion purposes, your testicles will have atrophied from disuse and they will logically be unable to produce as much Test as normal testicles. The shorter the cycle, the less atrophy, the more test they can produce when ending the cycle...and vice versa. YOUR BODY WILL REACT TO THE ANY OF THE STEROIDS YOU USE IN THE EXACT SAME WAY!! Either your hypothalamus is telling your body to make more test or it isn't regardless of what steroid you use!! When people say "you get shut down harder by this or that steroid" it is like a pregnant woman saying she is a LITTLE pregnant!! Either your hypothalamus is on or off..simple as that. Thought I would share my thoughts, please share yours...that is all.
Yes you are either shut down or not. It's pretty simple but 19 Nora like deca can make recovery more difficult. And it's not quite as simple, the hypo can be sending the signals (lh/fsh) but he tested may not accept the signal or be ready to.

I get what you are saying and agree to an extent but some compounds are more difficult to recover from whether it's metabolites sticking around or whatever.
Shut down is shutdown. There not varying degrees. The length of shutdown is determines by the ester attached and clearing that compound and it's ester.
My opinion is , its easier to recover with some substances. For example Primo users come back more easily than Tren users.
Nandrolone derivatives shut down more effective because of progesterone effect.
I also think the stronger cycles you do, the harder recovery
Yes you are either shut down or not. It's pretty simple but 19 Nora like deca can make recovery more difficult. And it's not quite as simple, the hypo can be sending the signals (lh/fsh) but he tested may not accept the signal or be ready to.

I get what you are saying and agree to an extent but some compounds are more difficult to recover from whether it's metabolites sticking around or whatever.

I agree, hypothalamus will secrete LH the moment there is low test after a cycle and if the testicles have severe atrophy after a very long cycle there will just not be enough "umph" to make much Test. But testicular atrophy is based ENTIRELY on the length of the cycle and how long they are not being used...the type of compound doesn't matter.
i agree sort of lol

in theory your right but tren and deca seem to be a little harder to recover from . im just guessing but its probablly the effect of the progesterone / prolactin from those compounds .
i think we can agree certain anabolic steroids will 'shut you down' quicker than others. trenbolone ace is a perfect example of that. you can tell cause your nuts will start shrinking quicker. to combat this w HCG. works well on cycle to keep your nuts plump going into PCT.. if you don't run hcg your nuts will turn into raisins deep in a cycle and you know your are suppressed

also certain anabolic steroids will 'shut you down' for a longer time because the esters are very stubborn and don't clear the body for a while. Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - is a perfect example of that. until anabolic steroids is out of your system your body will begin the recovery process. Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - can stick around for 5 weeks and even longer. so basically your last injection of Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - it will stay for a long time and keep your body from recovering. this is why Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - is a bad idea for newbs or guys who like to run multiple cycles throughout the year.

every anabolic steroids will shut you down, when you introduce something anabolic or androgenic in the body the body will notice that and will naturally start shutting down your hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - . this is why a PCT that covers all bases is important to speed up recovery

being 'shutdown' is a phrase that is used, but actually i prefer the word 'suppressed' really no shut thing as being totally shut down unless your lh - leutenizing hormone - is at 0.
Fuck it. Take test with any compound and run your test a few weeks longer then a 19 nor. There i summed it up pretty good for ya.
I agree, hypothalamus will secrete LH the moment there is low test after a cycle and if the testicles have severe atrophy after a very long cycle there will just not be enough "umph" to make much Test. But testicular atrophy is based ENTIRELY on the length of the cycle and how long they are not being used...the type of compound doesn't matter.

i disagree completely... length of cycle does NOT determine how long it will take after the cycle for testosterone levels to become normal again
i agree sort of lol

in theory your right but tren and deca seem to be a little harder to recover from . im just guessing but its probablly the effect of the progesterone / prolactin from those compounds .

Exactly my thoughts too brother.

Good topic to discuss. I'm not a scientist and go off how my body reacts, and deca and tren are harder to recover from then say a test and eq cycle.
i disagree completely... length of cycle does NOT determine how long it will take after the cycle for testosterone levels to become normal again

So what does then?? The longer your on cycle the more testicular atrophy is incurred thus the longer it takes your body to produce enough Test to get back to baseline. All of this is assuming that all exogenous steroids have been cleared as explained in my original post. Whats your explanation?