something is majorly wrong here. please help!!!


New member
This is not my first rodeo using test. I am 42 and have been on Test E and HGH many years off and on using. right now I am using Genza pharma sustanon 270 (prop 30mg, acetate 20mg, phenylpropionate 60mg, isocaproate 60mg, and decanote 100mg).

I have been pinning in my butt once a week at 1cc and every time my cheek will swell up and get hot and hurts to sit down. it even get hard as a rock!!! anyways, after the 3rd week i decided to try in my thigh. no pain and no pip. that night I could barely walk and three days later its swollen and at night I am sweating like I have fever. did I get a bad batch? I got my partner got some at the same time and no problems for him.

Please help and advise on what to do.
Swap vials for your next injection with your buddy and see if you are fine and he isn't.

Just curious... is that your cruise dosage?
10 week cycle at 1cc a week.

Why so little? That is not much more than a TRT dose.

BTW: you really should be pinning on an EOD schedule given the short esters in Sustanon. You must be on a bit of a roller coaster ride with your TT and E2 levels.
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now that you mention it...yeah...I have been up and down. yes basically for TRT. one week im week off. sucks. being in car biz and working 10-11 hour days its hard to get into the gym like I want. maybe a couple times a week
now that you mention it...yeah...I have been up and down. yes basically for TRT. one week im week off. sucks. being in car biz and working 10-11 hour days its hard to get into the gym like I want. maybe a couple times a week

Why take exogenous test for 10 weeks and shut your natural testosterone production down only to get yourself essentially back to where your natural levels were anyway? Seems pointless and harmful to your HPTA for little to no gain while on cycle.

Are you even using an aromatase inhibitor or planning on running PCT? Do you get blood work done?

And if you don't go to the gym what is the point?

Finally, are you hypogonadal?
well, went to dr and here is what the outcome was. I was diagnosed with "Cellulitus." bad infection in my leg and after talking to doctor we came to the conclusion on how it became. I did my pin into my thigh and either the angel was of or I did not go deep enough into the muscle. the Test got in between the muscle and the fat/skin and settled in the knee area. that is why my leg swelled up and got infected. I had to be on two different types of antibiotics and pain meds. finally after a week I can finally walk normal....slow but normal.
two things..

1. might be a bad batch

2. might be allergic to one of the esters in the gear..

whats your cycle history?? what esters have you used in the past?
For the past few years I have been on Test Prop, Ethenate, and Cypinate. I have been hgh bluetops for 7 weeks now. Tamoxifen was used. so my body should be used to the cycles. i am thinking that a bad batch too. my friend hasn't had a problem with his at all.