Sore/Swollen Glute after injection...Need some Advice


New member
Hi, So I started my cycle this week and did my first shot of Pinnacle Labs Test400 Monday (4 days ago). The shot was in my left glute and I accidently drew out with a 22gx1inch needle and forgot to switch tips and injected with it. There is some pain when doing things like bending over but when I go to sit down, get in/out of car, or even sleep on that side it is VERY painful. I have no redness and it doesn't seem hot which leads me to thinking no infection...But the entire glute does look slightly swollen and is very hard like a muscle knot and painful when I massage. Also it is extremely tight, like when I stretch my glute it feel like it wants to rip. Has anyone ever had this swollen/hard feel? I am also worried it is because of using a 1inch pin and do not want an abcess to form like Ive read can happen.

I used a 22gx1.5 on other glute yesterday and only minimal pain so maybe the oil didnt absorb?

I read many other posts and will begin to heat oil and use heating pad and massage to help, but still in pain. Please help beginning to worry a bit, Thanks.
If the test contains more than 250mg per cc it can be known to not absorb by the muscle that might cause knots which lead to pain; however in your case it seems that you've hit a nerve... I'd give it a week. Also it is fine to use the same needle that you draw with, as long as you swap the rubber on top of the bottle with alcohol swap.
Keep an eye on it for any redness...High dose test can do that or you possibly hit a nerve. Have your wife or girlfriend massage the area to get things moving in that area.
Hi, So I started my cycle this week and did my first shot of Pinnacle Labs Test400 Monday (4 days ago). The shot was in my left glute and I accidently drew out with a 22gx1inch needle and forgot to switch tips and injected with it. There is some pain when doing things like bending over but when I go to sit down, get in/out of car, or even sleep on that side it is VERY painful. I have no redness and it doesn't seem hot which leads me to thinking no infection...But the entire glute does look slightly swollen and is very hard like a muscle knot and painful when I massage. Also it is extremely tight, like when I stretch my glute it feel like it wants to rip. Has anyone ever had this swollen/hard feel? I am also worried it is because of using a 1inch pin and do not want an abcess to form like Ive read can happen.

I used a 22gx1.5 on other glute yesterday and only minimal pain so maybe the oil didnt absorb?

I read many other posts and will begin to heat oil and use heating pad and massage to help, but still in pain. Please help beginning to worry a bit, Thanks.
dont ever massage a injection spot. its already under pressure and thats just going to cause more damage.
hot and cold packs...possibly for pain, but I would say because its 400mg/ml that it might cause more issues than something 250mg/ml.
I also know that I did a shot of 1ml yeaterday that was 150mgtrene/250mgteste per ml and today (like the passed 5 weeks) its a bit sore next day, maybe even the 3rd day. so dont worry.
but if it get swollen (like red swollen and itchy) then I would go to doc. if its not good in a couple more days, check it out. and if you think it didnt absorb or you are havvign issues, i think you should be pinning more spots. or you might get a steril absess. (I have had 2!) and I use 6 spots. (fuking primo take too much oil to run lol)
My ass hurt for a week on my first shot (2 weeks ago) same symptoms. Shot yestarday in the same glute after going quad then delt. No pain at all. Virgin muscle syndrome. Same thing first quad shot, limped for about 3 days. 2nd time around no pain.
I am almost positive it's not an infection beciase it's not red or warm. It just feel like right at injection site I have a golf ball in there. When comparing cheeks (no homo) it does seem a little swollen.

I'm worried about a possible abscess or having to get it drained bc it was with a one inch pin, and other side I used 1.5inch and very little pain. But how would I know if it's a sterile abscess...will it be protruding from my glute or just feel like a ball inside of it, which it does?

Should I just keep heating and massaging it? Massaging hurts a lot at first but after I few seconds feels like I'm massaging any other muscle knot. I feel like a fool getting in/out of my car haha it takes me almost 2 minutes haha
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First, not sure if you are supposed to be saying sources, but hey I'm not a mod here...

Second, how much did you inject first of all? T400 is like said, 400mg of test (several different esters) per 1cc/1ml. If you shot a full ml/cc then that will hurt like a bitch for a few days, in my past experience with T400 is 1/2cc everyother day due to the short ester in it (Prop), and yes it will take time to dissipate due to the viscosity/thickness of the oil. I used to have to roll on a tennis ball on the area after heating to get it to move...and I only shot 1cc ONCE, never again as I couldn't train, sit, or enjoy anything I was in so much pain...I now stick with one ester, split doses, and that is my preferrence.
like mentioned above... the pain IS from the the test being 400mg/ml, no other reason... has nothing to do with a needle being 1" or 1.5"
I'm shooting .75cc M/Th. so 600mg/wk

I just find it odd that right glute was pinned and feel only a little sore but left feels like a hard ball in it. I guess I'll just keep massaging and heat pad for now.

If still sore or kinda solid feeling to it still can I inject at a different side on that glute or no?