I didn't just start training at 55. I've been training for a few years and really hitting it hard for the last year...all naturally. I'm not trying to get there overnight. I know the age thing is somewhat limiting, but it's not a complete write off.
I've done a short Test E/Tren E cycle (6 wks.). The results were really good and I didn't get any gyno issues. I know I stopped early, but I found this place and started reading, so decided to end early, do PCT, and re-group. I wouldn't mind restarting the same cycle, after I get bloodwork done.
Plus, after reading Megatron's post on TRT, I think I can get better Test through my doctor...legally.
I'm a little hesitant about HGH. Just because I've seen too many guys that ran it for too long. I'm sure it's good if it's used right, but my reading has been more on the Tren and Test. I even decided against Test prop and Tren A, because I didn't think I was ready for that level. (As it turns out, I wasn't ready for ANY level. LOL)
I think I may go back to just the Tren E/Test E cycle and leave the EQ for later. For now, I'm going to complete my PCT, then get blood done. I had some concern during the beginning of my PCT, because I wasn't getting erect. It's coming back now, so I'm assuming the PCT is doing it's job.
I will cycle again, I'll just be better armed, next time!
Everyone, I appreciate all the input and help! I'm sure these are questions you've answered hundreds of times, so I really appreciate the advice.