Sperm count during cycle.


New member
Info: On April 4th I started my first 10 week cycle (M/TH injections). First 5 weeks, I was injecting 1ml of Test, and .75ml of Mast. Starting the back half, May 9th, I started injecting 1ml of Test, and 1 ml of EQ. Yesterday, 5/18, she broke up with me because I was moving too slow in the relationship. Come this morning, she informed me that she might be pregnant. (coincidental, or not)

Question: How much can ones sperm count drop while on cycle?

Thanks, Gents!
Depends on a lot of factors like age, genetics, cycle history. I could go on and on! She might of just cheated hence the your moving to slow phrase she dropped on ya.
Guys have gotten girl pregnant on way heavier cycles than you're on now. There's no reason that if she is pregnant that it couldn't be yours.
Got my 22 yr old prego 10 yr s ago when I was 42 on deca so there s no rule or baseline; once again it s about you..or her...or the other guy and .....

FYI-----kids are hard work at first, especially when your s selfish person like me. Little T s my world, best friend and oh so worth it.