Sprt's DNP Log


New member
Date: 02/06/06, Monday (day 1)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: ??? (Weigh Tomorrow Morning)
BF% Unknown - guessing around 15%

- DNP 200mg ED
- Benedryl 25mg ED
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium

I spent the last week preparing meals ahead of time and freezing them for availability. I bought a food saver (vacuum bag sealer), which just happens to be one of the best pieces of equipment I've purchased; along side the my Forman. I have several different meals (breakfasts, lunches, and dinners) all waiting. I should have any problem staying on track.

You might be wondering why I'm running Nolva. Let me explain. During ever cycle, I naturally (without trying) lean out, yet still gain. After every cycle (& PCT) I tend to gain BF only in certain areas, but very easily just the same; mainly, my love handles & lower abdominal region. I could be wrong, but I've come to the conclusion the I'm estro sensitive. The fact that I get occasional signs of gyno months after a cycle also lead me to believe I'm estro sensitive.

Any others noticed similar occurrences?
The other vitamins are just apart of my normal daily routine/intake.

Since joining a new gym and tonights workout being only the second time I've been there, it was a little uncomfortable. It's new, the equipment is new, and the people are new. I saw a few old faces, but other than that its a completen different environment. I don't know if I'm feeling this gym so much. I really liked my old one. I knew where everything was at and I had a solid routine. Now, I spend have the time walking around looking for the machines I want. & if that's not bad enough, when I do find them someone is on them.

I basically took it easy tonight, and learned my way around the place. I'll adjust with time; I hope.

Personal Note:
This is my first run with DNP. I'm using Dinitro's shit (Thanks D.) I'll be running 200mg ED the first week (7days) and 400mg ED the second week, for a grand total of 2wks. I'm optimisitc, however, because I've been told I wont last the full 14 days.

I didn't expect to feel any different today. I have read that DNP has to build up in the body before anything really starts reacting. I don't know if maybe it was because it was hotter than normal today or not but I did get frequent hot flashes and was forced to take my sweater off at work. The benedryl kicked my ass for the first couple of hours. I came home for lunch and almost fell asleep. It really made me groggy. I'd also like to mention that I had the WORST gas I've ever had today; whether or not that's DNP related I don't know, but it was putrid. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. I hope a sleep well. I'm off to bed.


Note: Thread/Log origin from SSB.
Date: 02/07/06, Tuesday (Day 2)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 190.8 (Morning Weigh)
BF% Unknown - guessing around 15%

- DNP 200mg ED
- Benedryl 25mg ED
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium

Personal Note:
All is going good . 2.0lbs lose (definitly all water weight -- I'm not goign to count the first 5lbs to 7lbs for this reason). I dont feel I have anything new to report. Oh wait, the frequent and almost constant trips tot he bathroom F'n Blow!!! I should just hook a hose to my penis that leads to a urinal. That's really about it.

What kind of cycle are you running? I ran a couple 2 week cycles in the past and starting this weekend, I will commence a 30 day 200mg cycle. Good luck! I will be following this.
Date: 02/08/06, Wednesday (day 3)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 190.0 (Morning Weigh)
BF% Unknown - guessing around 15%

- DNP 200mg ED
- Benedryl 25mg ED
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium

Update: Noticed my water intake was too low, so I went out and bought myself a 1/2 gallon water jug with pop top spout. I got my full gallon of water in today. CAN I JUST TELL YOU ABOUT THE PLATTER CONTROL PROBLEM I FEEL LIKE I HAVE??? Can I!!! lol, my good gosh. I've drank gallons of water a day before in the past and never had to piss as much as I do on DNP. Does DNP effect water/platter patterns this much or is it all in my head? Maybe I dont remember how often I urinated in the past when increasing water intake. Its possible. But this is rediculious. DNP has got to be associated with my 15min bathroom intervals. :0)

I'm contemplating to options now ... a hose that attaches to my penis and leads to a urinal or depends. lol, haha .... F*CK!!

Woke up, showered, applied my lipo-ultra, had a protien shake & water, waited 15 minutes, put on my gym gear and headed tot he gym. I did a slow warm up, light jog to a run for 15minutes. Then shoulders, chest, a little lower lat work & some legs. Nothing major, as I have mentioned I'm taking it easy; comming off a 2wk break from the gym.

I did work up quit a sweat though, I must add.

Personal Note:
Still at 200mg ED. I'm talking my doses every morning @ 10am. Doing this so that when I bump to 400mg ED I get an even steady dose every 12hrs; 10am & 10pm. So far, at 200mg I havent noticed much. Its only day three and I've dropped a solid 2.8lbs in water weight, but nothing spectacular IMO. I've noticed a few heat flashes here and there, but thats really about it.

I thought by now I would see a diruption in sleeping patterns due to the sweats and what not, but so far nothing. I sleep really well last night, but did have a fan on. Also, Whether eating simple or complex carbs, I've noticed no difference in temp either. I've been talking my tempature every so often and I've only seen it elevated a few times.

We'll so what tomorrow brings. I'm excited. Still optimistic about the 400mg range. But if I keep dropping weight at 200mg I dont see a need to increase the dose. I'm debating the 200mg for 7 day and 400mg for 7 days after that or just a full 4wk run at 200mg ED. I'll make a better assesment in a few days though.


Note: Thread/Log origin from SSB.
Date: 02/09/06, Thursday (day 4)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 189.6 (Morning Weigh)
BF% Unknown - guessing around 15%

- DNP 200mg ED
- Benedryl 25mg ED
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium

1 Gallon of water ED, 6 Solid meals, & on target.

None ... today was an off day.

Personal Note:
Ending day 4 and still feeling really well. I've lost another .4lbs (4oz). Thats good (still counting it as water weight though -- as I previously stated I'm counting the first 5lbs to 7lbs lose to water weight). I'm not feeling any of the sides that have been noted by other users other than, perhaps, a mild increase in tempature. Other than that, I feel great. I'm sleeping well and very deep. Appatite seems to have increased a little, but I atriubute that to the sudden change in diet (or cleaning there of). All in all, I feel I'm right on track.

The only concern I have right now is training. Since joining the new gym, as I have mentioned, I haven't been able to adjust properly or find a solid routine within the gym; this I am working on though.

That being said, I have a question for your guys: SHOULD I INCREASE DOSE TO 400MG ED - Or wait until the second week?


Note: Thread/Log origin from SSB.
Date: 02/10/06, Friday (day 5)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 190.4 ((Morning Weigh) Up 1lbs)
BF% Unknown

- DNP 200mg ED
- Benedryl 25mg ED
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium

1 full gallon today before 112am. My boss was looking at me crazy every time I headed for the bathroom. lol, he called me over and asked me if i was on drugs and question my frequent bathroom breaks. I excused it as a new diet routine I was following which called for 2 gallons of water each day. He rolled his eyes and said I was crazy.

Cheated a bit today with a couple slices of pizza. I'm still eating my premade/planned meals, I just sqeezed the pizza in as a snack. :0) It was quit tasty I must say. One slip up isnt going to hurt much.

Speaking of slip ups, I was told diet doesnt much matter in while using DNP, but that a strick clean diet is always best (in any situation - no matter the compound). Is there any validity in this; that diet doesnt matter??

Worked 9 to 6 today, and came home to a house full. I'm debating right now, as I type, whether or not to head to the gym; even if it is only a quickie.

Personal Note:
I dont have anything really new to report. Its hard to judge whats going on really in terms of body temp unless I actually take my temperature. Its getting warmer out here where I live so naturally I'm feeling warm coming out of a cold season; although I wouldnt call it much of a winter. I dont eventhink it got into the low 30's this year. I live in the southern Cali region, those who know can relate. Other than that, I dont really know what other sides to look for. I havent noticed any of the ones mentioned by all the vets or in any of the literature I've read. As far as mild heat flashses, I feel normal.

I've decided to wait the full 7 days to see how I feel. I know the compound is still building up in my system. I think at day 8 though, which is next monday, I'm bumping up to 400mg; still debating.

Since DNP builds up in the system, can one up the mg then lower it if sides become to bad while staying the course, or is it best just to stop the cycle all together?


Note: Thread/Log origin from SSB.
Last edited:
Date: 02/11/06, Saturday (day 6)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 188.8 (Morning Weigh)
Total Loss 4.0lbs
BF% Unknown (15%-ish)

- DNP 200mg ED
- Benedryl 25mg ED
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium

Personal Note:
Today I started to notice the sides a bit more. Nohting major though, just some moderate hot flashes and little sweats. The Hot flashes are longer than normal now, however; lasting around 10min to 15min depending on my activity levels. I guess if I'm focused on whatever it is I'm doing, I notice the flashes as much, so they could be a lot more intense or constant. Sitting here at the computer, for example, I am feeling them come and go.

It's saturday and I have to work. Its warmed up a bit out in my area so my body temp will be hard to judge. I work both indoor and outdoor. I'll keep my eye on things.

Other than this, I dont have much else to report. I'm still sleeping very well; getting in 10hrs of uninterrupted sleep last night. A few tosses and turns but zero sweats.

Here comes another hot flash now ... :)


Note: Thread/Log origin from SSB.
Date: 02/12/06, Sunday (day 7)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 1887.2 (Morning Weigh)
Total Loss 5.6lbs
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- DNP 200mg ED
- Benedryl 25mg ED
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium

My diet has stayed on track in terms of meal planning, but I dont believe I have been eating enough. One reason being that I'm incredibly busy lately; with school, work (plus side job), and my son. My last meal last night was at 6:54pm. It consisted of a protien shake with 2cup 1% milk, 1/2cup oat bran, 1/2cup blueberries, 2scp protien powder (23g protien each), and dash or two of extra virgin alive oil. Its close to, or just over, 800cals.

I'm going to work on getting those 6 solid meals in as I was previously doing, regardless of my schedule. I dont want to lose LBM here, that is not my goal.

Training has been set aside as well, in terms of frequency. I havent been to the gym since Tuesday. I just havent had time. Not to mention this new gym closes early; whereas my old on happened to be open 24hrs (I'm thinkin of switching back over).

Personal Note:
I really felt the DNP kicking in last night during work. I didnt break out in any sweats, but i could tell my temp was up. I asked a few coworkers if they felt hot and their reply was "I'm freezing." Suckers!

I havent had any interuptions in sleep as of yet either. I'm actually sleeping better it seems. The night be last I ot 10hrs and last night I slept a comfortable 9hrs. No night sweats to speak of.

Watching the scale dip down below 190 was kinda of hard for me. I havent been this light in a while. My natural instinct to gain weight has been wispering to me in the back of my mind. I fighting it and I'll deal with it the best I can. If it wasnt for this schedule of mine (if i had more free time) I know it would be a bigger issue; causing me focus more on calorie intake & having urges to eat more. It would just be a waste to see hard earned LBM go down the drain; some of which I know already has. I see it in my arms, shoulder, and back mostly. Not to mention the comments people are already making; comments like "skinny - smalls - hey, are ou tweak'n?" lol, I hate that shit.

Anyhow, a 5.6lbs decrease thus far, and I'm just entering day 7. No major sides to report. Still at 200mg ED & at the rate I'm dropping weight I might just stay at 200mg ED; especially since I'm not seeing many sides.


Note: Thread/Log origin from SSB.
caladin said:
thanks for keeping a log. Want to see how this pans out.
Thanks to you, my friend, for following this log. I'm as excited as you are to see the end result. So far so good. I hope it stays that way.

Thanks again,
Date: 02/13/06, Monday (day 8)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 187.2 (Morning Weigh)
Total Loss 5.6lbs
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ Start)

- DNP 200mg ED
- Benedryl 25mg ED
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium

Personal Note:
I worked late last night, as I may or may not have mentioned, and didn't get home until 12:30am. I played online to unwind, and before I knew it the clock read 3:00am. Naturally, this caused a late morning/afternoon wake up for me; which completely threw me off schedule.

I woke up, took my vitamins, benadryl, and DNP drank a 40g protein shake in water, waited 15min to 20min, headed to the gym for a bit of cardio (20min treadmill run followed by a 15min moderate intensity bike ride cool down.

I got off the bike sweating profusely. I had the worst case of trembles I can remember having. My head was light and I felt fuzzy. I was like "WTF?" Then I remembered my water intake; which by this time was zero for the day. I'll NEVER do this again. I know I've been told to drowned myself in water and get at the very least 1 gallon in each day, but due to my scheduling it had simply skipped my mind.

For those of you reading this and possible contemplating DNPs use in the future, WATER INTAKE IS KEY!! I cant stress this enough. GET YOUR F'N WATER IN FIRST THING UPON RISING AN KEEP IT GOING THROUGH OUT THE DAY!!! This is a mistake I wont make twice.

I felt like absolute shit for most of the day. I immediately ran home and pounded .5 a liter, took a shower and drank another .5 liter, ate lunch and again drank another .5 of a liter. The more water I drank, the better I felt. Since then, I'm 1.5gallons down so far and finally feeling normal again. My urine is clear, the trembles have stopped, and the cramping is gone (did I mention the cramping -- it was horrible). DRINK DRINK DRINK YOUR WATER, then when you think you have had enough, DRINK SOME MORE!!

Aside from all that mess and now that I'm feeling normal, I really don't have anything else to report. I didn't drop any weight since last log entry, but as many have said DNP will make you retain water; as will the Lipo-Ultra I have been applying to my problem areas. I'm happy, thus far, with my results & just I continue to drop BF. My glycerol and pyruvate should be here any day.


Note: Thread/Log origin from SSB.
Date: 02/14/06, Saturday (day 9)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 186.8 (Morning Weigh)
Total Loss 6.0lbs
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- DNP 200mg ED
- Benedryl 25mg ED
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra + CLEN Dermal: (read about it here: Lipderm-Ultra + Clen Info.)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate
- Glycerol

Diet is still on target. I haven't fallen off or eaten outside my pre-made/planned meal menu; this might change tonight, however, given it is V-Day (I have a nice dinner planned). Other than this, diet is tight. lol, Definitely getting the water intake I needed yesterday; as of now .5 gallon down.

None ... with the exception of morning cardio. I will be hitting the gym here in a few minutes, though, for a light full body workout (HST/DC).

Personal Note:
I'm feeling good this morning. Its day 9 @ 200mg ED and I have honestly not noticed any of the sides mentioned by other. That being said, however, my loses are slowing. I've decided to increase the dose to 400mg ED today. I'll be taking my second dose at 10pm tonight. I'll you all know what I think about 400mg tomorrow or in the following days.

I've also added CLEN to my lipoderm-Ultra; 15ml to a 4oz bottle. Like clen taking orally, I will have to cycle topical clen in a 2wk on/2wk off pattern also due to receptor down regulation. I have given a link to those more interested in the subject up above. Check it out, its a link to a post I started at AM, which has a link to avant where some of the vets talk it up about the lipo-clen application. Good stuff.

I'll keep you posted,

Note: Thread/Log origin from SSB.
Date: 02/15/06, Wednesday (day 10)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: Did not weigh -- no new weigh in to report.
Total Loss 6.0lbs
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- DNP 400mg ED
- Benedryl 25mg ED
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra + CLEN Dermal: 1x daily (morning) (read about it here: Lipderm-Ultra + Clen Info.)
- Capzasin-HP: 1x daily (night)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate
- Glycerol

I cheated twice this week, once last night with pizza and once tonight with chicken alferado. I'm afraid to weigh. I'm going to tighten my diet back up tomorrow and hold it strong.

I don't know whether its the DNP or my lack of training (maybe someone can answer this), but my workouts are a f*cking struggle to get through. I'm shaky, I'm fuzzy headed, I'm weak, and I have no indurance. I assume its due to the lack of glycogen in the muscle caused by the DNP (is this is correct), but not only am I dropping poundages (weight) on certain movements, I'm also losing volume (sets/reps). The exercises I can still perform at my previous poundages are hell; I fight for every rep. What do yall think is going on here?

Personal Note:
After some research on the subject I was lead to a thread about localized fat reduction. All your dermals where talked about, homebrew dermals were discussed, and then this Cazasin-HP stuff was brought up. I read a little, & I decided to get some (can be found at any local drug store). All I can say is HOLY #$!#@ %$#@ @#$! %$ #@# %$#@! This shit is excruciating. I was warned about this, but didn't ever believe it would feel the way it did tonight.

My first application went fine (last night). The feeling was more annoying than anything. It must have given me a slight chem burn, because when I put it on tonight, after my shower, I almost called 911. 1-10 in terms of pain, a 10+!!! No no, that doesnt even explain it. Let me give you a visual ...

I was hit by a car a couple years back, and drug several yards. I my knuckles on my left hand where skinned to the bone; holding nothing except embedded gravel in the skin remaining in the area. It literally looked like I was skinned alive from my lower finger knuckles to my elbow. All throughout was embedded gravel. Following me?? After I left the hospital, I was given plastic bristle brushes and iodine wash. Every day, 2x a day, I would have to scrub my naked skinned arm with these bristles and iodine until the gravel was gone (it took about 20 or so days). OK? Now, that being said, if you can imagine the pain those plastic bristles caused to my exposed nerve endings we're getting somewhere ... because Cap-HP was 10x worse!!!!!!! NO JOKE!!! Its an OTC arthritis pain reliever product, WTF??? I almost called 911. Luckily I found a bunch of liquid codeine, which I think helped.

Those of you who do this shit and can stand it or say it doesn't hurt are a bigger man than I am; you all have one hell of a tolerance for pain. For those who know, how many applications until the pain subsides? Nuff bout that for now.

Since I cheated twice this week, the last two nights in a row, I didn't weigh this morning. I have no new weight observations to report. I have increased my dose to 400mg (this is day 2 @ 400mg). So far so good. Nothing has changed. I'm still sleeping very well & don't seem to having a problem with sweats. Although, for the first time this morning I did feel a little more "on the verge" of perspiration during the first couple hours of work.

That's it for now, I'll keep you posted,

Note: Thread/Log origin from SSB.
Last edited:
Date: 02/16/06, Thursday (day 11)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 185.0lbs (Morning Weigh)
Total Loss 7.8lbs
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- DNP 400mg ED
- Benedryl 25mg ED
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra + CLEN Dermal: 1x daily (morning) (read about it here: Lipderm-Ultra + Clen Info.)
- Capzasin-HP: 1x daily (night)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate
- Glycerol

Diet was good todaya nd on track. I'm very pleased with myself. I'm looking forward to tomorrow mornings weigh in. Hopeing to hit that 8.5lbs lose mark.

30min of cardio first thing in the morning.

Personal Note:
Its my second day at 400mg, or is it my third (I'll have to recheck the my log), and I'm starting to really feel the heat. Although I am definitely a lot warmer, I'm not at all sweating like a pig or having problems sleeping because of the body temp. I have felt, however, very warm the last few days with frequent hot flashes taking almost to the point of perspiration. I'm still sleeping very well though. I got 10hrs of sleep in this morning, despite the crazy Cap-HP incident; the codeine helped a lot & the burning went away after about 1.5hrs. I slept so well, though, that I didn't want to get out of bed this morning.

All in all, I feel great ... even at 400mg ED. I'm guessing either 1: my caps are under dosed or 2: crystal really isn't as potent as powder; mg to mg (which I have heard a number of times). The only time I feel even slightly bad, in terms of sides, is during gym sessions. Other than that, my days go by as normal. I'm pleasantly superised.

The worst part about my experience so far as been that damn Cap-HP. DAMN I hate that stuff. That being said, however, I'm about to take a shower and apply it for the third time. The things we do to reach our goals. :rolleyes:


Note: Thread/Log origin from SSB.
good to see the shit is working. It gets the job done but its brutal. I went to 600mg and felt like killing myself. Did you take any before pics?
Bimmer said:
good to see the shit is working. It gets the job done but its brutal. I went to 600mg and felt like killing myself. Did you take any before pics?

I did take before pix. I have 5 days left of already capped DNP @ 400mg/cap, but i also have 20g crystal. I might cap me up some more and run it longer than 14days. I'm having zero sides. Its great.
Date: 02/17/06, Friday (day 12)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 184.4lba
Total Loss 8.4lbs
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- DNP 400mg ED (200mg 2x daily)
- Benedryl 50mg ED (25mg 2x daily)
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra + CLEN Dermal: 2x daily (morning & evening after cap-hp application)
(read about it here: Lipderm-Ultra + Clen Info.)
- Capzasin-HP: 1x daily (night)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate
- Glycerol

lol, no comment. Horrible today. Thats all I'm going to say. I drank plenty of water, though; which is about the only positive aspect of my diet. lol. I gota quit slippen ... although, it seems the more junk I eat the more I lose. Weird huh?

None - I had a shitty work schedule today.

Personal Note:
Day three @ 400mg ED and definitely starting to notice more temp increases and hot flashes. As far as sweats go ... none existant. Over all, day to day, feeling and/well being on a scale 1-10 (10 being very well/good) is a definitely around an 8 or 8.5. I have never tried the pwder form, but if they're is truely a difference between the two forms (crystal & powder) then I'll go with powder every time.

The Cap-Hp is cool now as well. I actually put around the same amount or more than I did my second application, you know the one I almost died over, and it doesnt even bother me. I put it on, wait a second while I'm washing my hands, then immedialty squirt my Lipo/clen-Ultra on. It might tingle at best now. Its really weird. That shit is sume funky stuff ... I hope it works like I've been told it works.

That's it for now, I'll keep you posted,

Note: Thread/Log origin from SSB.
Date: 02/18/06, Saturday (day 13)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 185.6lbs (??)
Total Loss 8.4lbs previously, now 7.2lbs (??)
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- DNP 400mg ED (200mg 2x daily)
- Benedryl 50mg ED (25mg 2x daily)
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra + CLEN Dermal: 2x daily (morning & evening after cap-hp application)
(read about it here: Lipderm-Ultra + Clen Info.)
- Capzasin-HP: 1x daily (night)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate
- Glycerol

I've been slacking on the diet. That's probably one reason for the increase in weight. I assume its just a fluctuation in water weight, nothing more. Do bodies on DNP in a calorie deficient fluctuate that much though? Has anyone else experienced a jump I weight like this?

None - only activity has been during work; which is minimal.

Personal Note:
I'm still feeling very well. Today, more so than any other day, I was quit hot most of the day. I could really feel the increase in body temp. I haven't taken my temperature yet; although I should. I'm pooped ... I'm going to take a shower, rub some cap-hp + lipo/clen on and hit the sack. I have to be back at work at 9am tomorrow; its 11:30 now.
