Sprt's DNP Log

Date: 02/29/06, Wednesday (Day 24 -- 7 days post DNP)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 178.6lbs (Morning Weigh)
Total Loss 14.2lbs!!! (a steady drop, once again)
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start - you tell me?)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate

Personal Note:
Blue higjhlights I believe are a huge contributer to my continuious drop in weight these last 7 dayd off DNP. That, and have been slight cal deficient the last 3 to 4 days along with minimzing carb intake in the pm hours. WO's and cardo sessions have not really change much other then they are returning to nromal statue in terms of previous loads, volume, & intsity (although the latter two more slowly than other factors). That being said, I am still not up the frequency i was once in the gym, yet continue to drop the weight. So what I am going, it seesm to be working.

I think since I have been taking this since my last cycle od DNP this next cycle should go twice as well. I've alwasy heard that your second bout with DNP is better anyhow. We'll see soon enough.

That's all for now?
i dont see how you could have lost 14lbs and not have gotton to 10% unless you lost muscle. i can see some improvement in the lower stomach area though. to me you look like you are still over 13%.

be careful man, dont burn off all your muscle.

great log btw
Warmachine said:
i dont see how you could have lost 14lbs and not have gotton to 10% unless you lost muscle. i can see some improvement in the lower stomach area though. to me you look like you are still over 13%.

be careful man, dont burn off all your muscle.

great log btw
I was worried about the LBM loss. Its is probably true that I did lose LBM. That being said, my diet (even if deficient), is high protien, moderate carbs, moderate "good" fats. I suppliment with protien, high fiber, and lots of fruit; olive oils, flax, & fish oil. I have noticed my arms have shurnk a little, as well.

What do you suggest I do to bring LBM back up, or at the very least, keep my LBM instead of letting it be canabolized. I have gear up the ying yang, but dont plan on cycling until this winter with which would be Winny/Tren E/Test E/Bold/Var for 20wks and a normal post cycle therapy (pct) of hCG, omid, and Nolva.

So you got any suggestions for me???
I think I'm going to go ahead and end the log here .... I start another cycle on Monday. That's just right around the corner. If you liked this thread, keep your eyes open for the next one. This second cycle should be just as good, if not better. Like I have said, I have some new tricks up my sleeves.

Stay tuned & thanks to all those who have posted!!
sorry i havnt read this lately.

i think you should be running anabolics now...if you are like me and i think you are, any hard diet will burn up muscle. i dont know about interactions with DNP but at the least i would run 500mg test a week. i do not think there is anything else that will keep your muscle on when you cut with extreme methods (DNP, low cal, low carb)
Warmachine said:
sorry i havnt read this lately.

i think you should be running anabolics now...if you are like me and i think you are, any hard diet will burn up muscle. i dont know about interactions with DNP but at the least i would run 500mg test a week. i do not think there is anything else that will keep your muscle on when you cut with extreme methods (DNP, low cal, low carb)
Your absolutly right my friend. Which is why I have a cycle planned after this diet run. Next cycle consist of Winstrol (or Dbol - dependingon my goals) Tren enan (I know everyone says not to run enan because if you get sides it takes forever for them to subside due to the long half life, but I have never had any problems with Tren before, even when running it solo or without test), Test enan, Bold, Anavar for the last 8 weeks. PCT: hCG, clomid, Nolva, with Letro throghout. In total, the cycle will last be around 20wks.

As for now, and I know this isnt sayintg much because strength works via two pathways (mechanical and nuero), Strength is still high and loads are decent. Endurance/reps are suffering though, due to the DNP.

Here is what I looked like at 205:

This picture was taken 10wks in to a test only cycle @ 705mg/wk.

My goal is to get and stay around 180lbs @ 10%. I fought and tried my damndest to be big, my genes just arnt up for it. So I'm going to go for a more realistic fit look. My set point is around 195lbs natual;ly while holding a decent amount of fat. If I can cut the fat off I can easily reach my goal (180lbs @ 10%). Its just takes detications.
yeah an as cycle after this dnp should get you back up there nicely. for me personally i like to cut while running anabolics, that way i dont lose it in the first place. thats a long cycle though man, you will easily go over your goal!

oh btw, cut to below 10%. go for like 8, then you can focus on eating when your cycleing and not worry about getting too fat.