Sprt's DNP Log

caladin said:
are you noticing any bloating or holding of water?

Not really, to be honest....


Date: 02/19/06, Sunday (day 14)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 185.0lb
Total Loss 7.8lbs
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- DNP 400mg ED (200mg 2x daily)
- Benedryl 50mg ED (25mg 2x daily)
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra + CLEN Dermal: 2x daily (morning & evening after cap-hp application)
(read about it here: Lipderm-Ultra + Clen Info.)
- Capzasin-HP: 1x daily (night)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate
- Glycerol

Today diet wasnt bad at all. I managed to tighten it up and have actually lowered carb intake throughout the day. I havent eaten any carbs since my 2:30 lunch, which was wheat thins I had with tuna. Dinner was two chicken breats. I'll drink a protien shake in water before bed.

None - I worked all day.

Personal Note:
I cant really explain what happened the last couple of days in terms of weight fluctuation. My only assumption would have to be water retention; what do you guys think? It's hard to imagine it could be anything other than that.

I still feel good. 400mg DNP is a breeze. It is still cold out, so that might be giving me the upper hand. I have noticed that body temp increased; especially today. I did break out in sweats a few times today during work, but nothing major. I don't plan on upping the dose anymore, but I would like to ask a couple questions regarding cycle lengths, if I may?

With all that has been given, my experience thus far, what would be my best option in terms of this cycle? 1: I could keep running DNP @ 400mg ED until I run out, but to be honest I don't know that much about it. Is this healthy? What are the pro's (if any) and cons of lengthy DNP cycles? 2: I could stop, recoup, and start again in another 2wks; all the while continue to run CAP-HP & my Lipoderm-Ultra/Clen combo 2wks ON/2wks OFF (I have another bottle of lipo to run during the off wks). Or 3: call it a wrap all together, wait a couple days to allow the DNP to leave my body and glycogen stores to replenish, take after pics, and count my blessings that I'm still alive?

Let me know what you all honestly think.

Date: 02/20/06, Monday (day 15)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 183.4lbs
Total Loss 9.4lbs!!!
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- DNP 400mg ED (200mg 2x daily)
- Benedryl 50mg ED (25mg 2x daily)
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipo-Ultra + CLEN Dermal: 2x daily (morning & evening after cap-hp application)
(read about it here: Lipderm-Ultra + Clen Info.)
- Capzasin-HP: 2x daily (morning & evenings)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate
- Glycerol


Diet is back on track ... I loved the results of cutting the carbs later in the evenings yesterday. It really seemed to help in the reductions, leaving me at 183.4 for the first time this cycle. I believe the absence of carbs increased the metabolism of fat due to the already depleted glycogen stores -- its as if my body entered full ketosis and went immediately to using BF as fuel instead of carbs. I tried it again tonight, but was unable to be as strict as I was with yesterdays meals. I did eat carbs, but mostly low GI oats and whole grains. I hope to drop another .5lbs by tomorrow's morning weigh in. My next cycle of DNP will be low carb during evening hours for sure. Wish me luck.

I did train today. Surprisingly, the workout went great. Today's training was full body, low volume, intense as I could possible go. In total have probably worked out 4 times during this intire cycle; aside from cardio, which was also minimal. Even with minimal activities I have dropped 9.4lbs thus far. I'M STOKED!!!

Personal Note:
What can I say ... besides YeeeeeAH (lil jon)!!! day 15 @ 400mg ED and I have officially lost 9.4lbs -- that's an average .63lbs a day. lol, I'm giddy. What do you all think? Am I right on target in terms of goals and normal DNP experiences; despite the fact I saw/experienced practically zero side effects??? I'd say super-exceeded my expectations, but missed my goal by .6lbs. Its not over yet; I have 2 days left @ 400mg ED. I

Here are my plans post DNP cycle:
Continue to run Lipoderm-Ultra without the clen (I have two bottles, which I will cycle 1wk off/1wk off). I'll continue to use Cap-HP 2x ED. I will also add also bought CLA and plan on running that along side Pyruvate daily. I have Liquid Clen & Albuterol on hand (don't plan on running these until later. I also bought Avant Labs Phenogen. I'll somehow incorrperate these products into my off time of DNP (14 to 30days or so) before jumping back into another cycle; next DNP cycle will start out at 400mg, however. Hopefully the lack of DNP will allow me to bring my WOs and cardio sessions up a notch, at least back to normal in terms of intensity, volume, and loads. What has been your guys experience POST PCT? Any information in regards to your past experiences will be greatly appreciated.

2 more days, I'll keep you posted:
are you seeing a differance in your appearence? Your lucky your not experiences bad sides. So did you decide if your gonna go longer?
Bimmer said:
are you seeing a differance in your appearence? Your lucky your not experiences bad sides. So did you decide if your gonna go longer?

You would think with a 10lbs drop in weight I would see a very noticable difference in appearance, but to me (since I see myself daily) the changes have been sudle. I'll update late rtonight, but I woke up this monring and dropped a full pound since yesturday; bringing me to 182.4lbs. Thats 10.4lbs drop and its day 16. I'm f*cking STOKED!

I have before and after pix.
be back later with an update.
Date: 02/21/06, Tuesday (day 16)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 182.4lbs
Total Loss 10.4lbs!!!
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- DNP 400mg ED (200mg 2x daily)
- Benedryl 50mg ED (25mg 2x daily)
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipoderm-Ultra: 2x daily (morning & evening after cap-hp application)
- Capzasin-HP: 2x daily (morning & evenings)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate

Personal Note:
Woke up this morning not really thinking much about my loses due to the previous days diet; which was clean but full of carbs. I went piss and weighed myself ... to my superise I lost ONE FULL POUND; bringing me to 10.4lbs total loss thus far. I surpassed my goal of 10lbs. I thought to my myself, "NO WAY" and got on the scale again. Once more it read 182.4. I smiled and walked off to take a shower.

10lbs in 16 days with almost zero sides; that is nuts! I was told I would be a sweaty beast, that I wouldn't make it to day 14, that I would cramp, turn yellow, and want to kill myself. Truth be told, I feel great!! No lies either. I literally feel good. The only side I've experienced was mild body tempt increases, very mild perspiration, and the occasional hot flash. My skin is not yellow, I didn't notice any cramping, I never thought once about killing myself, and I put a woop'n on day 14. The only time I had trouble or discomfort during this cycle with my first application of CAP-HP; which had nothing to do with the DNP.

Speaking of Cap-HP, I notice now after several days of continuous applications that even when I don't use it the area feels warm. Its also the first place I start to sweat; should I begin to break a little sweat (which isn't very often). I'm also able to apply a fairly large amount of Cap-HP without it hurting anymore. I adapted to pain very quickly; with in 3-4 applications. As far seeing a noticeable difference in terms of localized BF reduction, I haven't noticed much. The again I see myself everyday. I'm sure I'll notice a difference in the before and after pictures once the cycle is over.

I've been told I wont really see a huge difference in terms of BF lose for a couple days after cycle; after water retention subsides. That being said, however, I haven't noticed much water retention. Does anyone know how long I should wait before I take the after pictures??

Officially my cycle was scheduled to end on day 14. Given the fact that I had an extra few pills, I decided to run it out until my caps where gone -- no sense in having only a few pills laying around. I still have a full day left after to day of 400mg. DNP cycle will end Thursday. The fight to rid myself of unnecessary BF will continue, however; more about that later.

One last thing, I quit the lipo/clen mixture and substituted in a regular bottle of Lipoderm-Ultra (I have two bottle total). I plan on cycling the two lipos with Cap-HP 1wk on/1wk off. The switch started today (which gave me a full seven days in lipo/clen + cap-hp). So far from I've lost a full inch off the waist. I was hoping for more since I'm also running DNP and have lost 10lbs, but according to measurements, 1" inch it is. Its funny because I comfortably wear a waist size 32 to 34 pants, yet my hips measure 36.5 inches (which should give a general idea/visual of what my problem area looks like -- one might agree that the spare tire look could be contributed to estro sensitivity; this is something I've always believe anyhow).

One more day to go:
Date: 02/22/06, Wednesday (day 17)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 183.4lbs
Total Loss 9.4lbs ... up from 10.4 (water retention)
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- DNP 400mg ED (200mg 2x daily)
- Benedryl 50mg ED (25mg 2x daily)
- Nolvadex 20mg ED
- Lipoderm-Ultra: 2x daily (morning & evening after cap-hp application)
- Capzasin-HP: 2x daily (morning & evenings)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate

Stuck it!


Personal Note:
Last day, Im tired (had a great day), and i have to be up at 5am for work. I'm going to keep this short. I'll elaborate on my thoughts after all is said and done tomorrow regarding DNP; which I have grown to love and respect very much at this point.

Date: 02/22/06, Thursday (Day 18 -- 1Day Post DNP)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 183.4lbs
Total Loss 9.4lbs ... up from 10.4 (water retention)
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- Lipoderm-Ultra: 2x daily (morning & evening after cap-hp application)
- Capzasin-HP: 2x daily (morning & evenings)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Milk Thistle
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate

Low carbed it today. Well, not so much ... but later on in the evening I cut them out.

Quick run through; full body. Maybe ... I don't know If I'm feeling up to it. I figure if I don't though, that I wont go tomorrow (Friday) either. Euuuuuuuh...

Personal Note:
Woke up early and inhaled a protein shake, ran to work, and fought back the chunks ... I felt like shit all morning. Everyone kept asking me if I was alright. I honestly cant say what was wrong, it passed though.

As far as appetite goes, I don't feel any different. My diet hasn't changed, & I'm still eating 5-6 meals a day. I figure as long as I keep up this routine, I wont notice a difference in appetite and/or cravings.

We'll see how my strength is if I decided to hit the gym.

Everything else feels the same ...
No different from before I started, when I got on, or now that I'm off.

This was stated in another forum I also keep my logs:
By Kingofmasters on AR

The weight loss is said to be semi-permanent and here why:

DNP is so dangerous, because it doesn't involve in a feedback system
(meaning if there is to much present in the blood there is no way the body can combat that).
Also it is non-hormonal
(hormonal systems always have a feedback-mechanism).

This means that it doesn't affect your body's "setpoint"
(which is what your body thinks is your "healthy" weight and thus always wants to return to that point).

Some mechanisms in the "setpoint" are still unknown but it mostly has to do with dopamine/adrenaline and the various Neuropeptides
(especially B, K and Y that all regulate appetite).

The "setpoint" is best adjusted if weightloss is as gradually as possible
(phentermine users always get the yo-yo effect meaning all the lost weight
+ some new fat comes back after discontinuance; not only because fat is lost so rapidly but mainly because it affects all those "setpoint" features and after discontinuance they will try to regain homeostasis!).

DNP has no (significant) role in manipulating the "setpoint"
(meaning your body will not feel the urge to gain some weight after discontinuance).
Also it competes with T3, meaning after you stop DNP, T3 will peak
(instead of like with most diets; will be on low)
couple that with the fact that it is not catabolic
(actually a bit anti-catabolic for that matter) so your BMR stays
rougly the same after the DNP-cycle.

And the conclusion confirms the reality -->
Fat loss induced by DNP is not likely to come back for a significant part!

NOTE: empirical evidence (observations, experiences, etc.) seems to suggest that people doing longer-lower dosed cycles have an easier time keeping the weight off than short-high dosed cycles.
What do yall think??
the artical looks and sounds good, but unfortinatly there is so little info out on dnp Im skeptical of everything I read.
Bimmer said:
the artical looks and sounds good, but unfortinatly there is so little info out on dnp Im skeptical of everything I read.
That's only a small protion of the article ... it was brought to my attention by another member on another board. I was simply sharing it with everyone else.

Date: 02/22/06, Firday (Day 10 -- 2 Days Post DNP)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 181.4lbs
Total Loss: 11.4lbs

Personal note:
I seen to be dropping water weight. I lost 2lbs since last weigh in. I'm eger to see what tmorrow mornings weigh in brings.

Date: 02/26/06, Sunday (Day 21 -- 4 days in post DNP)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 183.0lbs (Morning Weigh)
Total Loss 9.8lbs!!! (steadily climbing up in weight)
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate

Still right on target. I haven't fallen off track or eaten outside my meal plan/diet as of yet. i did, however, have a business dinner last with my future boss (I got the job); in which I ate grilled chicken, rice pilaf, and green beans w/ two glasses lemon water. lol, So even when out to eat i stick to a pretty clean plate. :0) I haven't noticed anything in terms of hunger or carb cravings, as some of mentioned I will. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I'm doing well, & it isn't hell (as most diets are or turn out to be).

Strength is coming back, as is endurance, I noticed. I'm still not balls tot he wall with intensity, but I have noticed that I don't struggle as much through my workouts like I was once doing (on cycle). I don't feel sick, light headed, dizzy, or any such side effects as I did when I was on DNP during my workouts. Things seem to be returning to normal.

One thing I have noticed if a fuller look to my muscles; whereas before, due to the DNP, they looked a lot flatter. I noticed it mostly in my arms; only because there the muscle I most often see when performing any sort of activity.

I don't know if I mentioned either that vascularity in some areas as improved as well. Although, I wouldn't say I was a very vascular person to begin with. Usually, when on cycle (AAS) I lean out naturally and become vascular; especially in my arms. I noticed some of these areas now, without using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or being on cycle.

Still don't have a 6pak and I know I'm no where near 10% yet, which are two goals of mine, but I'm going to get there. I have a looooong road ahead of me still. Fortunately, i still have several tricks up my sleeves. :0) I'm going to pull out all the stops over the course of the next few weeks (i.e., diet is going to get even tighter, carb cycling will begin, clen or albuterol will be introduced on my off time from DNP, several DNP cycles have already been planned and scheduled, cardio and WO routine is being fine tuned).

Personal Note:
I wouldn't call the first cycle a success, but I wouldn't call it a failure either. It was, for me, a test and personal learning experience. I wanted to see exactly how DNP would effect me before I started pushing the envelope. These next few cycles will be much more intense now that I know what to look forward to. I'm glad I started out slow and listened to my body. I would still be going at it blind had I not, and went all out on my first cycle (which would have been a stupid newbie mistake).

The next cycle will look as follows:
Day 1-7: 400mg ED
Day 7-14: 600mg ED

If I cant handle 600mg ED I will lower dose back to 400mg and run it straight out like that for 25 to 30days; like so: Day 1-25: 400mg ED. I'm confident, however, that I will be able to handle 600mg. 400mg was no different for me than 200mg during the first cycle. Again though, it will be trial and error. I cant ever see myself going over 600mg.

As soon as I take my after pictures, which will be this Wednesday, I will start the Lipoderm-Ultra and Cap-HP again. That way I have a little jump on the next DNP cycle which will start the following Monday. Reason for stopping int he first place was because of the fact that Lipo sometimes make the area you apply hold water. I wanted to take as accurate pictures as possible. I also still have the Lipo/Clen mixture on hand as well. I'll have to figure out when to through that back into the mix as well. I might do a 1wk on/1wk off alternation with the Lipo/Cap-HP and lipo/Clen, that way when I end my second DNP cycle I will be better able to judge whether or not an oral Albuterol or Clen cycle can take place, if at all; it might not be necessary.

I've used Clen a number of times with decent results, but the sides are what concern me; especially the side clen plays with on your heart. I have never tried albuterol though. I hear there is almost zero sides and users are reporting just similar results to using clen; although they will tell you clen is still superior. Naturally I'm curious, and will most likely go with the albuterol in between my second and third DNP. I'll play it by ear.

I don't plan to bulk again until this winter. Right now, I want to get my BF under control and meet my two current goals. Once I have accomplished this, I will move on to the next step; that being a massive bulk cycle (AAS). Who is really to say. I'm sure a lot will change before that time.

Let me know what you think,
Date: 02/27/06, Monday (Day 22 -- 5 days post DNP)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 182.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Total Loss 10.0lbs!!!
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate

Spent today in a calorie deficient state, by how much I don't know. Today was a rough day for me. I lost a 16.50 dollar an hour opportunity and woke up pretty late (11am). If I had been up earlier, I might had gotten in a few more cals. I'm actually kind of hungry right now ... I might have a protein shake in water.

As far as diet goes ... I'm still on top of it.

I think I might start another cook off tomorrow. I'm off from work.

25min on the treadmill, & 15min on the stair stepper. It was right after my "your not getting the job" phone call. I was pissed the whole session.

I had plans to go again tonight for my work out, but its storming about in my area and they say its going to get worse. Not only that, but the gym is ridiculous right now (good excuses huh?).

Personal Note:
Nothing really new to report, in terms of my weight, experience, or DNP use.

I would like to comment on an order I received today, though (see what you all think). I was so impressed with last DNP cycle I ordered a shit load more (30 caps and 50g from D). It got here this morning. I was like a little kid on x-mas; jumping around the mail man and shit. lol, ridiculous.

Anyhow, I went about capping my 50g up. I got out the a little of the last batch and opened the new batch. Side by side they looked nothing alike. The last batch was really light & crystal like. It was a lighter color than this batch. It also weight much less by volume. The new batch was very grain like and stuck together on my knife (something the first batch definitely didn't do). This new batch was also a lot duller in color; still yellow, just plain looking. I immediately thought "powder?" 2grams of the old batch would have fit into a tspn, this new batch would have taken at least a full tblspn (per 2gs).

Either way, it doesn't bother me (powder or crystal). If powder, I have been wanting to try powder anyway. If powder, I should have been informed I was getting powder not lead on to believe I was buying crystal. If crystal, why does it look so different? I have a feeling what I have is powder. I cant complain, though, I got waaaay more than I paid for (ordered 50g got 60g). T/A was great too (2 days -- even over the weekend).

So what do you guys think?
After comparing the before and after side by side, I do notice a difference; even if only slightly. I think the measurements are more note worthy. I still need a lot of work though. Looking back, I don't even remember noticing myself get this out of control. I would appreciate all the constructive criticisms you guys can give; it will help keep my on the right track and point me to focus more on the problems you see rather than the total overall appearance. Right now, if you asked me, I would say my number one concern is my lower abdominal and side (hip) love handles. I must stay the course. I know I still have a loooooong way to go, but I'm prepared and have all the necessary arsenal to get the job done. There is no deadline in my goals, but will definitely meet my goals sooner or later. Here are the pictures I promised. Enjoy.

Weight: 192.8lbs
Wasit: 37.5 inches

Weight: 179.2lbs
Wasit: 34.75 inches

Total Loses to date:
Weight: 13.6lbs
Wasit: 2.75 inches

I'm extremely happy with the weight and waist measurments. They exceeded my previous expectations.


PS: You should be able to click on the pictures to enlarge and veiw them better.
Date: 02/28/06, Tuesday (Day 23 -- 6 days post DNP)

Starting Weight: 192.8lbs (Morning Weigh)
Current Weight: 179.2lbs (Morning Weigh)
Total Loss 13.6lbs!!! (jumping around in weight a bit)
BF% Unknown (15%-ish @ start - you tell me?)

- Multi Vitamin
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Cranberry
- Garlic
- Fish Oil
- Selenium
- Chromium
- Pyruvate

Diet went very well today, but I am lacking in the water department. I also had a pepsi. Other than that, I havent eaten out side my previously planned meal plan. I thought I was going to have a cook off today and cook some new plates, but I decided to wait until tomorrow.

Workouts are so much better off DNP. Its like night and day; literally. Tonights workout went great. I'm back to all my previous loads. I'm not back to previous volume or intensity though. I've also switched from a full body HST type workout to a 3 day split. Before the cycle I was doing a 2on/1off/2on/2off upper/lower (low volume, high frequency) split; which worked out pretty good. Now, however, I'm doing a more traditional Back/Bi, Chest/Tri, Legs/Shoulder routine ... abs every other day (3x a week at least).

Personal Note:
I woke up this morning not thinking to much about my weight. I have been off DNP and any sort of dermals for 6 days today; well I started my dermals again tonight. I got on the scale and thought "that cant be right." I weighed a second time and sure enough ... 179.2lbs. That's down from 182.8lbs the day before. WTF?? I did cut carbs yesturday and I have been shitting alot ... lol ... but I wouldnt think it would leave me nearly 3lbs lighter. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow.

Thanks you to those who responded to my before and after. I'm still a fat bastard, but 13lbs down in 23 days (6 of which were drug free). I hope this second cycle (starting next monday) yields similar results. Even if I lose another 10lbs, I'll still see myself as a fatty. Maybe you guys can relate ... I havent had a 6pak in 6yrs, but when I did I still thought I was fat (I am a former fat kid, which is probably why this happens). Below 10% and I still thought I looked fat. lol, its weird how the mind works. I remember seeing a picture of someone on spring break that year. Who ever took the picture sucked ass because they cut the head of who ever was in the picture. When I saw it, i was like "damn ... who is that ripped mother @#$%!?" The motha @#$%! was me!! I was blown away.

Anyhow ... looking forward to trying out some new products. We have breifly discussed some of them. Liposolv, raw forskolin, camphibolics, Clen, Albuterol, ect. Well, I got to thinking ... what about the good old fashion E/C/A's during my off weeks?? I have a at work on the stuff and he's lost 11lbs.

Here is a few links:

What do you guys think about any of those?? I can find C & A anywhere else pretty easily. The E is what concerns me. Any of these the old E we used back int he day?

That's all for now?