New member
Weight 216
Mon - delts - 10-12 reps
No cardio warmup obviously
External/internal shoulder rotation - three sets
Superset hanging leg raise - four sets
OHP - three sets
Superset rear delt cable pullapart - three dropsets
Standing behind the neck press - three sets
Superset smith shrug - in front - three sets (heavy)
Smith shrug - behind the back - three sets (heavy)
Lateral DB raise - three sets
Superset front DB raise - two sets
And off to the medicentre to check out my shins / kankles and get a bloodwork requisition form...
Mon - delts - 10-12 reps
No cardio warmup obviously
External/internal shoulder rotation - three sets
Superset hanging leg raise - four sets
OHP - three sets
Superset rear delt cable pullapart - three dropsets
Standing behind the neck press - three sets
Superset smith shrug - in front - three sets (heavy)
Smith shrug - behind the back - three sets (heavy)
Lateral DB raise - three sets
Superset front DB raise - two sets
And off to the medicentre to check out my shins / kankles and get a bloodwork requisition form...