What a class act right here
And I agree 100%
Staying on is a decision that only you can make and don't let anyone else make that decision for you, because you don't want to, one day, be married to a needle never having wanted to be. Now if you decide to stay on for your own goals then that's a whole different story. I don't come off anymore, does it bother me? No its the best fucking decision Ive ever made. I would suggest trying to restore natural production as best you can before going down that road. If you get to a point were you cant restart then turn down that road.
But at the end of the day I know you got your head screwed on straight, so you know whats up, Im just shooting you some friendly advice bro.
I agree with everything except the married to the needle part, to be honest. While it may sound like rationalizing, and I suppose it is...consider how minor an inconvenience a literally 1x/wk trt pin might be, in comparison to our current lifestyle or even a completely sedentary, carefree lifestyle. I'm too old to backpack carefree across Europe...I don't see myself "getting away" for weeks on end, so let me think about an average day then week:
Average day:
Wakeup, pin GH & slin (pinning wouldn't happen if I wasn't bodybuilding)
Careful breakfast incl. measured oats, etc... (could skip or do whatever if I wasn't bodybuilding)
Gym, pin GH & slin (could skip if I wasn't bodybuilding)
Head to work (would probably still be doing this without bodybuilding lol)
Careful meal timing to avoid hypo...still before 11am (could still skip if I wasn't bodybuilding)
Lunch (measured, wouldn't care if I wasn't bodybuilding)
Pin hormones (wouldn't be doing that if I wasn't bodybuilding)
Afternoon nap and food (who am I kidding I would still nap if I wasn't bodybuilding, but could skip the food)
Dinner (measured or IIFYM...would be nice to just be surprised and could do that if I wasn't bodybuilding)
Fuck around, play video games (would do more of this if I wasn't bodybuilding)
Evening cardio (obviously wouldn't do if I wasn't bodybuilding)
Bedtime snack (would be icecream if I wasn't bodybuilding)
Bedtime ancillaries (prami, aromasin etc...obviously wouldn't take that shit if I didn't have to)
Bedroom cardio (might have more energy for this if I wasn't bodybuilding who knows)
Sleep poorly (happens to me regardless of what I'm doing)
So...a non-bodybuilding day would entail
Eat at random times
Nap and play video games
Sleep poorly
Then, worst case scenario; once a week...pin 125mg test decanoate
What I'm getting at is, I don't like the idea that I'd be required to pin that test D or test U...however, in the grand scheme of things it wouldn't be the end of the world when I consider how many people have to take mountains of pills per day, diabetics who REQUIRE slin multiple times per day, etc etc.
And again, all that being said...no one makes my decisions for me, I don't want to give the impression my girlfriend would be the reason for me to stay on...it was just surprising that the one person I 100% expected would expect me to cycle off had a completely different opinion on the matter.