SP's on/off-season log

By: 3J
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

I have had the pleasure of being a mod on a few forums over the years. With that position comes a lot of time spent on the forums. Today I want to brush up on the use of anabolics and their impact on the users relationship with their significant other. It is no secret that the use of anabolics in society comes with a taboo. Anabolic steroid users are considered ***8220;meat heads***8221; who are uneducated and know nothing but the gym. They are also thought to be druggies and people who ***8220;cheat to get ahead.***8221;

Believe it or not, this whole idea of anabolic steroid users first started in the Olympics and then blew up due to accusations of use in the MLB. With that came the shame of use as we know today. But the truth is anabolic users are educated people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle for the most part. So what happens when you have a spouse or significant other who doesn***8217;t know about your anabolic use? Do you keep it from them? Do you tell them straight out?

I have followed a policy of truth with my wife. When I initially met her, I told her nothing about my involvement with anabolics. My reasoning for hiding it was simple, I didn***8217;t know her well enough to tell her I used anabolics. I believe rule #1 in disclosure is the value of disclosing such information to a person. In other words, if the girl is just a fling, treat her that way. She doesn***8217;t need to know your use of anabolics just as she doesn***8217;t need to know your deep dark secrets.

But what happens when you decide you want to take it a step further? The day I decided I wanted to take my relationship further, I decided I needed to disclose my use of anabolics. You see, a policy of truth comes with consequences. You have to be prepared for an onslaught of questions and concerns from your significant other who is likely more uneducated in the topic of steroids than a child. They only know what they hear: steroids are bad for you. When I told my now wife that I had used anabolics in the past she freaked out a little bit. Her worries were about my health. So you have to explain the use of anabolics to your wife like you would a newbie. You have to be honest about the risks and benefits. You have to be able to debate the use to her and validate your use. If you cannot put her mind at ease than you will never win. If you get angry and give her an ultimatum, that might be the last thing you give her.
Is it worth losing your significant other over the use of anabolics? Absolutely not! But, if you do tell her and she absolutely refuses to accept your choices then maybe that person is not the right person for you?

Hiding the use of anabolics from your significant other is never a good idea. In a relationship trust is the most important thing. Once that***8217;s out of the picture your whole world could become a mess. I***8217;ve seen multiple relationships go down the drain because someone***8217;s girlfriend or wife found his anabolics and confronted him. Take the road less traveled in this situation. Talk to your loved one. Tell them you what you want to do. Be kind and be patient with them as they process the information. When I told my wife I wanted to go on HRT, I did so with bloodwork and educational material. She didn***8217;t hesitate to allow me to get medicated once she saw everything. Give your significant other a chance to accept who you are.

Good luck to you all!
Weight 215

Holding pretty steady without hormones; feeling strong as bull in the gym but as I alluded recovery is exactly as I've experienced in the past...worse than natty due to flatlined hormone levels

Fri - arms - 8-12 reps
15min cardio warmup
standing rope curl - four sets with some dropsets in there
superset tricep rope pushdown - four dropsets
lying leg raise - four sets
hammer DB curl - three dropsets
overhead tricep extension - two sets
triangle tricep pushdown - two pause sets

Had quite the arm pump going on; felt good and looked supergood (lol) half wanted to wear my stringer to work for casual friday but it was too sweaty =(

May hit either gym for some hammies and cardio this evening or possibly hot yoga with the girlfriend...ONLY TIME WILL TELL

Please don't think I was talking negatively to you... I was merely reminding you of the consequences of running long-haul cycles in the long run.

Personally, I only have to pin once every 4 weeks (Test Undecanoate), so this is no hardship whatsoever!
My missus pins for me, due to the arduous 4min long injection of the 4ml, and is fully aware of why I do it, and the benefits of what I'm doing...

I haven't had the balls to tell her about the other gear I'm running, all she knows about is the Test and the HCG, and I think I'm gonna keep it that way.

My plan is to have one pretty hardcore year, run my competition, get that box ticked, and then afterwards come off the other compounds and just keep my fun to playing around with my Test dose... I'm taking my chances that the wife doesn't find out and once the comp is done, I'm done.

Like I said SP, my advice was meant in a friendly fashion, I'm just an older brother looking out for a younger brother...

I know you're a bright lad, you'll work it all out :)
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Please don't think I was talking negatively to you... I was merely reminding you of the consequences of running long-haul cycles in the long run.

Personally, I only have to pin once every 4 weeks (Test Undecanoate), so this is no hardship whatsoever!
My missus pins for me, and is fully aware of why I do it, and the benefits of what I'm doing...

I haven't had the balls to tell her about the other gear I'm running, all she knows about is the Test and the HCG, and I think I'm gonna keep it that way.

My plan is to have one pretty hardcore year, run my competition, get that box ticked, and then afterwards come off the other compounds and just keep my fun to playing around with my Test dose... I'm taking my chances that the wife doesn't find out and once the comp is done, I'm done.

Like I said SP, my advice was meant in a friendly fashion, I'm just an older brother looking out for a younger brother...

I know you're a bright lad, you'll work it all out :)

Sometimes I absolutely hate the internet

I really liked your whole post, and the one I typed in response wasn't meant to be anything but conversational...I knew what you meant, it's all things I've thought about myself and it never hurts to hear it again from another bro

Total sidebar:

If you don't want to broach the additional gear subject sooner, I would use the competition as an icebreaker... "honey I was really surprised to learn about the additional performance enhancers those guys are taking, while still living healthy lives and holding down jobs/familes....etc"
Hit the gym to finish up those hammies from the other day, did calves and some chins while I was at it then cardio. My girlfriend came which was really cool, we were planning to head straight from the gym to see "gone girl" but ended up leaving about 15mins late

So instead we picked up some diet rootbeer she was craving, I got some steaks and stir fry veggies and had a nice little post workout desert/meal

Fri - legs pt.2 - 12-15 reps
SLDL - four sets
Prone hamstring curl - two dropsets
Standing calf raise - four sets
Narrow grip chin-up - three sets

PM Cardio:
30min LISS - incline treadmill

I'm worried I gave myself shin splints...it's so weird that they are hurting badly now vs when I was doing almost 2hrs/d double cardio during prep...but God they hurt on the treadmill and even more now at home:/
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Yo! hey what is you reasoning for running Tren E and A together at the same time, Im still about a month out from starting Tren and was gonna just go with E and kickstart with A. But after seeing you've ran and plan on running both I am curious as to why?
Yo! hey what is you reasoning for running Tren E and A together at the same time, Im still about a month out from starting Tren and was gonna just go with E and kickstart with A. But after seeing you've ran and plan on running both I am curious as to why?

I had quite a bit of tren E left, and it cut down on pins (and cost) of tren A to keep the enanthate ester in the mix longer than most would've for a contest prep.

When I'm starting tren E; I'd probably be fine most of the time just letting it spool up regularly but obviously the alternative you alluded to with a vial or two of ace to kickstart is pretty attractive too.

Anyways the main reason to go Enan -> Ace is to be able to drop it just a few days out from competition; though after doing that this time around and getting some acne (the spray tan did NOT help in that regard lol) I think next time I will run injectables straight up to and through the contest, with the exception of test P which I'll drop five or so days out as usual.

In my mind unless you were planning to drop Mast for the contest (which again doesn't seem to make sense) there's zero reason for Mast P....it's 50% more expensive even accounting for the lighter prop ester...requires daily pins and more oil in your body...although I have it in my next-year's plan, the main reason for that is so I can come off almost immediately post-contest (next time I won't have EQ floating around in my system that stays for two and a half goddamn months...fucking lingerers)
Weight 216

Afternoon weight, afternoon workout...set a flat bench PR but I haven't lifted heavy (or done flat bench first) in months so that's not saying a lot, only cool thing I guess is that it was basically sans-hormones.

Sat - chest - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
internal / external shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
flat BB bench - four strip sets - new PR (with spotter) 10x295...I'll say 8x295 safe, clean reps...MAYBE nine but eight for sure that were all mine. I'm not terribly strong and don't pretend to be, just a PERSONAL best that's all.
superset lying leg raise - four sets
incline DB press - three dropsets
superset forearm BB curl - two sets
flat DB flyes - three sets
superset lying tricep extension (skullcrushers) - three sets
bodyweight chest dip - two burnout sets

Shin splints(?) are still bothering the shit out of me, going to forego cardio for a few days or at least wait until tomorrow to see if maybe elliptical or recumbent bike would aggravate them less
I had quite a bit of tren E left, and it cut down on pins (and cost) of tren A to keep the enanthate ester in the mix longer than most would've for a contest prep.

When I'm starting tren E; I'd probably be fine most of the time just letting it spool up regularly but obviously the alternative you alluded to with a vial or two of ace to kickstart is pretty attractive too.

Anyways the main reason to go Enan -> Ace is to be able to drop it just a few days out from competition; though after doing that this time around and getting some acne (the spray tan did NOT help in that regard lol) I think next time I will run injectables straight up to and through the contest, with the exception of test P which I'll drop five or so days out as usual.

In my mind unless you were planning to drop Mast for the contest (which again doesn't seem to make sense) there's zero reason for Mast P....it's 50% more expensive even accounting for the lighter prop ester...requires daily pins and more oil in your body...although I have it in my next-year's plan, the main reason for that is so I can come off almost immediately post-contest (next time I won't have EQ floating around in my system that stays for two and a half goddamn months...fucking lingerers)

That makes sense.

Do you tjink the EQ was still doing its thing for that amount of time after?

I ask as I am comptemplating rxtensing my cycle a throwing someore things into the mix.
SP... How long do you think the Eq stayed in your blood for?
I'm 2 weeks off now, and was thinking leaving it another 6 weeks - I need to donate blood before I run the Tren...
That makes sense.

Do you tjink the EQ was still doing its thing for that amount of time after?

I ask as I am comptemplating rxtensing my cycle a throwing someore things into the mix.

It's so mild, and my drug tolerance is quite high so I would anticipate I was 'feeling' the effects for 3-5 weeks afterwards while serum levels were still >500mg..but as the long tail stretches out I would think it was just hanging around to basically hang around, which would cause PCT problems but not much in the way of useful benefits.

SP... How long do you think the Eq stayed in your blood for?

Depends on the dosage - if you were in the 600-800mg/wk range, two months may be enough - you can plug it into steroidplot.com to verify but that 8 weeks sounds sufficient.
Weight 217

Afternoon workout again, met up with a bro from another forum...pretty cool to meet similarly minded people online then hit the iron repository with them

Sun - back - 8-12 reps
No cardio warmup...shin splints are fucking...wow. Swollen and red/black...I've never seen this kind of thing. May head to a medicentre after dinner...
Heavy deads - four sets
Yates row - three pause sets
Inverted row - two sets
Medium grip bodyweight pullup - three sets
Superset medium/wide/narrow grip pulldown - three dropsets
Seated row - three dropsets
Superset one-arm cable curl - three sets
Forearm BB curl - two sets

Got my PCT diet from 3J - I am very impressed with the food choices, very clearly laid-out and easy to follow. I'll print a few copies at work tomorrow and head to the grocery store! Nothing crazy to buy but the selection of veggies, for example, is exciting and I'm ready to try something besides broccoli and peppers.
Weight 217

Afternoon workout again, met up with a bro from another forum...pretty cool to meet similarly minded people online then hit the iron repository with them

Sun - back - 8-12 reps
No cardio warmup...shin splints are fucking...wow. Swollen and red/black...I've never seen this kind of thing. May head to a medicentre after dinner...
Heavy deads - four sets
Yates row - three pause sets
Inverted row - two sets
Medium grip bodyweight pullup - three sets
Superset medium/wide/narrow grip pulldown - three dropsets
Seated row - three dropsets
Superset one-arm cable curl - three sets
Forearm BB curl - two sets

Got my PCT diet from 3J - I am very impressed with the food choices, very clearly laid-out and easy to follow. I'll print a few copies at work tomorrow and head to the grocery store! Nothing crazy to buy but the selection of veggies, for example, is exciting and I'm ready to try something besides broccoli and peppers.

Ya his veggie selection is sick, I love it, it kind of exiting and it makes the meals feel fresher know what I mean, Ill grab like 6 or 7 different kinds at the store, wash em clean em cut em all up and put them in the fridge in tupperwares and scoop a cup out or what ever with all my meals, bam nice and easy.

fuck, those shin splints don't sound very good man, your saying there all bruised and everything?!!!
yates row and inverted row. that's two excercises I don't see too often!

How do you find the inverted row? I imagine you put push the bench away in a Smith machine and then pull towards the bar as you do?

Never known anyone to do a Yates row. How do you find it after doing deadlifts?
yates row and inverted row. that's two excercises I don't see too often!

How do you find the inverted row? I imagine you put push the bench away in a Smith machine and then pull towards the bar as you do?

Never known anyone to do a Yates row. How do you find it after doing deadlifts?

I alternate the Yates rows with wide grip bent over barbell rows every few workouts, I find I feel it in my lats/traps way more vs the posterior delts/traps/bis that I feel on the bent over rows...

For inverted rows I just use the same power rack I was deadlifting and rowing in most of the time- set barbell at waist height and rep out to failure

Shins: Shin splints? - Imgur

With flash: http://imgur.com/a/dh1lT

Normally I have smallish joints...ankles look fat as shit and damn they hurt...
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Hey SP... I saw an ex g/f last month, she had kankles like that.... I'm glad I got shut when I did ;)

Only messing, sounds feckin sore buddy! :(
Ouch, thats doesnt look too good.

You gonna have to avoid any strenuous exercises that involve that area for them to heal faster. Give it a rest, icing will help and taking an NSAID like advil will will help with any inflammation, man. Don't just keep at it and make it even worse.
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