SP's on/off-season log

About the lower back issue - are you keeping your spine neutral or pushing your chest out & flexing it?

Lower back problems from deadlifts, squats, etc generally come from spinal flexion - the more you flex it, the weaker it becomes.
About the lower back issue - are you keeping your spine neutral or pushing your chest out & flexing it?

Lower back problems from deadlifts, squats, etc generally come from spinal flexion - the more you flex it, the weaker it becomes.

I'll have to take a video next leg day to get a better idea, it's tough to say for sure when you're under the bar or worse now (sitting in my office)
Weight 218

AM workout, AM weight...far from fasted (carton of eggwhites and a cup of oats in my gut along with a few litres of coffee) but still makes sense that I'm lighter than the last few PM workouts.

Thur - chest - 8-12 reps
external/internal shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
incline DB press - three dropsets
flat BB bench - three sets, end with dropset
superset DB flyes - three sets
weighted chest dips - three sets
superset bodyweight chest dips - three sets
lying leg raise - four sets
low cable flyes - three sets

Itching to do a little cardio, shins feel better and much less swollen today...kankle situation is mostly gone: imgur: the simple image sharer
I'm really hoping my girlfriend doesn't see this log because afterwards I hopped on the ducati and met one of my sisters at spence diamonds...she helped me pick out the perfect engagement ring and helped the sales lady convince me not to sleep on it. So I pulled the trigger on that too...

Congratulations buddy... that's great news!
I've stalked you on Instagram, she's definitely a keeper! lmao
Let me know when you've set a date - these long haul flights need to be saved up for!
Hell yea bro.

You and shredder can be each others' +1 (unless mrs. shredder really wants to come eat pizza, she's more than welcome!)
Just make sure you put a good feast on at the reception bro...
3J has me on 5000cals a day at the mo! ;)

That's where the pizza comes in

1. Reception appy's (1mr, OG jack3d, c4 etc)
1a. Pre-reception pump up/full body circuit
2. Reception dinner (chicken and chicken with some rice)...speeches run concurrently, 43 second timelimit and back to back with no MC to save time
2a. Post-dinner photoshoot (on site spraytanners etc)
3. Desert (protein cheesecake)
4. Midnight pizza
Weight 218

Fri - back - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup - ez/slow
yates row - four sets, finished with dropset
superset decline weighted situp - four sets w/ 45lb plate
deads - medium, no belt or straps - four sets then tried a 1mr a few times (no luck)
superset machine row - three sets
bodyweight pullup - three sets
superset hammer plate-loaded row - three sets, end with strip/dropset
seated row - two burnout sets

Lots of flexing in the mirror and frowning at people who didn't like the sound of deadlifts at 7am

edit: http://youtu.be/VMBJZ3s_PsI

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Weight 218

PM weight...maybe getting the water rebound under control a bit. However I went to donate blood and my BP was much higher than normal...going to track it for the next few days and see what is up

Sat - delts pt.1 - 10-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
External/internal shoulder rotation - three sets of each per arm
Superset hanging leg raise - four sets
Seated DB press - three dropsets
Smith behind-the-neck press - three sets
Front BB raise - two sets
Superset DB shrug - two sets

Shoulder pump was insane...debilitating like I was on dbol or fakevar but I'm not obviously...anyways had to split to get my hair cut and tan so I will return to finish up more shrugs/raises/rear delts and maybe sneak in some VERY light cardio before we try to see a movie again tonight...
Sat - delts pt.2 - 10-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
Smith shoulder press - four sets
Hang clean & press - three sets
Barbell behind-the-neck press - three sets
Lateral DB raise - three sets
Superset front DB raise - three sets
Smith shrugs (front) - four sets
Superset upright DB row - three sets
Smith shrugs (behind the back) - four sets
Superset flex in mirror
Rear delt cable pullapart - three dropsets

Met with a local bodybuilder today who does posing coaching. Was an amazingly informative and motivational half hour - he agreed to take me on as a posing student over the winter in preparation for either the northerns in June or muscle beach 3015 in October...emphasized the importance of posing, and also stressed "everyone has abs, quads, arms and chest - out of 10 guys you are already top five if you have glutes, hams and rear delts. Back shots win shows...and most muscular of course."
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Weight 216

Sun - arms - 8-12 reps
15min cardio warmup
Ez bar curl - four sets
Superset CGBP - four stripsets
Supersuperset lying let raise - four sets
Hammer DB curl - three dropsets
Superset seated tricep extension - three sets
Oblique side bend - three sets

Dim sum time...may do a few more arm exercises with cardio later, time permitting but got a good pump with the hour I had this morning
Sun - PM Cardio + arms/abs
25 min elliptical - man these are no joke; lower back gets tight/sore pretty quick though?
Supported hanging leg raise - three sets
Bodyweight tricep dips - three sets
Alternating DB curl - three sets
SP: Great log so far buddy!

I've got a question though...

I noticed that sometimes you like to start a bodypart - and then return later in the day and finish it.. (eg: arms today)

I've always been of the opinion that you should 'get in, trash the muscle, get out, rest and feed the muscle'

Surely if you've worked a muscle group, broke down those fibres and then cooled down and had nutrition, the recovery process has started...?

By hitting it later in the day, you'll not only be hitting it at it's weakest point, but also delaying the recovery process?

Just an observation bro, wanted to get your thoughts on this...

BigBen :)
I noticed that sometimes you like to start a bodypart - and then return later in the day and finish it.. (eg: arms today)

I've always been of the opinion that you should 'get in, trash the muscle, get out, rest and feed the muscle'

Surely if you've worked a muscle group, broke down those fibres and then cooled down and had nutrition, the recovery process has started...?

By hitting it later in the day, you'll not only be hitting it at it's weakest point, but also delaying the recovery process?

Just an observation bro, wanted to get your thoughts on this...

BigBen :)

If I'm not satisfied with the job from earlier in the day I want to finish it, regardless of whether -some- repair has started it's part OCD and part bro/science...I've seen a few (not many) people do split, same-day workouts for a bodypart with compounds in the morning and isolation at night so I've never been too worried about it.

Plus, without gear or any natural test really (only 3 wks into PCT) my recovery is slow as shit - I imagine anything meaningful recovery-wise starts happening after I fall asleep the evening-of moreso than during the day, but that's the bro-scientist in me talking I have no research to back that up.

Speaking of, I should be sleeping but woke 20 mins ago...having a helluva time falling back asleep (having my phone it doesn't help I suppose)
I have a self-imposed mobile 'ology ban...

I only log on here when I have a big screen - otherwise I wouldn't get anything done!

I'll beg to differ on your bro-science recovery techniques buddy - but then again, I always leave enough time to smash that muscle out of the park - I guess I'm lucky that I work in a gym and time isn't an issue!

Now get back to counting those sheep! :sleep:
I'll beg to differ on your bro-science recovery techniques buddy - but then again, I always leave enough time to smash that muscle out of the park - I guess I'm lucky that I work in a gym and time isn't an issue!

Im always willing to learn/adapt

I doubt I'll suddenly gain hours per day more free time or start working in a gym, however...:)
Weight 216

Bumped into my buddy who had the bachelor party on friday, at the gym this morning...aftermath is not surprising; his phone is broken, ass is still sore (the strippers whipped him with his belt BUCKLE ouch) and as I guess his fiance has absolutely no pity for him lol.

Mon - legs pt.1 - 12-15 reps
10min cardio warmup
seated quad extension - three pause sets
highbar ATG squat - four sets
superset standing calf raise - four sets
SLDL - three sets
seated calf raise - four pause sets
one leg incline legpress - two light-ish sets, needed to get to work

Going back to work more on hammies this evening, as per advice from my NEW POSING COACH lol...glutes, hams and back wins shows! I can do this.

Also, I'm not sure if it's the MT2, hcg or the best PCT drugs I've ever had but...libido is crazy good considering I've been off gear completely since the show...Ms. SP keeps up but just barely...