SP's on/off-season log

Mos def have to learn to chill sometimes about petty food issues if you want to keep a good girl around brother, ive had to, lol. No girl is gonna stick around if youre too nerotic
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must be love, she even knew about the eggs :D

Gf used the last of my protein powder the other day and was apologising for days thinking I didn't have any left for the weekend.
I eventually told her I always keep a few of those one use satchels handy and then copped punches to the arm for making her sweat.

It's nice when they understand the problems we go through!
Chest pt.2 - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup (mostly because I had to play tapped out on my phone)
incline DB press - four dropsets
superset sidechest flex in mirror (both sides) - many reps
oblique/side bends - three sets w/ plate
weighted chest dips - three sets
superset bodyweight chest dips - three sets

I really wanted to do cable flyes but my arch nemesis, I call him "fatty" because he has a little tummy going but struts around the gym in his tank tops feeling like he's hot shit until me and my manlet bro show up was monopolizing the only wide-set cables for his bicep routine...

I wandered over and rather than just mean-mugging, I was in a hurry to pick my girlfriend up and go put snow tyres on the audi before family dinner, I just calmly asked how many sets he had left and he said "a few". WTF? Anyways ok...I went over and did some DB flyes on the flat bench...come back after 5+ minutes and he's still doing biceps on both fucking cables (rope on one, weird curvy bar on the other)...there's literally five other adjustable-height cables, unused that he could use rather than the 'cable cross' area but no he's still there.

Anyways, long story short I ended up finishing with DB flye dropsets, didn't get to do my high - mid - low flyes routing but life goes on.

By the time I picked my girlfriend up from her parents, chatted with them, and drove to my parents' I realized I hadn't taken my now-mandatory nap and was literally too beat to jack up my car and swap tyres around, even with my dad offering to help.

So, I did the only thing I could and passed out for 45 minutes before dinner instead. Time well spent, I say...

After being rudely (well, nicely but still) awakened, we congregated and had homemade burgers for dinner, homemade vanilla pudding (not much, sadly...my mom's idea of a portion is pretty small) and lots of salad for dinner.

Afterwards I had to put my pants on for a family christmas picture, despite one brother and one sister being absent (they will be photoshopped in with 20% enlarged heads and slightly distorted features heh heh) and I took a few burgers and pudding for the road.
Weight 218

PM weight/workout...was too tired for early morning gym, chose extra sleep instead

Mon - back - 8-12 reps
Yates row - four pause sets
Deadlift - heavy, four straight sets
Superset T-bar row - three sets
Seated cable row - four sets
Bodyweight pullup - three sets
Superset lat pulldown - two dropsets
Posing practice #1 down...that was intense

Front double biceps, standing relaxed, and abdominals thigh are ok

Front lat spread is a disaster for me...

Side chest and triceps are very early stages; need to focus on glutes/hamstrings more than upper (coach's advice)

Haven't worked on the full on back poses yet
you working on transitions yet or will that come after you've worked on what poses best reflect your body?
you working on transitions yet or will that come after you've worked on what poses best reflect your body?

Working on them for the poses that aren't dogshit (front except for lat spread) to start getting used to it, he feels (and I fully agree) smooth transitions, and how you hit the poses is almost as important as how you hold them...the whole thing is a show after-all, you want to impress the judges with everything - smile, stage presence, posture, the smile, even how you position with the other competitors etc.

I'm pretty sure I remember you saying you competed so you know what I'm talking about, I'm half talking/reminding myself here too I don't want you to think I'm being preachy lol
Working on them for the poses that aren't dogshit (front except for lat spread) to start getting used to it, he feels (and I fully agree) smooth transitions, and how you hit the poses is almost as important as how you hold them...the whole thing is a show after-all, you want to impress the judges with everything - smile, stage presence, posture, the smile, even how you position with the other competitors etc.

I'm pretty sure I remember you saying you competed so you know what I'm talking about, I'm half talking/reminding myself here too I don't want you to think I'm being preachy lol

as an example, did you watch the individual mandatories and group lineups of the Olympia this year?
One thing I loved is Kai's transitions. When he moves into his side chest or side tri poses, he does a great double arm kick before rotating his shoulder over and hitting it. Didn't notice the same level of flare from anyone else at the Olympia this year. Worth a watch if you have it on tape, or can download it. Heaps of torrents online :)

One thing I wanted to practice for next competition will be the pose-down at the end. I have lots of fun doing that and get my ass to the front pronto....but just breaking out new poses to mix it up (such as the Olympia statue pose) or knowing how to counter pose. e.g. someone with bigger arms, NOT doing a side chest next to them, but going to abs/thighs. Ofcourse there's the counter to that when you're better than someone so do the same as them do dominate and stand above them :D

So many variables, so much fun and so little time!
Weight 216

AM, fasted...holding steady. Delts is usually my favorite day, it was pretty good especially after a somewhat-rushed back day yesterday; had to fit it in with ice road racing auditions, posing practice as I mentioned plus grocery shopping and cooking (oh yeah and my fulltime job)

Tue - delts - 10-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
internal/external shoulder rotation - three sets each per arm
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
seated DB press - three sets, ended with dropset
smith/seated behind the neck press - heavy, three straight sets
superset seated calf raise - three sets
lateral DB raise - three sets, end with dropset
superset front DB raise - two sets
smith shrugs - heavy/in front, four sets
superset front BB raise - three sets
smith shrugs - heavy/behind the back, three sets
superset lying leg raise - four sets
rear delt cable pull-apart - three dropsets
Weight 214

AM fasted weight...I guess I had a low sodium day yesterday or something. And I did have a pretty epic bowel movement just prior to stepping on the scale so that could be close to the one pound I'm missing too haha. Sry if that's TMI ;)

And today was meh...I mean arms day...kind of discouraged now that I measured mine...16.25 cold, 17.75 after arms day...I'm pretty sure there are 20yr old curlbros with bigger guns.

Maybe I should head over to spa lady...

My neck & calves are bigger (17 / 17.5 cold, respectively...) which means I really need to work on bis/tris this winter...grow motherfuckers.

Wed - arms - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
ez curl - four sets, end with strip set
CGBP - four drop/stripsets
superset lying leg raise - three or four sets
hammer DB curl - three dropsets
superset rope tricep pushdown - three dropsets
triangle tricep pushdown - three pause sets
superset flex in mirror - many sets
one arm cable curl - three sets

Found out about a buddy's 'var-only cycle too late to stop him, but in time to send some nolva with him on his honeymoon to mexico in five days...he was going to cold turkey off and yes...probably 85-95% chance he would be "ok" eventually but seriously; a honeymoon in mexico is a bad time to come off in the first place especially without a SERM imo.
At least he'll be looking ripped when he's flailing his limp cock at his new missus! :dumbass:

He's a good guy that took someone's questionable advice =\

As much as I'm not a fan of "quick fixes"...giving him a four week 250mg EOD dnp "prescription" would've suited his purposes better (he's a 12-14%, very regular gym-goer with a shoddy diet) than four weeks of 80mg anavar ED ending when he leaves the country with no PCT...
Joking apart, didn't you have any spare Test he could have taken to see him straight while he was on honeymoon?
Joking apart, didn't you have any spare Test he could have taken to see him straight while he was on honeymoon?

They're actually going for like 25 days; so unless I had Test-U lying around it wouldn't have done much other than delay the inevitable

He's not into injectables, in fact I didn't think he was into anything until I heard about the var...so that'd have been another bridge to cross in a short amount of time too
Weight 216

Girlfriend has to attend the opening/keynote speaker for a conference after work so I purposely split leg day...

Thu - legs pt.1 - 12-15 reps
10min cardio warmup - incline treadmill
seated quad extension - three rest/pause sets (w/ 15 deep breaths a.la DC...thx boomer!)
highbar ATG squat - four sets...pretty heavy, added weight and only got 10 reps for my 2nd and 3rd sets but felt good
superset standing calf raise - three sets/inverted toes
one leg incline leg press - three sets, ended with rest/pause for last set
superset standing calf raise - three sets/toes out
10min light cooldown on stairmill

Picked up the ring last night; checked with her boss and she was awesome - said to just let her know what days and she'd give them off, so the mexican vacation is booked and gf was ecstatic about it (had to spring it on her already so she could sort out her passport)

Hopefully excited enough she has no idea what I'm planning...

Now I just need to make sure MY boss gets on board because at this point I'm either taking vacation days I don't have or quitting... ;)
Thu PM - legs pt.2 - 12-15 reps
5min warmup
incline leg press (two leg) - four sets (heavy)
oblique side bends - three sets
SLDL - four sets
superset seated calf raise - four pause sets
good morning - two sets

PM Cardio:
35min LISS - incline treadmill

Ugh...just because it's 3:30am and you're drinking eggwhites doesn't absolve you from proper sub-Q pinning procedure...the last few nights I stuck 5iu GH below my belly button this morning when I tried to tighten my lifting belt before squatting I noticed the spot was swollen, painful...I may need to amputate it's even more red and owie now :/

God I'm an idiot. And I HATE inside owies...
Weight 215

Fri - chest - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
internal/external shoulder rotation - three sets of each per arm
hanging leg raise - four sets
incline DB press - three sets, finish with dropset
flat BB press - four sets, finished with strip/dropset
superset lying leg raise - four sets
weighted chest dips - three sets
superset bodyweight dips - two sets
cable flyes - four sets different angles

Dropped my buddy off at the dentist, at a medicentre now (different from last time) to have my infection/subQ abscess or whatever is going on checked out...
It took awhile to see the doc (longer than it should imo) but eventually I did...unfortunately another older guy. Oh well...I told him I must've gotten more bacteria than usual subQ near my belly button when I was pinning hcg and now it's quite swollen/infected looking...then I had to explain what hcg was, why I would be using it, this is what I get for being somewhat honest...should've just said vitamin B12 (fucking idiot I am)

Anyways he started me on antibiotics for today, said it's just generalized infection at this stage but said come back Sunday / Monday incase it's localized enough that it can be frozen/drained (to speed up the healing process)

It's QUITE swollen, where the lower abs shoudl be below one's belly button it's kind of a soft...trying to think of a similarly sized object...I guess picture a vertical half section of a tall (2-3oz) shotglass...

I think it's good that I saw the doctor though because he wasn't alarmed in the least, if I didn't have a professional saying it'll be fine/not to worry I'd probably be a little more worried myself right now...
Weight 216

PM/evening weight, far from fasted...feel pretty beat today, my infection baby/roll/whatever is looking a little better/smaller but still pisses me the fuck off...ugh.

Sat - back - 8-12 reps
15min cardio warmup
DB pullover - three sets
yates row - four rest/pause sets
superset seated calf raise - four pause sets
supinated BB row - four sets
superset decline weighted situp - four sets
seated cable row - four sets
palms-in close-grip pulldown - three sets
superset narrow-grip pulldown - three sets