SP's on/off-season log

Weight 241

Wed - chest/delts 'pump day'
warmup - indoor track

HSPL machine press - three warmup and three working sets, various grip widths

flat DB hex press - four sets, focusing on the squeeze
superset over-and-backs with band - between each set

stretch pushups - three sets
superset over-and-backs with band - between each set

seated lateral DB raise - four strict sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

seated front DB raise - four sets
superset band facepulls - two or three(?) sets with a flex at full contraction on each rep
Weight 241

Everytime I take prami I feel like dogshit. I don't know why I do it. Then I vow to throw it out, I don't follow through and a few weeks later I do it again...vicious cycle. Long story short I didn't make it to the gym this morning but I hit arms after dinner...

ThuPM - arms - moderate reps
no warmup - this is arms day

triangle pushdown - two warmup and four working sets, fairly high reps
superset ezbar curl - two warmup and four working sets

hammer DB curl - four sets
superset one-arm cable pushdown - four sets

underhand/reverse grip cable pushdown - four sets
superset preacher curl - four sets

seated calf raise - five or six sets, twelve full reps with slow eccentrics and eight to twelve partial reps per set

supported/hanging leg raise - four sets
superset crossbody DB curl and CGBP - two sets of each

I won't post the video out of pity but I witnessed a guy busting out some sweet 545, 565 and 585lb quarter squats while I was doing my calf raises...
I don't remember, are you taking your prami at bedtime? Try it with your pre-bed meal, that has helped me deal with the nausea at least.

You may have missed the morning, but you went regardless, that's all that matters. ;)
How much Prami are you on? What's your Tren dose?

I take ~200mcg of prami once in awhile, I'm on a very low amount of deca...going to drop it as soon as this vial runs out, was just trying it to see if it helped with 'joints' but honestly I can't notice it at all @ 450mg/wk

I don't remember, are you taking your prami at bedtime? Try it with your pre-bed meal, that has helped me deal with the nausea at least.

You may have missed the morning, but you went regardless, that's all that matters. ;)

I took it right when I got home from work rather than right before bed the way I normally would so my whole evening was shitty and my sleep was bad as well, even with half a zopiclone. I always feel better once I hit the gym and yesterday was no exception...started a bit slow but you get that pump, and it's all over... :D

Weight 242

FriAM - legs - moderate reps (mostly)
warmup - indoor track

seated leg extension - three warmup and four working sets
superset donkey-calf raise machine thing - three or four sets

kneeling hamstring curl - two or three warmup and four working sets

SLDL - four straight sets

incline leg press - pyramid weight up and keep adding until almost couldn't get ten deep, full reps...which was 22 or 24 plates I believe, quite a few sets (more than eight)

highbar ATG squat - again, pyramiding weight up but only sets of five...5x bar, 5x95 all the way up to 5x365 when I started slowing down a bit ("grinding" in meadows' terminology)

kettlebell side-squats - had to youtube these, pretty goofy looking exercise but did three sets of fifteen per leg
Weight 240

Sat - chest/delts - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

slight-incline DB press - three or four warmups, four or five working sets, high reps because the DBs only went to 100 at this gym

incline BB press - two warmup and three working sets
superset hanging leg raise - three sets

decline BB press - did these with a regular bar because the only smith was being hogged, whatever...three or four fairly heavy working sets of 8-10 reps

flat DB flyes - three sets, tight squeeze at the top

rear delt lateral DB raise - three sets

six-way DB raises - three killer(!) sets

"ultra-wide" grip BB press - three burnout sets

20-25mins LISS - indoor track
Weight 240

Sun - back
warmup - indoor track

meadows' row - one warmup and four working sets
superset regular crunches - four sets

suppinated-grip barbell row - one warmup and three working sets...I like these but they're pretty painful/uncomfortable on the wrist/elbows lately

lying DB pullover - four sets

DB shrug - four sets, three second pause/contraction on each rep
superset bodyweight pullup, various grips - three sets to failure

bodyweight hyperextension - two burnout sets
Weight 241

Mon - arms
warmup - pushing an idiot off the median near the gym

v-bar pushdown - three warmup and four working sets, high reps
superset cable curl - two warmup and three working sets, each rep was a full followed by a partial so 8 full + 8 partials per set

incline curl - four sets, eight full reps followed by six partials per set
superset supported/hanging leg raise - four sets

CGBP - two warmup and three or four heavy, working sets
superset cable crunches - four sets

bodyweight bench dips - three sets to failure
superset EZ-bar curl - three sets with three second decline (eccentric) on each rep

Weekly pics (a day late) first thing out of bed this morning @ 241.5: offseason/bulk march23 2015 - Album on Imgur
Weight 241

Mon - arms
warmup - pushing an idiot off the median near the gym

v-bar pushdown - three warmup and four working sets, high reps
superset cable curl - two warmup and three working sets, each rep was a full followed by a partial so 8 full + 8 partials per set

incline curl - four sets, eight full reps followed by six partials per set
superset supported/hanging leg raise - four sets

CGBP - two warmup and three or four heavy, working sets
superset cable crunches - four sets

bodyweight bench dips - three sets to failure
superset EZ-bar curl - three sets with three second decline (eccentric) on each rep

Weekly pics (a day late) first thing out of bed this morning @ 241.5: offseason/bulk march23 2015 - Album on Imgur

lol nice warm up!

How many reps???
Weight 241

Tue - legs
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - two warmup and four working sets

SLDL - four sets

incline leg press - two 'warmup' pyramid sets and four or six more heavy sets, adding plates each time until it was superduper heavy

highbar ATG squat - warmup and three working sets

kettlebell lunges...tried one, but I was short on time and burned out from the squats so I decided to either do them later, do some walking lunges at lunch or...
Weight 241

Took an inadvertent day off yesterday, stomach/gut has been kind of wonky though so it was an ok opportunity to eat a bit less

Thu - chest/delts - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

slight-decline DB press - four warmup, five working sets...full lockout with squeeze at the top

incline BB press - two feeder and four working sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

chest dips - bodyweight, deep & four sets

stretch pushups - three sets

bent over DB lateral - four sets
superset band facepulls - four sets

cage press - five sets
Weight 241

Guts feeling much better since stopping the metformin/glucophage...and damn I was only taking a half tab (~425mg) preWO...I can't imagine the people who're taking 2-3000mg/d

Fri - back
warmup - indoor track

meadows' row - warmup and four working sets
superset crunches - four sets

conventional deads - warmup, a few higher volume working sets and some heavy singles with 10sec rests

DB pullover - four sets

DB shrug - four sets
superset hyperextension - two or three sets
I just looked at your first and last page good job so far man!!! Not sure if u sAid it already but whose gear r u runnin?
Sat - chest/delts
warmup - incline treadmill

DB hex press - three warmup and four working sets

decline BB press - warmup and three working sets

incline DB press - three heavy sets

wide/high cable flyes - three sets

lateral DB raise - four sets

rear lateral DB raise - three sets
superset band over-and-back - between rear delt raise sets

six-way DB raise - two burnout sets
I just looked at your first and last page good job so far man!!! Not sure if u sAid it already but whose gear r u runnin?

Thanks! During prep I used a lot of orion, great guy, service and product - no complaints

During the offseason I've been using a private lab, price is impossible to beat for the long esters
Weight 239

Still recovering from the glucophage experiment, not terribly surprised...

Sun - legs
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - two warmup and four working sets
superset seated quad extension - two warmup and four working sets

incline leg press - two or three pyramid working sets, five heavy working sets...each set is ten reps, each subsequent set adds two plates

highbar ATG squat - few feeder sets and two heavy working sets, finished with a "challenge" set, basically a mean dropset

seated calf raise - three sets, twelve full and eight to ten partials from the stretch position each set

SLDL - two burnout sets......and some weekly pics from first thing in the morning, had a bowl of oatmeal in me by this point: offseason/bulk mar29 2015 - Album on Imgur
Thanks! During prep I used a lot of orion, great guy, service and product - no complaints

During the offseason I've been using a private lab, price is impossible to beat for the long esters

I havnt seen orion around for a while, they are canadian right?
Im jealous of how everyone talked about private labs... I like the onces i got, psl, aml, op and life but i always am keepin an eye out for others lol... Specially something local, waiting three weeks makes it hard to get a guy buddy to invest too
I havnt seen orion around for a while, they are canadian right?

They are, yeah. On a short hiatus right now due to medical issues.

Weight 239

Fell short on macros yesterday, even packed away a 14oz steak for dinner but just couldn't get nearly enough carbs down the hatch before bedtime =\

Mon - chest/delts 'pump day'
warmup - indoor track

DB hex press - two warmup and four working sets

bodyweight pec minor dips - four sets
superset over-and-backs with band - four sets between pec dips

HSPL machine press - four sets, two second contraction at the top of each rep
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

seated six-way DB raise - four sets

bent over lateral DB raise - three (or four?) sets

OHP - three burnout sets

20-25mins LISS - indoor track
Weight 241

Another unplanned, but needed rest day yesterday...slept in a bit and had an early meeting scheduled at work (which ended up getting postponed, grr...) and then decided on an early night instead of arms in the evening.

Wed - back - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

meadows' row - warmup and four working sets

low cable row - four sets, pyramid weight up and decreased reps slightly each set

DB pullover - four sets

DB shrug - four sets, heavy with three second static holds on each rep

band hyperextension - one bodyweight and three working sets
superset supported/hanging leg raise - three sets