SP's on/off-season log

Weight 236

This was by far the toughest MD workout yet, and it wasn't even back or legs...plus I lowballed the intraWO carbs and ended up eating some twizzlers to fill in the gap.

Weds - chest/delts - moderate reps+a million sets
warmup - indoor track

banded machine press - two warmup and four working sets, with wide hammer/neutral grip

incline bench - pyramid weight up so a few easy sets and three or four heavy/working sets

flat bench - skipped reverse bands due to time (again, long workout) so did three or four heavy, five-rep sets...would've preferred DB press but the heavy (130+) DBs haven't arrived yet

"tri-set", all three exercises in a row...three times (9 mini-sets)
*flat DB hex press - same as I've described before, holding two DBs together with a neutral grip and pressing upwards, then immediately
*pec minor dips - essentially a reverse shrug with a pec squeeze at the top, and straight into
*partial dips - from a deep/stretched position, flared elbows to failure

rear delt lateral DB raise - straight 20 rep set, then 20 reps + hang & swing partials to 30, then for the third set the same except grunting it out to 40...careful to keep head up & remove trap involvement

six-way DB raise - basically a seated lateral DB raise, then you bring the DBs together in front, then lift them above the head and reverse the whole motion...that's one rep. I challenge anyone to complete 10 consecutive reps with 10lb DBs...

cage press - pins at chin height, just four sets of five 'explosive' reps to finish things off...was getting pretty light headed so I bailed immediately afterwards
tri-set... nice brother, right up my alley ;)

Yeah! It was new for me, as far as doing three of the same bodypart exercises together...normally when I 'superset' or even triset it's bicep + triceps + abs or something along those lines

Weight 237

Up up up...eating even though everything's tasteless (remnants of sinus infection still) and it's obviously working. Hey, easy to eat plain oats and whey over junk at work when they all taste the same!

Thu - back - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

meadows' row - four working sets, straight into

one arm lat pulldown - suppinated grip, allowing the hand not in use to extend fully and stretch the lat while holding a constant lean back and pulling the elbow back...felt great in the lower lat area - four sets again

DB pullover - three sets of twelve, constant lat tension achieved by limiting the range of motion to Deep---->top of the forehead and reverse

moderate-weight deads - pyramid weight in sets of eight reps, wasn't going heavy on these just focusing on form and grip without straps (up to 315x8 relatively comfortably now, without having to switchgrip)
superset "kiyak rows" - modified straight arm pulldown with a flat bar on a high cable....pulldown motion then a kiyak row to finish on one side of the body, alternating on each rep for eight reps per side...three or four sets

rope crunch - moderately heavy, comfortable weight for twenty reps and four sets
superset hyperextension - only two sets, lower back was pretty 'pumped' but wasn't hurting, just 'sore'...

DB shrug - twelve reps with a three second static hold at the top of each rep, for three working sets
superset supported hanging leg raise - three sets
Weight 238

Daily weight PRs...that's what I'm talking about (: Still getting over this sinus thing but again, it makes clean eating easy so not looking to bloofy in the mirror either!

Fri - chest/delts pump day - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

pec minor dips - three sets, bodyweight to failure

machine press - four straight sets, no lockout and slow eccentric

stretch pushups - three sets to failure
superset over-and backs (shoulder dislocations) with band - three sets of ten

lateral DB raise - four sets
superset spidercrawls - four sets, each is three times from above the head to below the waist and back, that requires a lot of mental fortitude after the DB laterals wow

band face-pulls - three sets with 1 sec rear delt flex at full contraction
superset hanging leg raise - three sets

Fairly quick workout today which was perfect because I slept in, which was also perfect because I was tired as shit last night and feel pretty good today other than the constant sinus drip and minor headache
Weight unknown...

Lol..they ordered in a new scale and shipped the existing one back to my old gym they were 'borrowing' it from, but the new one had wheels (gasp!) and they decided there's no way to use a scale with wheels on it (couldn't take them off...lock them...put it on some 4x4s...?) anyways so now there's NO scale. Back to home weighing, starting tmr morning I guess.

Sat - legs - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - three warmup and four working sets, each working set was eight full and six partial reps

front squat - two warmup and three working sets...first time I've done these in awhile and was disappointed to realize I can no longer rack the bar properly and had to use the crossed-arms method =\

banded back squat - four working sets, heavyyyyyyy and lowish reps

incline leg press - four working sets, each set was eight toes out, high and wide stance then immediately followed by eight narrow stance reps (sixteen reps per set)

box step-ups - tried these with 45lb plates in either hand for my first set, big mistake...grabbed some 25s and that was about right. Three working sets, 12 reps per leg then 12 reps on the other leg each set.

SLDL - just did two quick sets with DBs, was pretty burned out by this point
superset supported hanging leg raise - not really for the abs, just to stretch my lower back out...felt perfect though
Weight 235

Was at a different gym with a different scale so who knows...

Sun - arms - moderate to high reps
warmup - indoor track

rope pushdown - three warmup and four working sets, high reps
superset seated (bench) barbell curl - three warmup and four working sets, moderate reps

1.5 DB curl - each rep was a full and partial rep, eight per arm (alternating) for four sets total
superset bodyweight tricep dip - five second eccentric (descent) for eight reps per set

ezbar skullcrusher - four sets of twelve
superset crossbody DB curl - four sets of twelve reps per arm (not alternating, straight reps on one side then the other)

seated calf raise - warmup then three sets of ten reps then ten second static hold then ten more reps, ten second static hold and once more (30 reps and 30sec static hold per set total)
superset hanging leg raise - three sets

Offseason cardio:
30min LISS - indoor track
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Weight 237

Regular gym but they still don't have a scale so my friend let me use the 'pro grade' slidey-scale in the trainer room.

Mon - back - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

meadows' row - two warmup and four working sets
superset regular crunches - four working sets...these are HARD when you do them right/concentrate on the contraction

one-arm DB deadstop row - four sets

DB pullover - constant lat tension (stopping before you go past the forehead/brow) for twelve reps each set, three working sets

DB shrug - three sets of twelve reps, with three second static hold on each rep
superset narrow-grip lat pulldown "stretchers" - using a neutral/closegrip handle, standing position you start with your head between your arms (lats fully stretched) then as you move through the rep you lean back and end in almost a seated row with the handle close to your chest...that's each rep, for eight reps per set and three working sets

Was a bit short on time, and wanted to give my lower back a bit of a rest (especially since there weren't any deads today) so I opted out of hyperextensions and headed to work
Weight 239

Whee...chest day, training partner / trainee didn't show up but it was a good one nevertheless

Tue - chest/delts - reps all over the place
short warmup - indoor track

incline DB press - three warmup and three working sets, they still haven't gotten the heavier DBs in...

incline BB press - five by five, "explosive" reps (not sure I can ever really explode a heavy 5rm rep but I was doing my best lol)
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

decline smith press - four working sets, pyramiding weight/ dropping reps on each consecutive set and finished with a strip/dropset

cable flyes - two high rep dropsets

rear delt lateral DB raise - three "hang partial" sets with fairly heavy weights, thirty reps per set and about 50-70% normal ROM

seated lateral DB raise - three strict, straight sets

cage press - four sets of six to eight reps, pretty explosive on these I suppose...finished with an AMRAP 135lb OHP set out of personal curiosity
Weight 240

Yep yep yep...actually a bit more but again I'd drank half a litre of water so I knocked off a pound and it still put me over 240...whee. Again this is with 4lbs of gym clothes (shoes, hat, shorts/shirt and iphone/earphones) so it'd be 236 butt naked

Wed - legs - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - three warmup then four working sets, pyramiding weight up and dropping reps each set

SLDL - from mid-shin rather than floor/25lb plates and focusing on the lockout portion...squeezing glutes n hammies (four work sets)

narrow-stance leg press - pyramid weight/ reps were 20 - 16 - 12 - 12
superset leg-extension partials - from the bottom to midway up, fifteen reps per set

wide-stance, toes-out leg press - 'exploding' out of the hole, ten reps each set
superset leg-extension partials - from midway to full extension, fifteen reps again per set

walking DB lunges - only got two good sets of these, was pretty burnt by this point
Thu - chest/delts 'pump day' - moderate/high reps
warmup - indoor track

flat BB press - (machine press was in use) two warmup and three (four?) working sets...never less than ten reps, focusing on squeeze/flex
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

pec minor dips - four working sets

DB twist press - these are really hard for me to rotate all the way so the pinky side of the DBs touch 'flat'...not sure if it's a mobility thing or I'm doing it wrong, anyways I did three sets as prescribed
superset over-and-back with band - ten reps between each DB twist set, three sets also

hanging, heavy lateral DB raise (swing) - only a 50% at best ROM, keeping head up to focus medial delts...four sets of thirty (quite a burn...)
superset spidercrawls with band - these almost made me cry, had to break my sets in half a few times to give the blood a few seconds to drain from my shoulders...four sets also

face-pulls with band - straight arms, pull the band apart and flex rear delts for a second...three working sets
Fri - arms - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track, pretty short only a few laps because I slept in + had to call a client at a certain time this morning...

rope pushdown - three warmup and four working sets of twelve reps
superset cable curl - three warmup and four working sets of fifteen reps with a good squeeze at the top

rope crunches - four sets

crossbody DB curl - four working sets, ten reps of one arm then ten of the other rather than alternating
superset bench dips - two bodyweight and two weighted sets with nice, slow descents

decline leg raise - three sets

tricep DB kickbacks - different than usual, starting with and keeping a pronated grip such that when your arm is fully extended the palm is facing the ceiling, and a nice flex at the top for ten reps per set
superset incline seated DB curl - four sets of eight to ten reps per arm

standing calf raise - six sets, increasing the weight by adding random shit on to the machine to make it heavier (machine itself tops out at 400lbs :( ) so only the last four were very challenging

That was it...quick shower and off to work
Weight 241

Sat - back - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

meadows' row - one warmup and four working sets

DB dead-stop row - four working sets

DB pullover - four working sets, always stop before the forehead to maintain constant lat tension

DB shrug - three sets with three second static hold at the top of each rep

lat pulldown 'stretchers' - four sets
superset hyperextension - two sets

25min LISS - indoor track
Weight 240

Whee they got a scale again, I don't have to change my routine and weigh myself at home (the way I should :P )

We found out almost exactly halfway through my workout that we were overdue for family/birthday dinner so I had to come back afterwards to finish up delts...

Sun - chest/delts - low to moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

decline DB press - three warmup and four working sets

flat BB press - one warmup and five working sets of five heavy reps
superset supported hanging leg raise - four sets

incline smith press - four sets of eight, pretty heavy on these too...stop a few inches off the chest & not quite locking out

<<<<dinner break...steak, potatoes and icecream for dessert...>>>>

pec minor dips - bodyweight, three sets to failure
superset rear delt lateral DB raise - three sets, full ROM for twenty reps each set

over and back press - three sets of ten reps, each rep is a front OHP followed by partial behind-the-neck press...for burn/pump & not super heavy

cage press, then a few straight OHP - three cage press, two straight OHPs and one hang, clean & press set to finish things off

edit: updated bulk pics @ offseason/bulk - mar1 2015 - Album on Imgur ...feeling "big" (fat), tore another pair of jeans putting socks on after the gym :(
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Weight 240

Slept really poorly and had an upset tummy...not a great start to leg day but I ground it out (mostly)

Mon - legs - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - two warmup, three straight sets with a flex/pause at the top of the contraction and ended with a fourth dropset, followed by twenty partials for a huge burn/pump

highbar ATG squats - two warmup, three heavy & high-ish volume working sets, a couple of heavy triples and another high volume work set...should've done less here because I felt like I didn't really recover after

incline leg press - one warmup and four heavy sets, always shooting for 20 reps but adding weight each time so I had to start rest/pausing for the last two

walking DB lunges - two good sets, interspersed with a few laps on the track

That was it...sounds like an ok workout but just didn't feel as 'good' as a leg day normally does, for whatever reason.

And I lost my favorite glove somewhere between my condo and getting back into the car after the gym :(