SP's on/off-season log

Weight 240

Slept in this morning, was going to take the day off but fiance was going to the gym after work so I decided to hit arms

Tue - arms/calves/abs - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

v-bar pushdown - three warmup and four working sets, pretty high reps to take it easy on the elbow
superset cable curl - three warmup and four working sets, same high reps

EZbar supinated(forearm) curl - four working sets
superset one-arm cable pulls - four sets of ten to twelve full reps and another eight to ten partials each arm

skullcrusher - four straight sets
superset preacher curl - four sets

seated calf raise - two warmup and four heavy working sets
superset supported hanging leg raise - four sets

indoor track - 25-30mins LISS, walking/wedding planning at the same time :P
Weight 239

Weds - back - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

meadows' row - two warmup and four heavy working sets
superset regular crunches - four sets

smith rows - two feeder/higher rep sets and four heavy six rep sets

DB pullover - four sets, again the constant tension principle
superset banded hyperextension - three sets to failure (crazy lower back pump)

weighted, hanging lat stretch - with straps, put as much weight as possible, including the little additional ones on the lat pulldown and stretched lats out for about 45 seconds at a time

Took me awhile to get going but had a decent back workout, felt like a relatively low volume compared to what I've been getting used to with the program but it was alright because I was a little pressed for time.
Weight 240

Thu - chest/delts - pump day
warmup - indoor track

external rotation - two sets per arm, my right delt has been bothering me outside of the gym...just sore so decided to warm up a bit more than usual
superset pushup - two sets to get blood moving into the area

pec minor dips - three bodyweight sets to failure

banded DB press - took me a little while to get the hang of these, and by the time I'd done four decent working sets the band was really hurting the skin inside my hands...
superset over-and-backs with band - four sets

DB flyes - four working sets, constant tension principle so stopping at 10 & 2 o'clock
superset over-and-backs with band - again, four sets

rear lateral DB raise - four working sets, full ROM
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

flat BB press - one warmup and four work sets, pyramiding weight up to some heavy doubles/triples with three+ plates
superset DB six-ways - these fucking burn...using 10lb DBs, 10 reps per set...I challenge anyone to get ten reps with anything more than 15lbs per arm, not sure if it's possible...

band face-pulls - twenty reps per set with a flex at full contraction to finish things off
and now we are at 240+...

great work man... we are getting close to our maint phase!
Fucking 240? Wtf? That's what I'm talking about. Great genetics, I'll love vicariously thru you. Kill shit. Get them arms up and you will fucking kill on stage..
Fri - legs - low/moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - three warmup and four working sets, last/fourth set had partials between each full rep for extra pump

seated quad extension - three warmup and four straight work sets, was supposed to superset with leg press but got tired of waiting for it

highbar ATG squat - three higher rep, but still working sets and four or five heavy low rep sets

incline leg press - three heavy working sets, increasing weight but trying to keep the reps the same so ended up doing a few rest/pause reps

SLDL - two burnout sets
Planning to work out with two of my siblings tomorrow so I swapped back in today, obviously no deads after legs yesterday

Sat - back - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

various grip bodyweight pullups - two neutral, two wide grip/pronated and two suppinated/chinups

meadows' row - one warmup and four working sets
superset standard crunches - four sets

smith row - yates style, feeder and four working sets

DB pullover - four working sets
superset various DB curl and a rope pushdown - few sets of each just for some arm pump

DB shrug - three second static hold per rep, twelve reps per set and four sets total
superset bodyweight hyperextension - three sets to failure

neutral grip lat 'stretchers' - four sets

15-20mins LISS - indoor track
Weight 238

Ended up taking a rest day yesterday when my siblings bailed on me, family dinner commitments etc...gave me a chance to catch up on my sleep/napping as we stayed up wayyy too late going to launchpad (an indoor trampoline place) then BP's & seeing the new will smith movie Saturday night though.

Lost what was likely a few pounds of water/glycogen due to a low carb day Sunday and a bit of letro because my wrists and knuckles were looking bloofy (fairly tell-tale for me, normally have musician/piano joints)

Chestmonday - low/moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

banded machine press - four warmup and three working sets, short ROM (no lockout and not quite all the way down to the stops on the working sets)

reverse-band flat BB press - five sets of five, as explosive as possible with fairly heavy weight and lighter-than-usual bands (skinny reds instead of thick blues)
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

decline smith press - one warmup and three high rep, explosive sets (fifteen+ reps)

rear lateral DB raise - three working sets

side lateral DB raise - three working sets
superset front DB raise - three working sets

some mirror flexing/posing, good pump and overhead lighting and a stretched out stringer...gotta take advantage of that

progress/tracking shots from yesterday or the day before when I (barely) woke up lol: offseason/bulk march 7 2015 - Album on Imgur
Tue - arms - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

v-bar pushdown - two warmup and six working sets, 45sec pause between sets

cable curl - two warmup and six working sets, 45 sec pause between sets

And 45sec pauses between sets for the next two as well:

cross-body DB curl - six straight sets, alternating arms on each rep

tricep/dip machine - six heavy sets

Last two arm exercises had slightly longer pauses between sets, not much though:

decline skullcrusher - three sets
superset decline/lying leg raise - four sets

preacher curl - three sets, not quite full extension with a good flex at the top
superset rope crunches - three sets

standing calf raise - three sets of fifteen full reps followed by ten partials (each set)
Wed - legs - low/moderate reps
no walking/cardio warmup - was at the 'hardcore' gym so I just took it easy on my first few exercises

prone hamstring curl - three warmup and four working sets, fourth set was ten regular reps plus partials to failure

seated quad extension - two warmup and four working sets
superset incline leg press - one warmup and four working sets, increasing reps on each working set (10/12/14/16) so the last one had to be a rest/pause 10+3+3 to crank them all out

highbar ATG squat - two warmup, one heavy set then three even-heavier sets with four chains (might as well use them since I was there!)

seated calf raise - four straight sets
superset SLDL - three sets
Weight 237


Thu - chest/delts 'pump' day - moderate/high reps
warmup - indoor track

flat DB press - three warmup and three working sets, 45 degree/half-neutral grip
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

DB hex press - four working sets
superset over-and-backs with band - four sets also

cable flyes - four sets
superset over-and-backs with band - four sets again

seated lateral DB raise - one warmup and four working sets
superset flexing in mirror...and posing of course, great overhead lighting my tris were looking pretty good for once

seated front DB raise - four working sets
superset band face-pulls - three sets, flex at full contraction
Weight 239

My morning workout was superseded by an unfortunately scheduled phone call with a client scheduled by a sales goof who neglected to even show up this morning, so this was an evening weigh in and workout

Fri - back - low/moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

meadows' row - warmup and four working sets
superset regular crunches - four sets

deads - went too heavy on these, hadn't done them in too long...pyramid up a few sets and two really heavy triples

DB pullover - four sets, constant lat tension
superset supported hanging leg raise - two sets

DB shrug - four sets, three second contraction/hold on each rep

lat stretch - with straps, about 40-50sec worth of the full stack

hyperextension - two sets, lower back was too pumped to even walk to the locker room properly
Weight 240

Another PM weigh in, but scale's moving in the right direction again. I will see a deuce&a half... ;)

Went suit shopping today...that is going to be much more of a challenge than I realized, holy...

Sat - arms - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

v-bar pushdown - three or four warmup and four high rep working sets
ez-bar curl - three warmup and four high rep working sets

supported/hanging leg raise - four sets

tricep pushdown "dip" machine - four sets with slow tempo eccentric, short rests between the first three sets

seated DB curl - five reps on one arm, then the other, then five more reps per arm on each sets (ten total, split in half) for four working sets I believe

CGBP - one warmup and five moderately heavy working sets
superset cross-body DB curl - four working sets

rope crunch - three or four sets

15-20mins LISS - indoor track, just the quickest pace we could still talk about weddding stuff
Weight 240

Cycling off the slin for a few weeks but going to ramp the other drugs up a bit and make a final push for 250 these last four to six weeks before a short maintenance phase, then prep...I have metformin/glucophage this time so I am curious to see how that will compare to exogenous insulin.

Sun - legs - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - three warmup and four working sets, all rest/pause reps (1sec pause at full extension each rep)

highbar ATG squat - five warmup / pyramid sets, four heavy but explosive sets and a few heavy triples to finish up

incline leg press - one warmup and four working sets, last set was a 'challenge' set, pretty much a widowmaker variation for lack of a better explanation

SLDL - two burnout sets

seated calf raise - four working sets, ten to twelve full reps and ten partials on each set

Lower back was pretty shot after the squats, form is good so it might be the drugs (cramps/"pump" situation rather than L-spine pain)

Weekly pictures... offseason/bulk mar15/2015 - Album on Imgur
Weight 240

Well, back to the grind...stupid walking dead keeping me up late on sundays

Mon - chest/delts - moderate reps
warmup - indoor track

incline DB press - four warmup and four working sets

incline BB press - two warmup and four working sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

decline smith press - three (or four?) working sets

incline DB flyes - three sets with a squeeze at the top
superset supported/hanging leg raise - three sets

rear lateral DB raise - three straight sets

six-way DB raise - three sets

super-wide grip OHP - two light/burnout sets
Weight 241

Someone pulled the fire alarm or it was triggered by something incredibly minor at our condo building this morning...that's an annoying way to start your day. And my 1098 battery is a few fractions of a volt too low to start the bike so I couldn't get it out of the underground parking (just in case!) but after the fire dept showed up, turned the alarm off and promptly left I figured it was safe to hit the gym.

Tue - back
short warmup - indoor track

meadows' row - warmup and four working sets
superset regular crunches - four sets

smith machine row - warmup and four heavy but 'explosive' sets

lying DB pullover - four sets, constant lat tension (short ROM)

neutral-grip lat pulldown 'stretchers' - four sets

bodyweight hyperextension - three sets