SP's on/off-season log

Weight 220

Different scale, one of the big dial style ones at the Good life

Thu - back "pump/light"
warmup - step mill

HS row machine - pyramiding weight up, about 5 sets of 12, last three working

one-arm BB row - four sets of 10 reps per arm

DB pullover - four sets of 12, constant tension with a shortened ROM but going deep behind the head for a big lat & serratus stretch

narrow/med grip suppinated-grip pulldown - four sets of 12 straight reps

kayak row / pulldown - four sets of 20 (10 per side, alternating)
superset trap bar shrug - nice to see one of these, did four sets of 15 shrugs with a 2-3sec pause/hold at the top of each one

decline leg raise - two or three sets with some posing in between

20min LISS - almost call it MISS on that step mill, damn!
Weight 217

Back to the community rec centre & my normal scale for leg day

Sometimes I forget I'm posting on a 'gear' forum so people may be interested in what I'm running...I'm way past the point where I believe drugs make a huge difference, i.e. once you have >1g anabolics in you per week I think the training and diet make a bigger difference but nevertheless since I'm seriously considering doing the aug15th show now I've bumped things up a bit:

testE 200mg EOD
trenE 200mg EOD
accutane 20mg EOD
aromasin 12mg ED
tadalafil 12mg EOD
CJC/ghrp6 100mcg first thing AM, wait ~10min then 5iu generic HGH(greytop)
MTII 250mcg 2x/wk + HCG 250iu 2x/wk

I believe that's it at the moment...plus vitamins/minerals/electrolytes and creatine/taurine in the intraWO drink of course

Fri - legs "1/main(heavy)"
warmup - indoor track

HS kneeling iso leg curl - four warmup sets and four work sets, reps were 25/20/15/10 on working sets (with slightly increasing weight)

highbar ATG squat - two warmup / feeler sets then four work sets of eight explosive reps, 8x275/8x295/8x315 twice....felt like I had more in the tank but they'd have been grindy not explosive

incline leg press - three sets, first was an "ascending set" which went approximately

Had one of the fitness desk girls load the plates for me so I could just pause with my legs not-quite-locked-out between weight changes. Then I did a pair of 10x990 slow, deep rep sets

Superset leg press calf raises - 3x15

walking (heavy) DB lunges - 8 paces on one leg then 8 on the other, for three work sets (16 paces per set)

SLDL - three sets of ten reps

30min LISS - indoor track
Weight 221

Went to the gym REALLY early for a saturday, but it was nice and quiet for a change (unusual on weekends)

Carrying some water weight from a few small slices of deluxe pizza at a birthday party last night....forgot my prepped meal so I had to cave & have maybe 2 slices worth total plus a million veggies.

Sat - chest/delts "heavy"
warmup - indoor track

slight-decline DB press - pyramiding weight up until I could barely get eight reps...about three warmup and three to four working sets

reverse-band incline BB press - five sets of five reps, explosive
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

machine press - four sets of eight good reps with a 1sec pause / squeeze / flex at the top of each rep

stretch pushups - two sets to failure

lateral DB raise - one warmup and three working sets, ended with a quadruple dropset

ultra-widegrip OHP - hands all the way out to the collar, just bar weight...four sets of ten reps

front BB raise - three sets of 12, nice controlled reps...pump was pretty crazy by the end
superset cable crunches - three sets

25min LISS - indoor track
Weight 216

"It's so hot..."

But seriously it's so hot. God damn...still went for a bit of a walk outside yesterday in addition to cardio, I'm staying away from tanning beds while running accutane but not dodging the day star completely

Got a few looks with my shirt off walking around whyte ave area; mrs.SP had me on a pretty tight leash though.

Flower shopping for the wedding...

SunAM - back "heavy"
warmup - indoor track

smith machine row - increasing weight on each set until I couldn't get 10 good-form-reps, about three or four good work sets in there and at least that many warmups

one-arm suppinated-grip pulldown - leaning back, letting the non-pulling arm/lat stretch and getting a good deep contraction on each rep...four sets of eight reps per arm

bodyweight neutral-grip pullup - three sets to failure, only 3/4 of the way down to try to take arms out of the equation, big arch in the chest to emphasize the lats pulling not the arms

DB shrug - three sets of twelve reps with a three second squeeze/hold at the top of every rep

banded hyperextension - three sets to near-failure (25-30reps)
superset regular crunches - four sets to near-failure

AM Cardio:
25min LISS - indoor track

Weekly pictures; going to have to tighten up pretty fast if I want to hit that victoria show...we'll see how the next few weeks go though: june 27/2015 maint/slight cut - Album on Imgur
Went to work out with one of my sisters, she's going to be doing the october competition as well (different division of course)

Nice to be in the air conditioned good life...

SunPM - back "pump"
warmup - step mill

supported row machine - three working sets, various grips (change each set)

lat pulldown - also used various grips, three work sets

DB dead-stop row - three sets of 10 per arm

suppinated grip BB (yates') row - three sets of 15+ (wasn't using a very heavy weight but got a good lat contraction on these)

standard DB curl - three sets, alternating arms - ended with a dropset and some partials for a nice bicep pump

BB curl - one quadruple dropset to finish things off

Posing...good amount of practice in their mirrored studio, definitely need to shave my chest/abs though lol

PM Cardio:
20min LISS - step mill
Weight 218

HOT weekend. Christ...I hope that's it for the summer. Saw the new jurassic park just to get some better air conditioning (our little 12k btu a/c unit couldn't keep up in the condo)...great movie though, up there with guardians of the galaxy for me as far as fun/enjoyable movies I've seen in recent memory.

Drugs changed slightly as of this morning, injectables the same but I'll list everything:
testE 200mg EOD (UGL)
trenE 200mg EOD (UGL)
cialis 12mg EOD (pharm)
accutane 20mg EOD (pharm)
dnp 250mg EOD (added, UG)
aromasin 25mg ED (up from 12mg ED)
T3 25mcg ED (added, pharm)
T4 100mcg ED (pharm)
Clen 40mcg ED (added, pharm)
CJC-1295/GHRP-6 250mcg each ED (first thing AM then...)
5iu greytop GH ED (10 minutes later while I'm cooking oats and eggwhites)

Mon - legs1 (again/out of sequence..."heavy")
warmup - indoor track

HS kneeling leg curl - the prone and seated ones are still broken lol, so it's been this guy for a few workouts (weeks?) now...4 warmup and 4 work sets, reps were 12/10/8/6 per work set and added 25 partial reps on the fourth set

westside boxsquat "bodybuilding version" - two feeler sets then 10x5 onto a low bench that forced stopping right at parallel (rather than ATG the way I normally go)

incline leg press - five sets of ten reps, heavy with short rest (45sec) between sets...lungs were on fire here and a huge quad pump

seated leg extension - one triple dropset (10/10/10 reps)

SLDL - barbell version, three sets of ten without coming all the way up for constant ham-tension

30min LISS - indoor track
Weight 218

Tue - arms/abs/calves
warmup - indoor track

supinated (standard) DB curl - 8 reps per arm, alternating with 2 sec descent...four warmup and four working sets
superset hammer DB curl - 10 reps per arm, alternating as well but just partials to about 2/3 of the way up

preacher EZ-bar curl - three sets of 8, not going quite all the way down...wanted four sets but my elbow started hurting on the third and didn't want to push it
superset BB curl - three sets of 10, again just partials out of the bottom/stretch **********..crazy pump from this combo

hanging leg raise - four sets

rope pushdown - two warmup and four work sets
superset closegrip pushup - four sets, bodyweight to failure (roughly 20 reps)

smith machine JM press - first time doing this exercise, did a few feeler sets then four working sets of eight reps with a slowwwww descent, pause then press/lockout/repeat
superset closegrip pushup - four more sets of these, to failure...lost a few reps more like 15-18 per set

standing calf raise - three warmup/feeder sets then three heavy sets of ten, incorporating various techniques like partials, contraction/holds etc for maximum calf pump
superset dorsiflexion - five sets, to failure...reps were around 50/45/40/35/35 and lower legs (calf and tibia) were PUMPED

rope crunch - three or four standard work sets

25min LISS - indoor track
Last edited:
Weight 215

Happy canada day everyone...slept in (a little) and hit the gym this morning with mrs. SP

Wed - chest/delts "pumping day"
warmup - indoor track

machine press - four warmup and approximately four work sets, all ten reps with a squeeze/hold at the top of each and increasing weight each set until I couldn't get 10 good reps

DB hex press - four sets of 12, flex/squeeze at the top and a brief pause on the chest...great pump from this movement
superset decline bench leg raise - four sets of 25

pec minor dips - bodyweight to near-failure or failure, four sets
superset over-and-backs with band - four sets, each immediately following the dip sets

reverse pec dec - three sets of thirty, well actually more like 24-26 then a few rest/pause reps to get the full thirty...rear delts were visibly engorged after these
superset posing & flexing...checking out my handiwork

spidercrawls (with band) - three sets, each was three times up and down the brick wall, standing fairly far back (~60-80cm)

DB six-ways - three sets of 12, had to rest/pause for the last 1 or 2 reps on a few sets...delts were done at this point

30min LISS - indoor track
Weight 214

Double cardio this morning lol...mrs. SP showed up at the gym because the fire alarm started going off in the building, so she came & did some cardio with me (on the track)

Then when she went to get ready I punched out some more on the stair mill...whee

Quick but good back workout prior to the cardio situation, as well...nice lat pump, feels good to isolate the back when you focus on using "arms as hooks" (I've heard a few big BBs use that term)

Thu - back "light/pump day"
warmup - indoor track

one-arm BB row - warmup and four working sets of ten reps per arm
superset regular crunches - four sets of 25...I always do these with my feet free, so it's a lower ab workout to hold them down and don't sit all the way up for constant tension on the abdominal

DB pullover - four sets of 10 reps, as always constant lat tension achieved by shortening the ROM...deep stretch then up to forehead and repeat

supinated grip one-arm pulldown - four sets of ten reps per arm, letting the non-pulling arm extend and stretch out the lat

bodyweight medium-grip pullup - four sets to failure, with a lap of the track in between each set

AM Cardio:
30min LISS - indoor track
20min LISS - stair mill
So here's what I've been eating fairly consistently for the last two weeks.

It's based around 350p/355c/75f at the moment and the rough outline is this:

Eggwhite omelette+2 whole eggs, 1/2c oats, 1/2scp isolate + PB 70p 30c 20f

IntraWO (hydrolized whey, karbolyn, VPN shotgun, creatine etc) 25p 50c 0f

Meal2 :
1c oats, 1scp isolate, PB 30p 65c 10f

5oz chicken, yams OR rice + veggies, low sugar ketchup+franks 45p 55c 5f

Meal4 (same):
5oz chicken, yams OR rice + veggies, low sugar ketchup+franks 45p 55c 5f

Meal5 (same):
5oz chicken, yams OR rice + veggies, low sugar ketchup+franks 45p 55c 5f

Eggwhite omelette+2 whole eggs, 2 ricecakes(PB28&low-sugar jam) 60p 30c 20f

1c cottage cheese, berries / PB 30p 15c 10f

Sometimes I will swap (rinsed) extra lean ground beef or white fish for the chicken breast, and sometimes the yams or rice end up being subbed for oats but I try to stick to those rough macros per meal and definitely adhere to the daily macro totals.

Icecream always seems to weasel its way in there too every few days and I"ll skip the evening rice cakes and sometimes even cottage cheese/berries to accommodate that.

Weight 213

Legs "heavy"
warmup - indoor track

SLDL - one warmup set, then four working sets...increasing the weight slightly on each set, 10 reps per set with a slight glute squeeze at the top of each rep

leg press - five sets of eight, with a pause at the bottom "in the hole" then trying to explode out...varied my foot position on each set to hit the quads slightly differently

bulgarian split squat - three sets of 12 reps per leg...you don't need heavy DBs for these to be challenging lol

smith squat - not a huge fan of squatting in the smith machine but later in the workout it makes sense for a drop set...two quick feeler sets then one triple dropset of 10 / 10 / 10 reps

seated leg curl - they finally fixed this damn machine so decided to finish off with it, three sets of 15 straight reps

Was considering some cardio but clocked the slowest lap in history around the track, my legs were just so spent that I decided IF I do cardio today it will have to be later, after I've got a few meals in me...
Weight 213

Woke up for an early gym session (6am on a saturday?) then got a text asking if we could push it two hours...after I'd already started cooking eggs and sipping preworkout lol. So, I took a bit of a nap (just a restless lay-down, really) then got up, ate some oats and hit the gym a bit later. Turned out the mountain dog had a pretty killer chest workout in store for us:

Sat - chest/delts (+abs/calves)
warmup - indoor track

slight-incline DB press - four warmup, four heavy work sets of eight reps with no lockout (constant tension)...increasing weight each time until I couldn't get 8 reps
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

reverse-band flat BB press - five sets of five, focusing on exploding out of the hole...got five good reps on the first four sets but had to rack it after 3 then get my last 2 on the last set

smith incline press - four sets of 12, more of a pumping tempo on these...went up a little on weight each set
superset seated calf raise - four sets, 16 full reps and 8-12 partials per set

flat DB press - three sets of eight but I was only getting like 7.5reps...these were full ROM (deep stretch, and a lockout with flex/squeeze for a second at the top of each rep)

rear delt DB lateral raise - four sets of 15 with 90sec rest between sets for max rear delt pump

cage press - five sets of five
superset rope crunches - three sets

lateral DB raise - these were done leaning away from the power rack, so more tension on the lower part of the movement than typical...three sets of 15 reps per arm
Weight 212

Got about 45mins of good LISS in last night walking outdoors with Mrs.SP...beautiful weather because it cooled down a little (20C instead of 30C) and a decent breeze...

We also saw terminator yesterday...great movie.

And even better, when I came home I confirmed the mountaindog John Meadows finally won his pro card...so happy for the guy.

Sun - back
warmup - indoor track

one-arm BB row - about six or seven sets, increasing weight each time until I couldn't get 8 good reps...probably count about four work sets
regular crunches - five sets of 25

one-arm supinated pulldowns - one warmup, four working sets...stretching the non-working lat while focusing on contracting the lower lat that was pulling

narrow-grip standing pulldown "stretchers" - three sets of 10, fully extending the arms overhead on each rep to get a great stretch in the lats

BB shrugs (smith) - used the smith because I really don't like the way barbell shrugs hit me in the junk on every rep...four sets of 10 with a 2-3 sec hold/contraction at the top of each rep

hyperextension machine - four sets of 15 reps, pyramiding weight up while getting used to the machine (never used it before)

30-45min badminton + basketball...not steady state obviously but it was good to move around and do something athletic...may go back for some stair mill later though.

Weekly shots - started the fullbody shave process last night, obviously didn't get my lower body done (or upper body completely done) but it's a start to the long process
Looking much fuller than on your last cut mate - you've added quality muscle to your legs and delts for sure...

Keep it up buddy!
PM Cardio:
Went back to the gym with mrs.SP for some cardio..after home cardio... ;)

30min LISS - indoor track
25min LISS - stair mill

Did some pumping exercises for arms (as always, my weakest link) and hit a few poses while I waited for her to finish up...

Homemade sushi and BBQ steak for dinner tonight...within the macros but outside of the meal plan obviously ;)
Weight 213

Workout partner didn't show but I had a good leg day other than my coffee spilling in my backpack (rode my motorcycle since I'll be travelling offsite for work today)

Mon - legs "light/explosive"
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - this badboy was fixed as well (finally) so I did two warmup and six working sets, increasing the weight every second working set and keeping a steady tempo with 10 straight reps per set

adductor machine - one warmup then four working sets of 12 reps each, slightly increasing weight each set until I maxed out the stack (I still find it hard to take this machine seriously)

highbar ATG squat - three feeler/warmup sets then about four or five pyramiding, work sets keeping it explosive

12x bar
12x 95
12x 135
6x 185
6x 225
6x 275
6x 315
6x 365...stopped here, "explosivity" was waning after 4-5 reps but six wasn't a problem

HS MTS-V squat - four sets of 20 reps, relatively light weight and a steady tempo to finish off the leg pump

Threw up an instagram photo for anyone who's into that

AM Cardio:
30min LISS - indoor track
Weight 216

I went a little over my macros yesterday...stopped in at my sister's place, was hungry and didn't say no like I should've when offered some leftover ribs & chicken.

Ended up eating about 4-5oz of each in addition to my daily macros but that wouldn't be a huge weight gain especially on leg day...guessing it's a bit of water (from the super salty meat) and maybe a little glycogen (and fat..)

Hopefully I'll get some stair mill and posing done tonight, depending on time / work etc

Tue - chest/delts/abs "pumping day"
warmup - indoor track

HS machine press - four warmup and four working sets, ten reps per set with a squeeze at the top of each...pyramiding weight up until I couldn't get all 10 reps
superset HS ab machine - four sets of 20 (except lost 4-5 on the last set) going all the way to the full stack (increasing one plate each time)

DB hex press (flat) - four sets of 12 reps with a squeeze/contraction at the top and brief pause on the chest each rep

bodyweight pec minor dips - four sets to failure
superset over-and-backs with band - four sets of 10 reps immediately following each pec dip set, great shoulder / upper chest pump here...almost painful

spidercrawls - three sets of four up & downs on the wall, standing relatively far back and always keeping the band taut

reverse pec dec (rear laterals) - three sets of 30 reps, had to rest/pause for the last 5-6 reps on each set though but punched them out anyways

DB six-ways - three sets of 12, had to pause again for the last rep or two sometimes but got them all in
superset decline leg raise - three sets of 25

AM Cardio:
25min LISS - indoor track