SP's on/off-season log

looking good brother... any dnp in the mix as of yet?

Started with 250mg ED for a mild frontload, four days of that and have been doing 250mg EOD for another four days (2 caps so far)...only negative I'd attribute to it is even less tolerance for the heat we've been having lately

You should NEVER say no to ribs and chicken.....you did the right thing :)

It's definitely one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't situations...

Can't edit yesterday's post for some reason so I have to put it here, went back to the gym after work with mrs. SP and banged out an hour of cardio..:

Tue PM Cardio:
40min LISS - indoor track
25min LISS - steep-incline treadmill (couldn't get a stair mill so I settled for my old standby...but I need to wear running shoes with socks if I'm going to do that because I could feel the beginnings of blisters forming)

After evening cardio we came home & I continued with my body shaving quest last night, almost bled out from a knick on my knee and ankle though...holy blood everywhere batman

Weight 213

Wed - Arms/abs/calves
warmup - indoor track

cambered/EZbar curl - four warmup sets, somewhat heavy (15/12/10/8 rep scheme) then four higher-rep, pump-style work sets (25/20/15/12 reps respectively) with max 60sec rest between end of pushdown (superset) and next BB curl
superset rope pushdown - same here, four warmup sets with the above rep scheme and four higher-rep work sets, when finished waited 60 sec then moved back to the EZbar curls for the next/lower rep set

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps...I always do these from a wide grip pullup bar, knees locked straight and hanging (unsupported) focused on contracting the abdominals

hammer DB curl - four sets of 8 strict reps squeezing the DBs hard
superset bench dips - four sets of 12-15 reps with a pair of plates on my lap, not locking out just slow eccentric then back up 3/4 of the way

decline skullcrusher - four sets of 12 reps, no lockout/constant tension on the tris
superset preacher EZbar curl - four sets of 8 reps, not completely straightening the elbows but going all the way up and squeezing on each rep

life-fitness abdominal machine - two heavy sets then it got stolen while I was refilling my intraWO drink...

standing calf raise - five working sets, 12 reps each increasing the weight each time except the last two (had to pin extra weights onto the stack)
superset dorsiflexion - heels elevated on the foot brace of the machine to get more flexion, reps were about 40/35/35/30/30 between each set of calf raises....insane pump in my lower legs

AM Cardio:
25min LISS - stair mill
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it's pretty impressive the work you've put in on your legs... I know results like that are not easy
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the heat here is an issue for me as well... 33-35 degrees and humid as all hell

I'm getting in as much water as possible

it's pretty impressive the work you've put in on your legs... I know results like that are not easy

Thanks brother I appreciate it. I definitely give it my all on leg day, if I could only get that excited for arms day things would be a little more balanced...

TBH my legs actually look better in pics from the previous weeks, I wasn't flexing / posing properly last weekend I noticed...better pose here: june 27/2015 maint/slight cut - Album on Imgur

Weight 213

Nasty nosebleed this morning, blaming it on the accutane. May drop it to 20mg E3D and introduce a small dose of winstrol or var, they're both staring at me from gear storage...

Thu - back "light/pump"
warmup - indoor track

meadows' row - two warmup and four work sets, just focused on getting a nice full ROM with lat stretch at the bottom of each rep
superset regular crunches - four sets of 30

DB pullover - four sets of 12, constant lat tension by shortening the ROM (deep behind the head then stopping before going past the forehead)

various-grip bodyweight pullup - four sets of 10-12 reps, used wide-pronated, wide-neutral, medium-supinated and narrow-neutral grips
superset DB shrug - three sets of 15 with a 3sec hold/contraction at the top of every rep

kayak row - four sets of 10 per side (20 total reps per set)

AM Cardio:
25min LISS - stair mill

PM Cardio:
35min LISS - indoor track

Also about 15mins of arms (bis & tris) for a pump, trying to do this a few times per week to get these babies to grow...
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Weight 213

Might have to drop the carbs a bit more, want to push things for the next 7 days and see where I stand 4 weeks out from the victoria cup

Fri - legs (main/heavy)
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - three pyramid/warmup sets then four work sets, 10 reps each except for the last which was a quadruple dropset...10 full reps, drop, 10 full, drop, 10 full then 10 partials without a weight drop

highbar squat - some ATG, the explosives were just to parallel though
8x bar
8x 135
8x 185
8x 225
8x 275
8x 315
3x 335 (explosive)
3x 355 (explosive)
3x 365 (explosive but feeling a bit heavy...)

Then I missed my first attempt at the ascending set which was supposed to go 3x385, 3x405, 3x425 with 10 sec pauses between....failed on my fifth rep coming out of the hole. Damn dieting...

Tried again and got 3x315, 3x365, 2x405 (racked after the second...)

Moved on, not completely happy but somewhat vindicated

incline leg sled/press (banded) - feeler set to find a good weight for 15 reps, then four working sets with a slight weight bump each time for 15 reps apiece...pumping with no pauses
superset seated leg extension - 5 x 15, straight sets directly after each leg press set for max quad pump

SLDL w/ DBs - three sets of 15, keeping the knees slightly bent and not quite locking out at the top for a good hamstring stretch/pump

Walked around the track a bit to cool down, realized I was pretty burnt out from the squats so if I can I will be back tonight for calves & some cardio...if not it was still a great leg day despite the failure (not used to that anymore!)
Weight 215

Afternoon weigh in, had some errands that interfered this morning & didn't make it to the gym until the afternoon. Surprisingly it wasn't too bad/busy...maybe the heat

Evening cardio didn't end up happening yesterday (at the gym at least), mrs. SP & I watched true detective instead so I'll definitely be heading back to visit the stair mill & maybe take a swim this evening.

Sat - chest/delts/abs "heavy"
warmup - indoor track

flat DB press - did about five warmup/pyramid sets, found a good 8 rep weight & kept it there for three work sets...deep stretch with a slight pause at the bottom but no lockout on these
superset hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps (as usual)...one of the few exercises I find gets easier when cutting (215 instead of 245lbs hanging in the air)

incline smith press - one feeler set, then four working sets...did 6 reps, paused 10-15sec then 4 more reps on each set (4x10 work sets)

HS flat press (banded) - three sets of eight reps with a 2 sec lockout flex/squeeze per rep, red bands attached for progressive resistance

bodyweight stretch pushups - three sets to failure, minimal rest between sets

seated DB lateral - one warmup set and four strict work sets, 15 reps per set

cage press - five sets of five, took it a bit easy (weight wise) because I didn't bring my belt up
superset rope crunches - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps per set respectively

rear delt cable pull-aparts - four sets of 20 reps, squeeze on each (well, really about the first 12-14) reps

6am weekly update pics...legs looking flat there

Edit: Went back with mrs. SP and punched out a good 140bpm+ cardio session then a little bit of hot tubbing before sitting around a campfire later...nice evening actually, not as hot as it's been

PM Cardio:
25min LISS - stair mill
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Damn looking hard as fuck brother

Thanks man, I'll make the call in a week (next weekend) about buying a plane ticket & doing the Victoria cup...at this point I'm leaning towards yes, I know I won't be as shredded as competitors at nationals yesterday but it's just an amateur show & the main reason I'm interested in doing it is for the extra practice before muscle beach in October so as long as my conditioning is good/great it can be a little shy of excellent/perfect ;)

Weight 215

Carbs are down slightly, diet's on point and cardio is there (mostly) so must be a bit of sodium/water going on again...

Sun - back "heavy"
warmup - indoor track

"chin-up death" - 8 bodyweight sets, each to failure...2x wide-pronated grip (16 reps ea), 2x medium-width pronated grip (14-15 reps each), 2x narrow-neutral grip (12-14 reps ea) and finally 2x supinated grip chins (12 reps ea)

DB pullover - four sets of 12, I wanted to emphasize how these are done to target lats vs the more chest-focused version I'm sure schredder is using on chest days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVz8KjQtXho

dead-stop DB row - four sets of 8, making sure the DB doesn't bounce and actually comes to a complete stop between reps...heavy weight on these (baby)

smith shrug - four sets of 20, no pauses or bouncing just a smooth up & down on each rep

hyperextension machine - one feeler/warmup set and four work sets, 15 reps each to near failure
superset regular crunches - four sets of 30, always keeping tension on the abs (don't go all the way up, or bounce off the floor/mat)

AM Cardio:
35min LISS - indoor track

Compared to the stair mill, the track seems tame and I'm reluctant to call that enough tbh...I may be back this evening for more (and throw in some arms, maybe calves while I'm at it though tmr is leg day...)

Sometimes I take shots two days in a row to see if there are any big differences...here are the ones from this morning: july 12/2015 cut - Album on Imgur

Main thing I notice is how badly I need a haircut...
Nothing that a bit of wax wouldn't sort out matey! ;)

Great news that you're gonna do this show, stoked to see how you come in from now til then..

Haha don't think I'm going to wax my noggin'...my buddy's girlfriend is a hair 'stylist' (? dresser? not sure what they're called these days) so I'll get a quick 1/2 buzz tomorrow evening :D

The vertical ab tunnel not usually there for me (genetics) but noticed it this morning while I was drinking some pre workout: Imgur

Weight 214

Mon - legs/calves "pump/explosive"
warmup - indoor track

HS kneeling iso leg curl - two warmup and six working sets, pyramiding weight up to the full stack on each work set and adjusting reps accordingly (15/14/13/12/10/8 reps per leg, per set)
superset bodyweight SLDL - 10-12 reps between sets

adductor machine - one warmup and four work sets, starting to go hockey-goalie wide on this baby...but always mindful not to strain the groin

highbar ATG squat - two warmup (10 rep) sets and four work sets (6 reps each)...focusing on explosiveness and stopped when they got grindy (6x365)

HS seated iso leg extension - four sets of 20 reps, great pump and fun to see the quad fibres/separation when doing these
superset quad stretches - nothing fancy, just sitting on the ankles with toes pointed back and leaning backwards for about 15-20 sec between each set of leg extensions\

standing calf raise - three killer work sets...each was supposed to be 30reps+10sec hold+30reps+10sec hold+30 reps+10sec hold, ended up about 30/20/10reps with the 10sec holds in between
superset dorsiflexion - to failure, between each calf raise set which was around 55/45/40 reps per...

calves were super pumped, did a few laps though and decided to see what I could accomplish on the stair mill since I was already there, already sweaty etc...

AM Cardio:
25min LISS - stair mill (slightly lower setting than usual, avg 60spm (stairs per minute?) so the approximation was 320cal instead of 400-450 I usually get in that time period)

I'm having shredded days and watery days at the moment... need to bring everything together and time this right...

First day off from training today for ages... no weights, no cv, nothing!

That gives me 17 days to blast the last remaining fat cells into submission (with the help of Clen) :)

Those abs of yours will look top notch come your show bud!

I'm having shredded days and watery days at the moment... need to bring everything together and time this right...

First day off from training today for ages... no weights, no cv, nothing!

That gives me 17 days to blast the last remaining fat cells into submission (with the help of Clen) :)

Those abs of yours will look top notch come your show bud!

More worried about the hammies & glutes at this point...priorities shift as one thing comes into focus I move immediately to the next haha ;)
Weight 216

Macros are 325p/345c/80f (3400cal) and even with the relatively consistent cardio weight seems to be stalling so I'm reluctantly going to drop carbs a little more.

Looking "good" in the mirror isn't good enough to get on stage in posing trunks (can get away with it in board shorts as long as your abs and lower back are tight)

Probably time to switch to black coffee, too (from one cream)

Tue - chest/delts/abs "pump day"
warmup - indoor track

HS machine press - four or five pyramid warmup sets, then three more pyramiding work sets...each set was 10 reps with a flex/squeeze on each rep & full ROM

flat DB hex press - four sets of 12, brief pause on chest and flex at the top
superset hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

pec minor dips - bodyweight to failure, approx 16-20 reps per set
superset over-and-backs with band - 10 reps between each set of dips

reverse pec dec (rear delts) - three sets of 30 reps for a huge pump

band spidercrawls - three sets, each was up and down the bricks four times standing a good 18" away from the wall and keeping good tension on the band the whole time
superset rope crunches - four sets of 20

DB six-ways - three sets of 10, with a few extra partials thrown in for good measure

AM Cardio:
30min LISS - stair mill hell
Why don't you just throw a low carb day in every third day mate? It's easy to cope with, as you know you're reverting back to 300+ the next day again - let's call it a bastardized form of carb-cycling....
Why don't you just throw a low carb day in every third day mate? It's easy to cope with, as you know you're reverting back to 300+ the next day again - let's call it a bastardized form of carb-cycling....

Low carb days are super tough for me...I mean, I've done a few but literally can count them on one hand

Decreasing my overall cals (via carbs) isn't enjoyable either, but easier to wrap my mind around...
My job requires a keen mind. I'm always measuring pipe, fittings, figuring angles etc. Mistakes are costly and could end my job. I need my brain to function correctly and low carb days play havoc on cognizant thinking
Weight 215

So as mentioned I reluctantly dropped my carbs (just slightly) and my adjusted macros are now 325p/325c/75f for ~3275 cal/d

Had to go straight to a wedding thing after the gym, so no cardio this morning...then I gave blood, if I'm feeling decent I will go do some posing and cardio tonight after work...

Wed - arms/abs
warmup - indoor track

supinated (regular) DB curl - warmup and four work sets, 3 sec descent on each rep
superset inverted BB curl - full ROM for 10 reps a set right after each DB curl set

weighted/supported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 leg raises with a 15lb DB between the feet, knees as straight as possible

flat BB curl - four sets of eight with a 2 sec squeeze/flex at the top of each rep
superset inverted BB curl - half ROM on these, from the bottom to 90 degrees on each rep, 10 reps after each regular BB curl set

rope tricep pushdown - two warmup and four working sets of 10 with a good 1sec flex/contraction/squeeze on each rep
superset decline skullcrusher - 12-15 reps per set directly after each set of rope pushdowns

close-grip pushup - four sets of 20, narrow/shoulder-width so almost solely tricep activation with a flex at the top of each
superset decline skullcrusher - heavier than the first set, 8 reps per after each set of pushups

decline situp - three (or four?) sets of 30 bodyweight with constant tension (never all the way down or up, but still a good ROM)

Edit: I did end up hitting the gym after work, did a few laps walking to get warmed up then hit the stair mill

PM Cardio:
30min LISS - stair mill
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