SP's on/off-season log

Weight 234

Couldn't sleep, got up and did cardio fasted (which I normally really don't like)

Had a quick isolate / rice cereal shake then did an hour long hot yoga 'power flow' class which was even harder

Recovered for awhile, met some friends for coffee/light lunch then trained before mother's day dinner

Sun - delts/triceps/abs/calves

warmup - 10m LISS

rear delt cable pull-apart - three sets of 30, cables weren't very great for this so I got about 20/25 then dropped the weight and 30RP on the third set

seated side lateral DB raise - four sets of 10 going all the way to ear level with very strict form

standing side lateral DB raise - three sets of 10, heavier here (up to 10x50lbs)
superset front DB raise - 10 reps immediately after each set of side raises, with lighter DBs

smith front OHP - not BTN (which I do sometimes), this was more for anterior delts...3 sets of 8 reps

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

tricep rope pushdown - three sets of 12 with slightly increasing weight

reverse grip pushdown - using an ez-bar, three sets of 12 as well

standing calf raise - one warmup and four workings sets of 10 heavy reps + 10 partials from the stretch position

cardio - did 30mins MISS on the stair mill fasted first thing in the morning

Weight 235

Busy monday as usual, worked until mid evening then met my figure competitor friend for legs/cardio

She's about 10 weeks out of her nationals, looking a month or six weeks out (tops)

Mon - legs

warmup - 5m LISS on the spin bike

prone hamstring curl - about 6 sets total, first two warmups then four working sets with increasing weight/decreasing reps

HSPL V-squat machine - one feeler set then four working sets of 8 reps facing away from the pad (regular) superset with 8 reps facing towards the pad

HSPL incline leg press - four sets, 15/12/10/8 reps with increasing weight (14 plates/side on the heaviest set, felt much heavier than it should've..)

seated hamstring curl - three sets of 20, crazy burn/pump here
superset seated leg extension - three sets of 20 as well

cardio - 25mins MISS on the stairmill no more than two minutes after the last set of leg extensions...which made it probably the toughest cardio session I've ever done
Weight ?

Forgot to weigh myself at the gym but I pooped so much in the last 24 hours I'd be surprised if I'm not down 2-3lbs

Mid-afternoon workout, picked up my figure-friend from the tyre shop, trained then dropped her back off before heading back to work

Tue - back/abs

warmup - 10m LISS

wide grip pulldown - six sets, first one was easy then the next five were all 'working' ~15/12/12/9/6 reps w/increasing weight

HSPL chest-supported row - first three sets were 1 arm at a time, 8-12 reps adding plates then a triple dropset of 8+8+8 reps (both arms at a time)

one-arm DB row - four sets of 8, adding 10lbs to the DB each set

HSPL high-row/pulldown - grabbed the supports (not the handles) for a neutral grip and did three heavy sets of 8-10 reps
superset pin-loaded, chest-supported row - used a neutral grip on this one too for the same number of reps as the high row but a hold/squeeze for 2-3 sec on each at full contraction

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

Back to work...cardio later, probably
So, I did end up doing cardio last night.

Post-cardio 'sweatie' @ 234lbs:


I am trying to work up the motivation to hit the gym now, and ended up typing this out somewhere else so I figured I may as well post here in my log.

Diet: Halfway through week two of 350p/350c/90f (I decreased those from 350/400/100 on Monday, May 8)
-meal1: 1.5scp isolate + 2/3c cream of rice + 1tbsp PB
-meal2: 1.5scp casein + 2/3c oats + 1tbsp PB
-meal3/4/5/6: 5oz chicken + 1/2c rice + green veg, usually add some fake no-fat cheese and sweet w/heat mustard
-meal7: 50p/50c/15f, I go between oats/casein/PB in a bowl or waffle form, whole eggs+eggwhite omelettes, or another meal3/4/5/6 with some added carbs
-intraWO: 50-100g HBCD (depending on bodypart trained) with EAAs, creatine, citruline malate and beta alanine

Training: 7x/wk resistance training...roughly 75-90mins per session (depending on body parts)
-2x legs
-2x back
-1-2x chest
-1-2x delts (sometimes w/chest)
-1x arms (sometimes split up and added to back/chest workouts)
-abs/calves roughly EOD (aim for 4x/wk+)

Cardio: 5-6x/wk x25mins "MISS" (115-135bpm stairmill)...started this roughly ~May 1st

Supplements: Took april off gear, started May2nd (all long esters, per week)
-500mg test
-400mg tren
-200mg mast

Other (daily) supplements:
-clen@40/80mcg (2 days on/1 off)
-mk677@15mg pre-bed
-omnitrope@2iu AM
-mtII@200mcg 2-3x/wk (AM w/GH)
-also taking vitamin C, D3, NAC, TUDCA, curcumin, red yeast rice and tums daily
Weight 231-235

Weighed myself on the scale in the morning after pooping @ 231 (naked) then by the time I hit the gym at 7pm, after subtracting the weight of my gym clothes I was up 4lbs to 235

Wed - chest/delts/abs/calves

warmup - 10m LISS

bent-over rear lateral DB raise - three sets of 12 reps
superset standing side lateral DB raise - 12 reps immediately after the bent over raises with the same DBs
superduperset front DB raise - here I had to grab lighter DBs in order to get 10-12 more reps

incline DB press - pyramiding weight up doing sets of 10 today on a low/moderate incline

50 x 10
70 x 10
90 x 10
110 x 10
130 x 10
140 x 7...didn't want to smash my face in, glad they didn't have 150s at that rec centre because the 140s felt much heavier than I'd anticipated

incline BB chest press - slightly increasing weight (only 20lbs per set) for one feeler and four working sets of 5 'explosive' reps
superset seated calf raise - one feeler and four heavy working sets of 12-15 reps

high-cable flye - three sets of 12-15 reps

side lateral cable raise - three sets of 12 per arm with a pause at the top of every rep

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

cardio - 25m MISS on the stairmill immediately postWO
Weight 235

Met up with my sister and had a short leg day followed by cardio

She was rushed and while I enjoy training with people, especially for motivation right now I've been kind of frustrated with lack of 'killer' leg workouts lately due to time constraints etc.

Thu - legs

warmup - 10m LISS (incline treadmill...she started squatting right away and I said no way I need *some* warmup)

HS pin-loaded kneeling hamstring curl - five sets per leg, adding weight/reducing reps until I hit the full stack for 8 reps on the last set

HSPL incline leg press - four sets of 15, played around with foot position on each set...low/narrow, med/narrow, high/wide and finally just neutral with extra reps on 4th set

smith split squat - four sets here, one easier set of 10 then three harder sets of 8 reps per leg with increasing weight on every set

seated hamstring curl - three sets of 20 reps
superset seated quad extension - three sets of 20 reps as well

That was it for weights, I could (maybe should) have gone and squatted but instead got right on the stairmill

cardio - 25m MISS on the stairmill, no wifi at goodlife (still) which is fucking stupid (and frustrating and...)
Weight ?

Two goodlifes, two sketchy scales...

Had to attend a funeral in the afternoon, trained afterwards then had a commitment in the evening

Back to the gym for cardio later on...

Fri - back/abs

warmup - 10m LISS

wide-grip pulldown - two warmup and four working sets, adding weight / decreasing reps

HS supinated/chest-supported row - four sets of 10

one-arm DB row - four sets of 8 reps per arm
superset straight-arm rope pulldown(over) - 8 reps after each set of one-arm rows

DB pull-over - three sets of 12, constant tension

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

cardio - 25m MISS on the stairmill

Weight 235

Long day (partially my fault because after I got up, I went and got my motorcycle because the weather was beautiful and spent a good chunk of time riding around

Headed down to calgary to cheer on a friend at a natural bodybuilding show, met some other friends for dinner (sushi) and didn't get to the downtown Goodlife until almost midnight

By the time I was done training and got back to the hotel it was after 2am...

Sat - chest/delts

warmup - 10m LISS

rear delt/reverse pec dec - four sets, pyramiding weight up

incline DB press - six sets of 10, first 2-3 were warmups and the last 3 were slowed down increasing weight on each to make them all working sets

incline smith press - no spotter so I wanted to use something that'd let me go heavy, did four sets of 5 reps ending with three plates a side

flat pronated-grip DB flye - three sets of 12

side lateral DB raise - four sets of 10, increasing weight (20/30/40/50lbs) with perfect form except a few cheats on the final set
superset front DB raise - 10 reps after each set of side laterals using 20-25lbs DBs

cardio - 25m MISS on stairmill
Weight ?

Scale at the rec centre is broken now, too...battery needs to be replaced (if I'm reading the battery sign correctly...)

Watched the natural BB show (Sunday morning/afternoon rather than a typical Saturday format), had half a milkshake while out celebrating

Slept most of the way home and woke up outside the rec centre...forced myself to get motivated and train some legs/calves and cardio

SunPM - legs/calves

warmup - 10min LISS

prone hamstring curl - two feeler sets, three working sets then a double dropset + iso hold to finish

seated adductor machine - four sets of 15 after an easy warmup set

hack squat 'frog squats' - did these on the machine rather than with a barbell to allow even deeper ROM without worrying about falling over...four sets of 12 with some extra reps on the last set

smith lunges - three sets of 8 reps per leg, only moderate weight but very slow and deliberate

glute-kickback machine - four sets of 15 reps per leg, focusing on doing as much of the work with the glutes as possible

standing calf raise - one warmup and four working sets of 15

cardio - 25m MISS on the stairmill
Weight ?

Rec centre scale is still broken.

Long (holiday) monday that was a lot of fun but tiring...finally made it to the rec centre to begin training around 9, by the time I was done cardio & home it was after 11 :(

Was super pissed to find my intraWO drink spilled in my backpack when I arrived at the gym...no one to get angry at which is the worse, just sit there stewing

Mon - arms/abs

warmup - 10min LISS

rope tricep pushdown - approximately 6 sets total, first 2-3 warmups then heavier working sets
superset EZ-bar curl - one warmup and three working sets

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

supinated DB curl - three sets, pyramiding weight up then a triple dropset on the third set

CGBP - three sets, all 8 reps with 2/2.5/3 plates per side respectively

rope tricep pushdown - two sets of 12
superset overhead rope tricep extension - 12 reps after each set of pushdowns, only going to 3/4 extension

cross-body DB hammer curl - two sets of 12
superset reverse-grip EZ-bar curl - 12 reps after each set of hammer curls

cardio - 25m MISS on the stairmill
your an inspiration to us all, thanks for the logs! and you look great.

Thanks man!

Weight 232

Hot as balls day, seemed like a good idea to ride the motorcycle in the morning when it was "only" 20C then not so good when it was 30C after work...christ

Tue - back

warmup - 10m LISS

wide/neutral-grip pulldown - five sets, pyramiding weight for 20/16/12/10/8 reps per set respectively

HSPL chest-supported row - one arm at a time, four sets this time...12/10/8/6 reps

HSPL high-row - three sets of 12
superset pin-loaded chest-supported row - 12 reps with a 2-3sec pause/squeeze at full contraction after each set on the high row machine

rope face-pull - three sets of 12
superset fat bar pulldown - instead of with a rope or a regular attachment, this one has about 4-5" circumference and just gives a different feel in the lats as you contract

cardio - 27m MISS on the stairmill later on at the rec centre
Weight 235

We had a severe rain/wind storm so I ended up getting a ride to work (didn't want to ride my motorcycle and my car is parked at my parents' place right now)

Made for a long day as I wasn't able to go get coffee, short on food (so I ate an excessive amount of isolate+oats which plays with my guts) etc

Trained alone at powerhouse a few blocks away from my work in the evening

Wed - chest/delts/abs

no warmup today - walked to the gym from work (not that far, but felt warmed up enough)

rear delt/reverse pec dec - four sets pyramiding weight up

flat DB press - five sets here with minimal rest, actually got a decent pump which hasn't happened much lately

60lbs x 20 reps
80lbs x 16
100 x 12
120 x 10
130 x 8 (forewent the 140s so I'd have some gas in the tank for the rest of the workout)

smith incline press - four sets, adding weight but doing 8 reps per set except the fourth set which was a triple dropset of 5+5+5 reps

HSPL decline press - three sets of 8 reps, except only got 6 reps on the third set (with 5 plates/side)

unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

cybex shoulder press - three sets of 10, 2/3/4 plates per side respectively

side lateral DB raise - three sets, pyramiding weight up
superset front DB raise - three sets as well

cardio - my ride was delayed waiting for a fridge repairman but I couldn't have done cardio there even if I wanted to as the one sketchy treadmill was very obviously broken (somewhat mangled). So we went to the rec centre and I did 28mins of MISS on the stairmill there.
Weight 234

Had to leave work early and meet the fridge repairman and didn't feel like going back to work so I called a friend and we trained legs at the rec centre

Thu - legs

warmup - 10m LISS

prone hamstring curl - five sets, pyramiding weight up w/ 20/16/12/10/8 reps per set, respectively
superset adductor machine - one warmup and four working sets of 15 reps with the whole stack of weight

highbar ATG squat - holy shit, I haven't squatted in awhile and these were ridiculously hard...seemed like leg day was just yesterday or something based on how heavy the weights felt

135 x 10
225 x 10
275 x 8...wtf? Shouldn't be heavy...
3 x 315 x 8...stopped here, and did three sets because I couldn't imagine getting more than 8 reps with 3.5 plates, let alone four per side

HSPL incline leg press - one leg at a time, four sets of 20 reps

HSPL isolateral leg extension - four sets, pyramiding weight up slightly but keeping the reps at 12 per leg

cardio - 29mins MISS on the stairmill watching Logan (y)
Weight 234

Had a tough day due to some personal stuff and a long phone call that came midway through my workout and really threw a wrench in things

Ended up cutting the training session short but went to goodlife for some cardio late before bed

Fri - back/abs

warmup - 10m LISS

wide/neutral grip pulldown - six sets, pyramiding weight up

bent-over one-arm DB row - four sets of 8, adding weight on each set

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

HSPL chest-supported horizontal row - three sets of 12/10/8 reps per arm, respectively
superset straight-arm pulldown (over) with fat bar - 12 reps after each set on the row machine

cardio - 30min MISS on the stairmill
Weight 235

Had a light lunch (plain double-meat sandwich) at a local pie shoppe with a friend then trained with him at powerhouse

Sat - chest/delts

rear delt/reverse pec dec - five sets, pyramiding weight up

incline DB press - five sets, also pyramiding weight up

smith decline press - four sets of 10

HSPL press-flye machine - three sets of 12/10/8 reps, adding weight each time
superset chest pec dec - same reps after each set on the press-flye machine

side lateral DB raise - four sets of 15/12/10/8 reps, respectively
superset front DB raise - same reps with half the weight after each set of side laterals

cardio - 30m MISS on the stairmill
Weight 233

Beautiful day so I was out on my motorcycle for most of the morning, had coffee/lunch with some friends then had kind of a medley of bodyparts to train before family dinner

Sun - arms/delts/back/abs

bent over rear lateral DB raise - three sets of 25

rope tricep pushdown - five sets, pyramiding weight up

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

seated DB press - four sets of 8, adding 10lbs on each DB per set
superset EZ-bar curl - two warmup and four working sets pyramiding weight up

CGBP - three sets of 16/12/8 reps respectively
superset cross-body hammer DB curl - three sets of 12, adding 5lbs to the DBs each time
superduperset reverse-grip EZ-bar curl - 12 reps after each set of DB curls

DB shrug - three sets of 15 with a 3 sec flex/squeeze at the top of every rep


cardio - 30m MISS on the stairmill (later in the evening)
Last edited:
Weight 234

Long but good day, beautiful weather.

The person I was supposed to train with cancelled so I met one of my other training partners for legs & cardio at a rec centre

Bought some tilapia afterwards...decided to modify my diet to try & drop a few pounds this week

Mon - legs/calves

warmup - 10m LISS

prone hamstring curl - five sets, one warmup and four working sets w/increasing weight+decreasing reps

hack squat - four sets of 15/12/10/8 reps with increasing weight, the 8 rep set was pretty brutal...more like 5+2+1 RP

HSPL one-legged leg press - four sets of 15 reps per leg, adding two plates (1/side) per set
superset leg press calf raise - four sets of 15-20 reps, slow with a hard squeeze at the top of each rep

smith split squat - three sets of 8-10 reps per leg

seated leg extension -

cardio - 30m MISS on the stairmill

Weight 235

Have to remind myself that I introduced a few contest/prep compounds that wouldn't necessarily add water but could have me holding more glycogen and slowing down scale-weight loss even if I'm getting leaner (which I feel as though I am, though never as fast as I like)

Tue - back/abs

wide/neutral-grip pulldown - six sets, pyramiding weight up
superset straight-arm rope pulldown - same reps after each set of lat pulldowns using increasing weight as well

one-arm DB row - four sets of 12/12/10/8 reps per arm with increasing weight

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

HSPL high-row machine - three sets of 12, added half a plate per side each time and used the supports (neutral position) rather than handles
superset pin-loaded, chest-supported row - using neutral grip, 12 slow, methodical reps after each set on the high row machine

seated/low cable row - three sets of 12, adding weight on each set

cardio - 30m MISS on the stairmill later at night