SP's on/off-season log

Weight 209

Sun - arms - 8-12 reps
Warmup - walking track
Ez bar curl - three sets with cheat reps
Superset forearm BB curl - three sets
Skull crusher (ezbar) - three pause sets
Superset lying leg raise - four sets
Hammer DB curl - three dropsets, extra drop on third set
Rope pushdown - three dropsets
Superset crunch machine - three sets

35min LISS - incline treadmill
10min walking track - slower/cool down
Reminded myself why I avoid quad shots...pinned about 4cc in two injections sites in the left vastus lateralus on thursday...still feeling the pain today especially after putting a few hundred kms on my 1098.

I usually stick to VG, delts, dorsal glutes and even pecs before resorting to quads...I don't know what got into me :(

Also started the GH today; will be 2iu pharma/day for the week then switching to three times the dose but generic next week.
Weight 210

I have a feeling the drol may be contributing to a bit of bloat, I will drop it ~10 days out either way so if it's a factor it should be well out of my system.

GH is too easy compared to IM and even timing slin...feels like it should be more complicated tbh but I guess simple is good sometimes.

Mon - legs - 10-15 reps
Quick warmup (treadmill)
seated quad extension - three pause sets
highbar ATG squat - three sets
seated calf raise - four pause sets
incline leg press - three sets w/ pause reps
SLDL - two sets

40min LISS - incline treadmill
Mon evening cardio
35min LISS - steep incline

I'm not going to beat myself up if I fall a little short but I'm aiming for 10x 35mins/wk for weeks 4, 3 and 2.

Likely stopping week one (I've been told ten days out but that seems premature to me)
Weight 208

Tue - chest - 8-12 reps
5min warmup - bike
External/internal shoulder rotation - three sets
Superset hanging leg raise - four sets
Flat BB bench - three dropsets, extra drop on last set
Superset lying leg raise - three sets
Incline DB press - three dropsets
Weight chest dips - three sets
Superset bodyweight dips - three sets
Flat DB flyes -

45min LISS - incline treadmill
Weight 209

Wed - back - 8-12 reps
5min warmup - treadmill
yates row - three pause sets
superset decline situp - four sets w/ 45lb plate
deadlift - three sets
superset plate-loaded machine high row - three sets

45min LISS - incline treadmill - watching Homeland S3 while doing this, really helps pass the time lately :)

medium-grip pullup - two sets
superset lat pulldown - two dropsets

to do (tonight hopefully)
- seated row and/or one-arm DB row
- evening cardio, time permitting
Weight 210

Thu - delts - 10-12 reps
10min warmup - treadmill
External/internal rotation - three sets
Superset hanging leg raise - four sets
Seated DB press - three dropsets, extra (fourth) drop on last set
Lateral DB raise - three dropsets
Superset lying leg raise - three sets
Rear delts pec-dec - three dropsets
Superset front BB raise - three sets, dropset on last set

50min LISS - incline treadmill
Weight 208

Fri - arms - 8-12 reps
10min warmup - treadmill
EZ bar curl - three sets, with cheat reps - ended with dropset
superset rope tricep pushdown - three dropsets
hammer DB curl - three dropsets
superset smith shrugs - four sets, behind the back and in front
hammer strength crunch machine - four sets
superset triangle tricep pushdown - three pause sets

AM Cardio:
50min LISS - incline treadmill

PM Cardio:
55min LISS - incline treadmill
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Weight 208

Sat - legs - 10-15 reps
10min warmup - track
Seated quad extension - three pause sets
Highbar ATG squat - three sets
Seated calf raise - three pause sets
SLDL - three sets
Prone hamstring curl - three sets
Leg press - skipped

AM Cardio:
45min LISS - incline treadmill

PM Cardio:
45min LISS - incline treadmill

Finished homeland s3...let's go season 4 already. Need something else to watch in the meantime before walking dead, supernatural and homeland come back...
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Weight 208

Interestingly, 205 when I got off the treadmill...weighed myself out of curiosity. And a few days ago I weighed my typical gym loadout...shoes, cotton shorts/tank top and hat/headphones/cellphone...4lbs. So theoretically I'm right around 200-202 naked atm, slightly dehydrated or 205 with a bit more glycogen & water.

Sun - chest - 8-12 reps
10min warmup - treadmill
external/internal shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
incline DB press - three dropsets, extra drop on last set
flat BB bench - three dropsets plus extra drop
superset lying leg raise - four sets
weighted chest dips - three sets
superset bodyweight chest dips - two sets
flat DB flyes - two dropsets
cable flyes - two dropsets

AM Cardio:
55min LISS - incline treadmill

PM Cardio:
45min LISS - incline treadmill
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Cardio SUCKS when your music stops working...itunes tried to wifi sync from the fitness room in my condo and managed to corrupt all the music and movies on my phone.

I was already 15mins in, sweating buckets so I didn't want to go fuck around with my phone...I watched a few post-olympia interviews with kai, dennis, george farrah, hany rambod etc but I have limited data and didn't want to spend the whole 45mins sucking bandwidth so it was a shit tastic session this evening.

Damn you itunes, ios8 and iphone 6...
still running any of that dnp? it's been about 10 years since I touched that stuff, but it sure is tempting, even at just 200mg ed for 10-14 days can do magic ;)
still running any of that dnp? it's been about 10 years since I touched that stuff, but it sure is tempting, even at just 200mg ed for 10-14 days can do magic ;)

I haven't been for awhile, but I am thinking I may run one more ten day course before the final prep week; it's magic in conjuction with low-dose slin and GH.

I have 100mg caps now, which makes dosing a dream compared to the 200 or 250mg I'm used to...100mg with GH in the morning, 100mg with slin pre/wo and then option of one more 100mg before bed.
Weight 208

Mon - back - 8-12 reps
5min warmup - treadmill
yates row - three pause sets
superset decline weighted situp - four sets w/45lb plate
deadlift - three sets, third set was kind of shit (5 reps instead of 8)
medium-grip bodyweight pullup - three sets
superset medium-grip lat pulldown - three dropsets
-to-do/skipped: seated row and/or 1-arm DB row

AM Cardio:
55min LISS - incline treadmill

Evening session - back2
t-bar row - four dropsets
plate-loaded high row - three sets
inverted grip BB row - three sets

PM Cardio:
50min LISS - incline treadmill
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I haven't been for awhile, but I am thinking I may run one more ten day course before the final prep week; it's magic in conjuction with low-dose slin and GH.

I have 100mg caps now, which makes dosing a dream compared to the 200 or 250mg I'm used to...100mg with GH in the morning, 100mg with slin pre/wo and then option of one more 100mg before bed.

I remember taking 200mg in the afternoon, worked well... probably gonna do that again. I do plan to compete in 2015, but lots of work to do before that happens
Weight 208

Tue - delts - 10-12 reps
external/internal shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
seated DB press - three dropsets
lateral DB raise - three dropsets
superset lying leg raise - four sets
front BB raise - two sets
rear delt cable pullaparts - two dropsets

50min LISS - incline treadmill

Second last day of pharm GH @ 2iu, start generic thursday and may do a short DNP run for ~1 week to tighten everything up. Calipers aren't very accurate at the best of times, and even less so at low BF...I'm calling it sub-7% right now but they'd have me believe 5 which I don't unfortunately.
Weight 208

PM weigh in so could be lighter, will find out tomorrow morning

Wed - arms - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
EZ bar curl - three sets with cheat reps, dropset on last set
superset rope tricep pushdown - three dropsets, extra drop on last set
hammer DB curl - three dropsets
superset decline weighted situp - four sets w/ 45lb plate
smith shrugs - behind the back then in front - three sets
superset triangle tricep pushdown - three sets

PM cardio 1:
60min LISS - incline treadmill

PM cardio 2:
40min LISS - incline treadmill

Last day of pharm GH. Adjusted diet on 3J's advice (protein reduced) - will get fasted weight tomorrow morning.

Blisters on my feet from all this damn cardio...never happened in the army forced-rucking for hours or when running half marathons or fast 10ks...must be the incline?

Added 5iu generic GH in the afternoon...going to do 2.5iu AM / 2.5iu early-PM unless anyone has a better suggestion (all 5iu AM?)
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Weight 204

Fasted weight (but wearing my 4lbs of gym gear of course)

Thu AM - legs pt.1 - 10-15 reps
10min cardio warmup
Seated quad extension - three pause sets
Highbar ATG squat - three sets
Incline leg press - three sets
Seated calf raise - three sets

AM Cardio:
50min LISS - incline treadmill

Thu PM - legs pt.2 - 12-15 reps
SLDL - three sets
superset prone hamstring curl - three dropsets
standing calf raise - three sets

PM Cardio:
55min LISS - incline treadmill
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Weight 206

PM weight, obviously un-fasted. Was 203 when I stepped off the treadmill post-cardio though.

Fri - chest - 8-12 reps
10min cardio warmup
external/internal shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
incline DB press - three dropsets
flat BB bench - three dropsets
superset lying leg raise - four sets
flat DB flyes - three dropsets
-to do: dips (weighted+bodyweight)

60min LISS - incline treadmill