Squats or Hack squats??


New member
right now Iam cutting and lift 3 times a week, I just started going to a new gym and it has a hack squat there.
Wed are legs /shoulders
I do this for legs
warm up- 2-3 min on bike 2 sets of 20 on leg ex
Squat 15,12,12,8
Stiff Deads 12,12,8
Donky Calf raise 12,12,8,8

IAm go to the gym when I get off work and want to get in and out so my I do from squats to d-bell press then rest and do it again.

So what would be better squat or hack squats, just need to keep size and power in them but make abit more cut??

Squats hands down are the best for size. I find hack squats put alot of pressure on my knees.

If you are going for size do less reps. 15, 12, 12 warm ups. I would go and do 5 reps 5 sets for some serious size.
I hate squats, but for the amount of exersises you are doing, they will work for you. Why do you limit yourself to just one exersise for Quads though?? And why the HELL are you training Quads on the same day as shoulders of all things?? Bro, if you are only training Legs once per week, and that is all you are doing, AND you're NOT a powerlifter, you definitely need to revamp that routine alot.
I have acutally found this program works for me the next day Iam walking funny just doing that for legs. when I my squats I go balls out almost to failuar
335-8( I raise this weight up every week usally 5-10lbs) so tommow it will be 345lbs

I do alot of cardio running. and cross trainer

I never do hack squats, regular heavy squats all the way. You'd be surprised how your body gets shocked into growing while squatting heavy.
Squats. In addition to the greater hormonal response, there is greater hamstring involvement, which means that there is less stress on the patella tendon.
give quads there own day, and hit them with heavy low rep squats, followed by some higher rep sets and they will blow up. Pretty much all of my quad size has been built with just squats
I firmly believe that heavy, free weight squats are what is helping me gain all the size I've gained lately (1/2 almost on both arms, and almost an inch on chest, not to mention the full inch in quads). I had to switch back to free weights instead of smiths because of the lack of a decent smith in this wonderful gym here, and it shocked the hell outta my legs. I say FREE WEIGHT SQUATS ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Screw the hacks.
needsize said:
give quads there own day, and hit them with heavy low rep squats, followed by some higher rep sets and they will blow up. Pretty much all of my quad size has been built with just squats

How wide of a stance do you use?

Use a shoulder width stance and make sure to descend all the way down. Your quads should be parallel to the floor at the bottom of the lift.
needsize said:
give quads there own day, and hit them with heavy low rep squats, followed by some higher rep sets and they will blow up. Pretty much all of my quad size has been built with just squats

That's what I do....quads on one day alone. Low reps on squats and moderat reps on leg press and ext. Do more excercises bro