Stack question on first time


New member
So I am a lurker and finally signed up and am ready to take the plunge. Just a few things about me first.

40 years old, 5'7", 205lbs and have lifted off and on for 8 years. I'm on TRT with 75-100mg weekly

Currently doing heavy lifting 3x a week with some crossfit tossed in (yes the dreaded crossfit).

Trying to drop some fat and increase my endurance while not losing the muscle I have worked hard to gain.

Thinking of doing a S4 and a SR9009 stack together. Anyone else ran this before and have any experience to share on this stack?

May look at seeing if the doc won't give me a prescription for an estrogen blocker also. I take fish oil and a multi also.

Thanks :)
Diet is definitely key to any good result. I have heard people use S4 with GW as a stack to help lose fat. Mega is correct, AAS is more powerful and therefor you will see more results. It really depends on your personal likes and dislikes, goals, etc. SARMs are great if you cannot stand needles - an oral only AAS cycle for men is dangerous.

But just like AAS, SARMs are only really effective if you have a good diet too. You can NEVER exercise or gear your way out of a bad diet.
Diet is definitely key to any good result. I have heard people use S4 with GW as a stack to help lose fat. Mega is correct, AAS is more powerful and therefor you will see more results. It really depends on your personal likes and dislikes, goals, etc. SARMs are great if you cannot stand needles - an oral only AAS cycle for men is dangerous.

But just like AAS, SARMs are only really effective if you have a good diet too. You can NEVER exercise or gear your way out of a bad diet.

Well my diet has gotten a lot better. I meal prep and all.

Biggest thing is just jump starting everything and looking for a little boost.

As far as AAS I don't want to go down that road completely. Wife wouldn't be on board with that.

I will gladly take the advice you all give. Dropped 3lbs over last 2 weeks just with diet and exercise. Just wanting to make sure not losing muscle mass too while getting a better engine/tank which is something I lack.
You are already on AAS. You would just have to up your dose a little -- even 250mg weekly would be very beneficial for preserving muscle mass while being in a caloric deficit. And then drop your calories to drive down body fat. Just make sure your protein consumption is sufficient. Lots of guys aim for 1g of protein per pound of body weight

A diet coach would be a great investment to get you started. They really are very affordable. There are some even on this site that know their way around dieting while being on TRT and AAS. That isn't something every diet coach is going to know well.
I see no issue with adding sarms to a trt regimen. I think that's where they shine because you don't have to worry about suppression. When upping your test dose, you have to worry about managing e2, with sarms it's no issue. Also they are easy on the liver and lipids. GW-50 is actually known for lowering LDL and raising HDL. If you're not ready to experiment with higher doses of test or other AAS, i think sarms are a perfect solution.
I go in for bloodwork next week. Dr wanted me where I was at and we went higher would need to add another med to help block estrogen.

So that was one of the reasons I was looking at sarms. Wanted that little boost without having to go all crazy on the test.
If you are looking for a boost without messing with your TRT dose yet, SARMs are a good way to go. SARMs also stack well with AAS - using GW with Tren, for example. Tren is known for hurting your cardio and GW is known for helping it.
Well I talked with a weight buddies who has more experience in this and I purchased the S4 from SSearch and will start using it and can journal how it goes here once it comes in.

Been hitting it pretty hard over the last week and have really been nailing my diet down. Dropped 4lbs so far this week with diet and exercise. I know some of it is water but I can see the abs coming through more.

Have taken a photo Sunday and will take one each Sunday and track how it plays out.

Keeping it simple the first time in before I jump deeper into a bigger stack.
Ok my order arrived and I started today.

Was 202lbs Sunday morning when I weighed (don't weigh by same day each week)

Took 20mg this morning before workout and 20mg 6 hours later. Stuff tastes nasty but took it with water and went on. Can't say I noticed a huge difference today (was dieing during cardio as usual) but will see how it goes after a week or two. Am planning on the 5 on 2 off as most sites recommended unless someone has a much better solution for how to take it.

Trying to upload a photo from phone. Will see if that works.
Ok my order arrived and I started today.

Was 202lbs Sunday morning when I weighed (don't weigh by same day each week)

Took 20mg this morning before workout and 20mg 6 hours later. Stuff tastes nasty but took it with water and went on. Can't say I noticed a huge difference today (was dieing during cardio as usual) but will see how it goes after a week or two. Am planning on the 5 on 2 off as most sites recommended unless someone has a much better solution for how to take it.

Trying to upload a photo from phone. Will see if that works.

Couple things,

I'd just run it at 50mg/day instead of 40. 1/4 of a dropper 2x a day. Keep it simple, also 50mg is the minimum I'd run to see results.

Next, run it 7 days a week. 5 on 2 off will do nothing but hinder the effectiveness and give you fluctuating blood levels. The half life is about 10 hours so taking 2 days off you will have none left in your system come monday. You wanna keep a steady flow :)

Kill it with training and diet. No cheating and no skipping workouts and you will see great results.
Thanks. I'll do that then dosage wise.

Had a huge str day today. Was it mental or was it this, I don't know but man I was killing it and still feel great.

On a side note does anyone get the squirts from taking this? Had them since I started, nothing bad just saying.
You can up the dose slowly if you have no vision sides. If you start to see a yellow tint or lose your night vision, it is time to back down. Wait a week or two before upping the dose, to give it time to have the body react.
The squirts?


OP, you lied. Your username is AnotherOldfart; which at 40 is simply not true. Shame on you! :p

OP, you lied. Your username is AnotherOldfart; which at 40 is simply not true. Shame on you! :p

Haha it is more of a nickname given to me by all the 16-24 year old boys who I workout with and all. One day one of their friends showed up and asked "who is the old fart over there" and they made the name stick ;)

While I might struggle to out run many of them, it amazes me how little strength some of them have.

Yeah diariah is the squirts.

So far no yellow tinge or loss of night vision. Makes me wonder if I could get green vision is I popped a Viagra when having the yellow tinge :)
As far as AAS I don't want to go down that road completely. Wife wouldn't be on board with that

So the wife watches you pin Test twice weekly and is she ok with you doing that, because she knows you need it to satisfy her....

But if you upped your dose to 250mg per injection - and started to grow pecs, biceps and sprout abs - she'd walk the other way?
So the wife watches you pin Test twice weekly and is she ok with you doing that, because she knows you need it to satisfy her....

But if you upped your dose to 250mg per injection - and started to grow pecs, biceps and sprout abs - she'd walk the other way?

Only do it 1x a week. dr has me set for 100mg. I go tomorrow for bloodwork results and can talk about boosting it some. Honestly I don't mind going up as long as I don't get bitch tits. I will talk to him about dosing 2x a week vs one shot (like 75-100) 2x a week. It is just 100x easier if the dr agrees vs blowing through my supply and getting into issues while getting it through him versus trying to get it another way.

taking care of her had never been an issue :) joys of being older and knowing how to work the woman's body plus years in marriage = 2-3 easy Os for her each time. Biggest issue for me is my kids have the radar that the door is shut and they need to knock and ask a question whenever we start ;) joys of little kids.
So the wife watches you pin Test twice weekly and is she ok with you doing that, because she knows you need it to satisfy her....

But if you upped your dose to 250mg per injection - and started to grow pecs, biceps and sprout abs - she'd walk the other way?

Only do it 1x a week. dr has me set for 100mg. I go tomorrow for bloodwork results and can talk about boosting it some. Honestly I don't mind going up as long as I don't get bitch tits. I will talk to him about dosing 2x a week vs one shot (like 75-100) 2x a week. It is just 100x easier if the dr agrees vs blowing through my supply and getting into issues while getting it through him versus trying to get it another way.

taking care of her had never been an issue :) joys of being older and knowing how to work the woman's body plus years in marriage = 2-3 easy Os for her each time. Biggest issue for me is my kids have the radar that the door is shut and they need to knock and ask a question whenever we start ;) joys of little kids.