Stack questions. Simplified!


New member
Back n the saddle again many questions!!! Pmag? Tren? 4andro?

Hey folks, im new to this forum, glad to be a part of it.
I have around 5 or 6 cycles over the past 8yrs, all went very well. I mostly stayed with Pmag, Hdrol, but on occasion a nice stack of stano, M1T, Sten, and tren...
I always keep my cycles short and to the point. 4-5 weeks, depending on what im running, gets the job done. "Get out while the gettin's good".

SO, I have a good size stash over PH's and cycle supps, as well as a box full of PCT supplies. (I should mention, i take PCT seriously...from the very first cycle, onward!)
***Also, i have 2 bottles of IML 1ANDRO Rx...any idea if it would be a good addition to my stack? Any info on that stuff would be great!!! Ive heard the lethargy is bad...

I have not run anything at all, nothin, for a full year, so looking forward to a good run!!!
Right now, here are my options...(THIS IS JUST A LIST OF WHAT IM THINKING OF RUNNING...Im saving the good stuff for a later run!!!!)
-3 bottles Pmag
-3 bottles Hdrol
-4 bottles Stano200
-2 bottles IML 4Andro Rx
-1 bottle CeliTren (30mg each x60caps)
-1 bottle of 1Andro Rx

*Right now, here is what im thinking of running..
*100mg Pmag *100mg Pmag
*100mg 4ANDRO *60mg Tren
*20 or 30mg EPI *1000 Stano.....OR....100mg 4ANDRO

---My main goal for this cycle is to lose some of the winter fat ive gained around my stomach (really the only area fatty grows on me!), and of course to gain some lean muscle. Hoping that the 4Andro will ease up the lethargy. Is 100mgs a good dose? Very strange, but i have seemed to have lost 15lbs, but GAINED fat! This winter was a tough one, broke both legs and had to get 7 screws at the base of my to regain some energy, muscle, and drop the gut!!! Any and all input or ideas would be most welcomed and very appreciated!
*Sorry for the long post! ****I have tons of PHs, all sealed, if anyone is interested in a trade, etc, let me know (if that sentence was against forum rules, please tell me and i will fix it immediately!
I keep it simple, a few questions...

1. What is the best use for 1andro (IML 1-Andro Rx)? Would 100mg be useful when stacked with Pmag and/or Epi?
2. For a cycle of Pmag(100mgs), would Tren @ 30mg or 60mgs make for a good clean bulk, with low sides? (Besides the norm sides that come with PH use of course)
3. What is the best dosage for IML 4-Andro Rx, when used with a stack of Pmag/Tren? Ive ran it at 100mgs daily in the past, and some called this overkill and would make for some terrible estrogen related sides...while others told me that 100mgs was not enough? (Im looking to use it to combat lethargy, as well as give the cycle a BOOST!)

*What im looking for is experienced users of 1Andro and 4Andro, would love your input!!!
*Leaning towards a Pmag/Epi, or Pmag/Tren cycle...opinions welcomed! Would also be adding in either Stano200 (@1000mgs) OR 4Andro (@100mgs)

Anyone that has ran or stacked a PH like Hdrol or Pmag, with Epi and or Tren....would love some info before i start my cycle!!!! THANKS FELLAS!
Let's get some stats. Age? Height? Weight? Body fat %?

How do you post my stats on my profile...cant find it...feel quite stupid!
Anyhow, im 5'8", currently at 192lbs. Not sure about the body fat atm, last summer i was at 10.4%...but this winter was quite a mess, guessing around 13'ish?!!!! Gained weight, but none of it muscle.
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How do you post my stats on my profile...cant find it...feel quite stupid!
Anyhow, im 5'8", currently at 192lbs. Not sure about the body fat atm, last summer i was at 10.4%...but this winter was quite a mess, guessing around 13'ish?!!!! Gained weight, but none of it muscle.

because you excluded age I'm assuming mistake or sensitive to age questions. AAS usage is quite age sensitive, so what age are you?
Starting tonight.
(5-6 weeks)
-Pmag @ 100mgs
-Tren @ 60mgs

start weight is 190, hoping to cut out the winters belly, drop down to 10% again and add in some lean muscle. Looking forward to the Tren strength! I hope to god i dont get night sweats again...fuuudge!
question is though, should i run Stano (1000mgs) or 4Andro (100mgs) with it all, to help keep lethargy at bay? (most likely wont start one until beginning of week 2 anyhow)
You can't run trenbolone without also using injectable testosterone. Why not just run a real cycle using all AAS and real PCT meds?
You can't run trenbolone without also using injectable testosterone. Why not just run a real cycle using all AAS and real PCT meds?

Ive ran Trenavar before...caps, not the inj Tren.
Works really well. Lots of energy and nice cuts.

And with the 4andro, while its NO where near AAS Test, it acts as a decent testosterone far as a PH can
Trenavar (Estra-4,9,11-triene-3,17-dione) a true prohormone to Trenbolone
Many folks run it solo or with other PHs, usually Hdrol, etc

I also have a old bottle of Trenazone it is a topical delivery of dienolone, quite a mess to apply, but it also gets the job done @ 2.5ml daily for a month or so.
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Trenavar, Trendione


This is a brand new prohormone from PHF/IBE, never seen before on the prohormone or pharmaceutical market.

This is a prohormone to the veterinary drug and black-market bodybuilding steroid trenbolone. Unlike previous "tren" prohormones, this one actually converts in the body to trenbolone. Previous "tren" PHs converted to the structurally similar - but markedly weaker - steroid dienolone.


This prohormone has the same three conjugated double bonds as trenbolone, and differs from it only in that this hormone has a 17-ketone, where trenbolone has a 17b-hydroxy function. In the body this ketone will be readily hydrolysed by 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 5 (17b-HSD5) into the active form, trenbolone.


Conversion to trenbolone should be high, so effects should be identical to the injectable form - with the exception of the famed "tren cough". Whatever the explanation for "tren cough" (and many have been suggested), since it's a reaction to the sudden parenteral introduction of some compound directly into the body, it's highly unlikely that any orally administered compound will have the same effect.
Trenbolone is one of the strongest injectable steroids on the market, so effects experienced from Trenavar can be expected to be largely the same - huge strength and size increases, accelerated fat loss, and enhanced vascularity.
Welcome to ology. Read this thread and all its links:

You will be able to put together a proper first cycle

Thanks man!
And although my post may come off as a newb, i have 2 successful AAS and 6 or 7 (not quite sure off the top of my head) PH cycles in my past!!! Been out of the loop for a bit, and looking thru my stash of PH goodies, on cycle supports, and some new clomid and torem on the way...its time to run again!
Thanks for the warm welcome hiram1st!!!
Ive ran Trenavar before...caps, not the inj Tren.
Works really well. Lots of energy and nice cuts.

And with the 4andro, while its NO where near AAS Test, it acts as a decent testosterone far as a PH can

Sorry. When you said Tren I thought you were talking about the real stuff (Trenbolone), not the pretend stuff.

Why not just run a real cycle? It is better for your liver and you will get much better results. You could run a testosterone cycle.
Sorry. When you said Tren I thought you were talking about the real stuff (Trenbolone), not the pretend stuff.

Why not just run a real cycle? It is better for your liver and you will get much better results. You could run a testosterone cycle.

The "pretend stuff", lol. I know what you mean, though.
If i had some access to it, and at a better price, believe me...i would be on it.
I ran a tren (real stuff) and test e cycle a couple years ago. Amazing. Felt like Zeus!!!

But while the PH Tren is no where near the inj. it still does a good job. Plus, it is non methylated, so its not harsh on the liver. Unlike most methyl PH's out there (the popular ones at least)
Ive ran many cycles of PH's, and i always get pre and post bloodwork. I do the post draw 2 weeks after i finish PCT (usually use clomid or nolva, depending on what works best with the cycle). And everything has come back looking great. Im one of the few guys that doesnt overkill or stay on TOO long. I usually run just 4 weeks cycles. Get the job done, be happy with the boost in muscle, and GET OUT!!! Haha. Everyone has their opinions though.

Last time i ran PH Tren (Trenavar), it was at 90mgs, ran it solo...18lbs in 5 weeks. Could not believe the scale! Even dropped the bf down a %. And got that great "tren dry cut" that comes along with the inj. If you've never tried the PH version, i suggest you give it a shot. For only 4-5 weeks, the gains are worth your time. And again, its not methylated, so the stress to your liver is on par with taking a couple aspirin (not acetaminophen!) a day.
Trenavar (Estra-4,9,11-triene-3,17-dione) touted as a true prohormone to Trenbolone, differing only by a ketone at the 17 ********** Similar to other 17-one prohormones, this ketone is the target of 17b-HSD1, hydrogenating the compound to yield active Trenbolone.

Information cited in the write-up argues that this compound is orally bioavailable. Tren is known to have a high affinity for the androgen receptor, and also functions as a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist. This is powerful stuff.

^^^Pulled from Pat Arnold site
Try it at 90mg and see what you think...
Your making the Tren Ace gods very angry they dont like imitations, they have summoned me to warn you