Stacking Tren with Nandrolone


New member
Let's start by assuming two things:

-Test is also included, we'll say 500mg+
-Side effects are managed properly (prolactin, e2, blood pressure, etc etc...)

Now that we have that out of the way, what do poeple think of these two together?

I can only imagine it's fantastic, especially on a bulk.

-Nandrolone to pack on the mass and keep joints lubed up.
-Tren to add to the mass and to keep gains dry and solid. Adding vacularity, aggression, strength, definition, etc etc....

I want to try stacking the two 19nors on my next bulk. Despite the potential for side effects, I feel like these two would be the most effective compounds to stack together for sheer size.

If anyone has run the two together please share your results. I'm very interested in this stack.
Had the same idea but backed off because of multiple threads telling people not to do it. If everything is kept under control I don't see why it shouldn't be done. Looking forward to seeing some responses
I did a small stack - tren 600mgs and deca 500mgs and 800 prop, did 16 weeks. Had good results and felt fine- was a little lethargic all the time, had some sleeping issues, but bloods came back ok. I wouldn't recommend it to a beginner bit to someone who has a 3 or 4 cycles I believe it's fine with proper protocols. Make sure you have e all your ancillaries on hand if you go that route
It would definitely need to be for a 'bulk' , because otherwise cardio would be near impossible. heck, just walking from your car into the gym might be all the cardio you could handle :)

If you've ran both compounds separately and had good results and managed sides well . I say stack them, the whole "don't stack two 19 nors together" is just bro science for guys that don't know how to proactively manage sides.
I ran lower deca higher tren before with 250mgs of test. Deca was 300mgs and tren was 500mgs. I started the cycle off ass backwards. I would recommend if your going to do it to run a minimal dose of deca with the tren and use tren a so you can adjust the dose easier...
I ve ran a cut/lean mass with testp/mastp/npp 100/100/100 .
Added tren a . .. the lean mass come on fast as hell as did the strength... through the roof.
Out of "curiosity" ;) , how much would you dose Deca when Tren is at 700? Is there a certain ratio? Like 1:1 deca/Tren or something like I do with Test and Tren which is 1:3
Jo, your thread has me rethinking my cycle, should I be the ginuea pig here and try this for 16 weeks? :) haha
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Out of "curiosity" ;) , how much would you dose Deca when Tren is at 700? Is there a certain ratio? Like 1:1 deca/Tren or something like I do with Test and Tren which is 1:3
Well I wouldn't run tren at 700 if stacking with nandrolone. I have yet to surpass 350mg of I'd probably try 350mg tren, 400-500mg deca.
Jo, your thread has me rethinking my cycle, should I be the ginuea pig here and try this for 16 weeks? :) haha
Well, I won't ask you to do it....but I won't stop you either :)
Hmm. Well my source is having payment issues so my money is still stuck in "limbo" and I can withdraw it back and just change my order to try something new like this out. That water retention though... If I start this cycle lean like let's say 7-8% BF (I'm at 9-10 now and have 4 more weeks to go) I'm guessing water retention will be very minimal since I'm starting lean? Cuz from what I hear the leaner you are the less water you hold cuz you aromatise less?
Hmm. Well my source is having payment issues so my money is still stuck in "limbo" and I can withdraw it back and just change my order to try something new like this out. That water retention though... If I start this cycle lean like let's say 7-8% BF (I'm at 9-10 now and have 4 more weeks to go) I'm guessing water retention will be very minimal since I'm starting lean? Cuz from what I hear the leaner you are the less water you hold cuz you aromatise less?

That's how I understand aromatization, yes
I have run Tren A at 400 mgs wk with NPP at 300 wk Test Prop at 300mgs wk...Great gains not much water retention. Blood pressure was up slightly 138/80. It did shut me down for about 6 or 7 weeks afterwards even with proper pct. I would probably do it again if i had a reason to.
How does deca make you guys feel as opposed to Tren? I feel like I wanna blow up on everyone at work and they didn't even do anything. I keep fighting with my ex girlfriend about nonsense. Is it a feel good compound like DBol? Or is it just like Tren mentally?
I've never ran the two together, and the reviews are mixed across the board...

However - some people say they love it, and have had great results.

I would try it, and as long as everything else is in check - (which I know it will be with
you running the cycle jozifp) - you can simply change the stack if you find you're not liking it.

If it were someone without the proper knowledge, and trying this without proper ancillaries
they would be in for a train wreck!

Keep us posted buddy! :D
Got my bulk cycle on the way. It involves Tren and Deca. BUAHAHAHA >:) Can't wait to try. Of course though, ordere A brand new Prami, Adex, Letro and Cialis from RUI.

Deca 500 15 Weeks
Tren A 350 13 Weeks (depending on how I feel, I've ran for longer at higher dose, I'm sure with 350 a week I can do 15 weeks)
Test P 750 15 Weeks
Mast P 750 15 Weeks

Eurotropin HGH 7iu/daily
Humurilin R- 6iu Post workout/ 5 on 2 off for 4 or 5 weeks
Diet given by 3J
Stats: 6'3"
8~9% BF
Goal: 225 or Higher
9%-10% BF (Keeping this VERY UNDER CONTROL)

Officially happening, the goods are on the plane now to me
Have short esters because IDC about pinning ED and want those three compounds to build up fast as a kick in while waiting for Deca

I also got some Tbol and DBol on SALE! Got my hands on em but don't I'll run them because it'll be overkill on an already intense cycle. Will save for later OR Hit the Tbol weeks before my photoshoot in July and DBol before Vegas in late August (I'll be in Vegas for my bday and again for the Olympia with my sponsor)

I got my foot in the fitness modeling industry so I'm looking to basically take advantage because soon I'll get paid for how I look if all goes well. Nothing better than free shoots and products! Building my portfolio.
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Have short esters because IDC about pinning ED and want those three compounds to build up fast as a kick in while waiting for Deca

sounds like a kick ass lean bulking cycle there!

heres a tip .. if you don't like waiting for the Deca/nandrolone to kick in .. simply front load your deca with NPP*, and that will get the nandrolone in your system WAY kicker (I do this anytime I run deca now cause I don't like waiting until week 7-8 to feel like a beast)
100mg NPP Eod weeks 1-6
500mg deca a week weeks 1-15

* Npp is just the short ester fast acting form of nandrolone (deca)
Thanks Roush. Your post gave me the idea to run some Slin btw. :)
Also, thank you Jo for the idea to run Deca with Tren. Wanted to try something new.
im sure I'll make some nice gains... But now it's not like all the other times where I would say "just pack on mass, let's go!" I have to be extra careful with the way I look as the cycle progresses to stay "presentable" or "shoot ready". My main concern is the water from Deca but I'm sure Adex will handle that.

Hopefully I'll have time to log this upcoming bulk.