Standing Shoulder Presses


New member
I have been doing these as my main shoulder movement the last 3 weeks. What do you guyd think of these as a excerice to pack on mass on the delts?
When I do them I seem alot more "powerful" but I question the amount of mass it puts on. I usually do 4 sets and keep my reps between 6-12.
IMO it should seem like probably one of the best shoulder movements because it hits all the heads of the delts (the fronts the most), traps, upper/mid back and works your core good since you have to keep it tight to stay stable.
I also clean the first rep to lift it over head, that seems to be the part that mkes me the strongest.

Anyone out there do these? and your thoughts?
just so you know, these can put a strain on your lower back. people tend to overextend and the added weight on your spine can force a disk out of allignment.
if you have back problems, i'd do these seated in a high back seat.
I do my shoulder presses seated off pin in the power rack. For some reason i can't do them standing without arching quite a bit.
Ok, outside the back issues. Do you guys like these for mass and power. It is IMO more impressive to see a guy lift a weight over his head standing and it has more real world function than do it seated
I like these and I do them quite often, always in front of the neck never behind the neck.
yes, i think they are pretty damn good for putting on muscle in the "shoulder" area. but not standing. as wench and jcp2 said, they are not great for your back and i know this becuase i fucked up my back a while ago because i was arching it when doing standing shoulder press. also, you can get more weight up by sitting with your back up against the seat.
MuffDyver said:
yes, i think they are pretty damn good for putting on muscle in the "shoulder" area. but not standing. as wench and jcp2 said, they are not great for your back and i know this becuase i fucked up my back a while ago because i was arching it when doing standing shoulder press. also, you can get more weight up by sitting with your back up against the seat.

I have seen people do these without arching the way i need to. I have a natural curve in my back, not scoleosis, a little more pronounced than some people do.
wench said:
just so you know, these can put a strain on your lower back. people tend to overextend and the added weight on your spine can force a disk out of allignment.
if you have back problems, i'd do these seated in a high back seat.

werd...did them twice with buddy...and i had fractured 2 vertebreas a couple years back...needless to say my back didnt like standing bar presses
I'm with the majority here... yes, they work standing up... yes, they work standing down... lots of strain on lower back (whether or not your spine curves or not) when standing... very little when seated... same results... I always sit to go shoulder work... much safer, and personally, I get the same results... also, you may think it looks more impressive when someone is holding the weight over his head... but I bet you would be singing a different song after you screw your back up like a few of my friends did!

iv been doing these for 3wks and i can lift a hell of a lot more on a bench than i can standing, i still cant lift as much even if i use my legs to help push the weight up. i think u hav to be extra careful doing this, its hard to keep balance when ur arms are overhead and iv hurt my rotator cuff in the past