stanolozol powder


To Much Is Not Enough
I have read that since stan is usually injected in a water base, sterility becomes an issue when home brewing. Any thoughts? I need to decide soon whether to make it injectable or just cap it.
After much experimentation with oral, I've recently switched to injectable - and there is a noticeable difference in potency JMO.
I made mine with straight peg 400, i shot 1cc and it was basically painless. I ended up just using it orally, and it worked fine.
It "works" either way. But I find I can use a smaller dose and get better results using IM rather than oral.
IM will yeild better results always. It doesnt have to go through the digestive system. Would you suspend your oral in HCl? I dont think so, your stomach is not a freindly place for orals, nevermind the liver.
Thanks for all the info guys. Has anyone personally had sterility problems with their own home made injectable winny?
Yep, everything else's sterile also, and I use a very high heat to dissolve Winstrol (winny) into solution first.